I’m getting worn-out by our incessant culture wars here in America, which are mainly pitting postmodernists against the religious. Our corporate media is driving this.
It’s quite funny, when you think about it - despite CBS having 222 reporters, NBC having 200 reporters, and ABC having 179...all three major corporate news networks give us the exact same stories each night.
Rich global shareholders telling rich New York executives to tell rich reporters what to tell us, and we eat it up each night with dinner.
Bon Appétit!
I don’t think the message of those global shareholders is the same message this country was founded upon.
Traditional American values like believing in God, the Bible, universal moral standards, sanctity of life, family values, marriage between a man and a woman, the Christian founding of America, and historic truth are under assault in this country.
Seeking to take their place are the opposite values: the denial of God, belief in biological evolution, rejection of the Bible, faith in a relative moral code, abortion on demand, doing away with traditional family values, abolishing the idea of marriage as between a man and a woman, and denying our nation’s Christian heritage.
I get a lot of emails from people telling me they don’t feel the Democratic Party represents them anymore.
I can understand why. The only message the Dems seem to push today is one that stresses moral relativism, no absolutes, inclusion, evolution, collectivist/progressive ideology, environmentalism, feminism, abortion, pagan spirituality, transgenderism, gay rights, pacifism, social justice, and of course free stuff.
The only people getting excited about the Democratic message are those that don’t work and think capitalism is evil. They’d rather complain than try to make things better. When confronted with obstacles, it’s not about overcoming them - they find ways to avoid them, or better yet, accommodate them. The idea of fighting for anything is against everything they stand for.
Like I said, I’m getting worn out.