I used to pay $9 to $12 for my smokes.
Now I’ll have to pay $10.50 to $13.50 for my roll-your-own tobacco…depending on which store I buy it at.
I’ll also have to pay $37.10 for an eighth of pot, whereas before I’d pay $35.
So for the year I’ll be paying $78 more for my smokes and perhaps $400 more a year for my pot.
Fuckin’ Tom Jacobson on that last one, as well as can’t-keep-it-in-his-pants Bullock.
Thanks legislature, fucking thanks!
God, these people.
Mary Caferro is of course the dumb broad that’s foisting this cigarette nonsense on us.
Starting April 30, I have to pay more for the exact same thing.
This is typical Democratic politics.
The argument for cigs is that it costs the state $449 million a year because people use this product.
Legislators think this will bring in $70 million a year.
Not even 50% of the money is going to smoking-related issues, however.
Most of the money goes to buildings.
The only reason healthcare workers are getting a raise is because I smoke.
And my how they’ll get their money.
- $10.80 an hour by Oct. 1
- $11.80 an hour by Jan. 1, 2018
- $12.80 an hour by July 1, 2018
- $13.80 an hour by Oct. 1, 2018.
So these healthcare workers are getting $4 more an hour over the course of the next year and a half.
Pretty damn good.
Wish I got that much, but the state only deems me important enough to bump my pay from $8.05 an hour to $8.15.
I’m not important. Healthcare workers are.
It’s just another typical Democratic wealth redistribution scheme.
And smokers aren’t even the real health problems in this country – fat people are.
We know that 15% of Americans smoke, yet 69% of Americans are overweight.
In fact, 36% of Americans are obese…more than twice the number of Americans that smoke.
6.3% are extremely obese.
Good luck getting a sugary drink tax passed, however.
Can you imagine the number of fat asses that’d come out of the woodwork to testify against that?
And please, let’s not forget how much those fat asses cost this country each year.
It’s figured our obesity epidemic is costing the country $147 billion a year.
Fat people also miss a lot of work because of their fat-related health issues, costing America between $3 and $6 billion more a year.
But what about smoking?
That is costing the country $300 billion a year and $156 billion in lost productivity.
Wow, I cannot believe that!
You’re telling me that what 15% of the country is doing is costing more than what 69% of the country is doing?
Having a smoke costs us more each year than stuffing our faces?
I don’t buy it.
Sleep apnea, for instance, is already a $7 billion a year business.
The only reason people get sleep apnea is because they’re too fat to sleep normally and have to be hooked up to a machine.
Gastric bypass surgery is expected to be a $3 billion industry by 2022.
But none of that really matters. Smoking is the real enemy…but not really.
The whole argument for this smoking tax bill was to increase the pay for healthcare workers.
I’ll bet $10 that most of those healthcare workers are dealing with problems from obesity, not smoking.
I’ll bet that many of those healthcare workers – particularly the female nurses – are overweight as well.
Remember when doctors used to smoke?
Today we shake our heads at that.
Trust me – in another few decades we’ll be shaking our heads that we ever had fat nurses and doctors.
Now, in regards to my pot…well, fuck you – that’s none of your business.
Boy I hope someone can defeat Tom Jacobson in the next election. I can't think of one way that man helps this state.
All I can really do is shake my head at how stupid our state is, and the people in it.
$150 million in taxes for Colorado last year, all from legal pot.
My, we could sure build a lot of shit we don’t need with that, huh? Maybe even give pay raises to healthcare workers that are already doing pretty good.
But we won’t do that, again, because we’re a stupid state filled with stupid people.
Oh well.
I got off pretty good from the 2015 legislature. No real tax increase and I got to drive my car 5 miles an hour faster on the interstate.
The 2017 legislature has fucked me, however.
Makin’ me pay more to smoke.
All I can say is fuck you!