Last week Trump spoke Kim Jong Un’s language.
The media did not like this ‘fire and fury’ talk, but the North Korean leader understood it damn-well.
He backed down in the face of that talk, saying that Guam will no longer be attacked.
On top of this, the Russian-hacking story went south real fast, with revelations that there was no hack, but instead a leak by the DNC.
Suddenly, both the Democrats and the national media had nothing to lambast Trump with.
My God...whatever would they do?
Well, thankfully for them, a bunch of white, underemployed, misdirected racists down South decided to have a rally over the removal of a Confederate statue.
Equally thankful, a bunch of underemployed, misdirected young people staged a counter-rally and then the fireworks really got started.
A riot took place, and one person died. Sadly for the bloodthirsty national media, that person was not black.
Regardless, the national media got their circus and the Democrats got something to chastise Trump over.
That chastisement really began when Trump didn’t give the response to the protests that both the media and Democrats wanted.
Suddenly there was an issue to bludgeon Trump with again, one the media and Democrats could point to to say that Trump was unfit for office.
And that takes us to Helena.
Helena, you say?
Yep...over 2,000 miles away from that weekend riot, but the Queen City had to have her say.
Well...that’s not quite accurate.
The Helena area has 77,000 people.
Around 400 of them showed up last night to tell city officials that they want the confederate statue removed from Women’s Park.
That comes out to 0.5% of the population that felt bothered enough by this fountain to show up and voice their discontent.
And the city officials caved-in to that 0.5%, as well as the national media uproar over those weekend riots far to the east of us.
My goodness.
Personally, I think Helena has much bigger problems than a nearly 100-year-old fountain.
For instance, despite having a median household income of $49,800, we know that 17% of Helenans are living in poverty.
Here’s where they work:
White collar.
Here’s another fun fact: we know that women in Helena make $18,800 less in annual salary than men do.
We know that just 12% of 35-44-year-olds have health coverage.
The city also has one helluva problem with drink and drugs. Heck, 191 Helenans got DUI’s in 2016.
Another interesting stat is that Asians tend to make more money in both Helena and the Butte area than whites do, about $6,500 more a year.
Despite that, we haven’t seen a lot of whites rising up against Asians.
I’m sorry, I’m just trying to find reasons for why the city officials and Helena politicians spent so much time and energy on this fountain issue when Helena has much more pressing issues to deal with.
I mean, the fountain’s been there for a century. We had a bit of uproar over it in 2015, but nothing happened.
Now, two years later...who is this fountain hurting?
After all, 93% of Helena is white, with just 2.8% Hispanic, 2.3% Indian, 0.7% Asian, and 0.4% black.
I’m white and I don’t care about the fountain. It seems that the effort to remove it was driven by a political Native American group, one led by Missoula legislator Shane Morigeau and cheered on by Josh Manning.
Those two have a lot to gain by getting rid of that fountain - they think it’ll get their name in the papers and perhaps boost their chances in the next election.
Of course, by saying all this you know I'll be labeled a racist, bigoted, homophobic, sexist, chauvinistic pig.
Anyone today, anywhere in the country that doesn’t condemn the weekend riots or call for all Confederate monuments to be removed is a racist.
That’s the message we get from the national media and the Democrats.
They think this is a winning issue, one that’ll get rid of Trump and have the Dems riding into the Capitol in 2019 with overwhelming majorities in both chambers.
They actually think this is the issue that most Americans care about.
And if they find there are some that don’t care about it, fine - just call them racist or whatever other epithet you want and write them off.
What do we need them for, or their silly ideas? We surely don’t want their vote!
I got an email today from someone asking my opinion about the fountain, and they had this observation:
I just read Helena caved to this with the support of the usual left wing Democrats signing a letter of support. If this is where the Democratic party wants to go they are surely going to go on losing big, especially in Montana . Political correctness is just not a winner here and even in most states. I actually think this issue will not defeat Trump but give him a second term.
Democrats like Manning and Morigeau think this is a winning issue, and maybe in their safe-zones in the cities, it is.
But it’ll do nothing to gain Dems support in the rural areas where they desperately need it.
We listed off some stats about Helena. You can see that there are plenty of issues the Dems could focus on that would actually make a difference in people’s lives.
Instead they continue to go for the ‘symbolic victories’ while losing the real battles.
It’s the economy, stupid!
Black,, straight...Christian or Muslim...the issue that brings us all together and which we all have in common is the money in our pocket.
It’s how much we make, what our benefits are, how much we have for retirement, and whether we’ll get sick or not.
Those are the issues that are important to the majority of Montanans and the majority of Americans.
But Democrats don’t focus on the issues important to the majority of people.
They focus on issues that cater to small, minority groups.
And they lose because of it.