See some videos here.
It was a time to pat themselves on the back, offering congratulations for all the ‘good’ they’ve done the state.
Over 1,200 of them were in attendance…200 more than last year.
And my how they were regaled by the speakers!
Jon Tester…Rob Quist…and New Jersey’s own Corey Booker.
Aaahhh…Corey Booker.
Got into some hot water recently, that one did, mainly over his vote to keep Big Pharma’s poison priced so prohibitevly high.
He knows you can’t do anything about this, and he knows that you’ll keep voting for him regardless.
Oh…can’t vote for him because he’s from a state 2,100 miles away?
No problem – just vote for his carbon copy, Jon Tester!
Yep, ol’ Jonny Boy voted the same way ol’ Booker did: against your interests and for Big Pharma’s.
Make you angry that they voted to keep prescription drug prices high?
It should…unless you’re a Democrat. Then you ignore it.
Well gosh darn – then you shouldn’t have come to this site today!
Perhaps you don’t like those images, or want to argue that the dollar amounts are too high.
Well, would it make you feel better if Tester and Booker were only paid $1 by Big Pharma and not tens of thousands?
I mean, corruption is corruption, whether the payoff is in the millions or just a few pennies.
But we ignore that. We justify it. We turn our back.
These are Democrats we’re talking about here! They’re the good guys.
So we ignore the things we don’t like, highlight those we do.
We justify, and we enable.
Jon Tester doesn’t need to move anymore left or right on the issues. In fact, he doesn’t need to do shit.
All he really needs to do is continue the same ol’ song and dance, the same ol’ dog and pony show.
Montanans eat it up and ask for seconds.
Over 1,200 of them did last night, ignoring the votes that Big Pharma buys from Tester, ignoring the votes they buy from Booker.
On their two mouthpiece blogs – both run by cowards that are too afraid to let you see their posts on social media, though at least one has the balls to use his real name – you won’t hear any of this.
Indeed, you’ll hear so much hypocrisy it’ll make your head spin.
Republicans and their bought and paid for votes will always be pointed out, as well as who’s giving them money to vote that way.
But Democrats?
Nope, we sweep their dirty laundry under the rug and pretend it’s not there.
Democrats feel good about themselves after doing this, like they’ve just washed their hands of the corruption right in front of their noses and now no longer have to worry about it.
And good luck pointing this out to them.
When ID put up a guest post decrying the high insulin prices in this country, I left the following comment:
Of course, I’ve been blocked from commenting on that site, the same as many around the state.
Blocked on MT Cowgirl/boy too.
This is what happens when you question.
Very democratic, isn’t it?
Nancy Keenan got paid $585,000 during the years she worked for NARAL-Pro Choice
Last year the Montana Democrats paid her $36,354.
In fact, in 2016 the MT Democratic Party paid out $356,565 in wages, salaries and benefits.
In comparison, they spent:
- $64,600 in transfers to National
- $27,397 in transfers to state/local parties
- $24,320 on campaign data and technology
- $16,871 on fundraising fees
- $13,500 on polling and surveys
- $6,569 on event expenses and food
- $5,816 on fundraising consultants
- $860 on campaign mailings
Those 8 expenditures total $159,993…or $196,632 less than the Party spent on salaries.
- Clearly, getting people elected isn’t important as keeping old has-beens and never-weres firmly ensconced in the Party’s unelected hierarchy.
- Clearly, keeping the incompetent staff they have now is the most important thing for the Montana Democratic Party to do…at least if you go by what they spend money on.
- Clearly, those making those atrociously high salaries will do everything in their power to ensure those salaries keep coming, even if it means steamrolling over Democrats that question this strategy.
It makes me sick. I feel I’m not the only one in the state that feels this way, it’s just that I’m the only one talking about it publicly.
- I mean, the Party brass decided to spend 26 times more money on employee salaries than they did on polling and surveys.
- They spent 14 times more on salaries than they did for all the fundraising they did, including the fees, consulting, mailings, calls, and events.
- They spent 13 times more on salaries than they did on local or statewide candidates.
Again, it’s quite clear that keeping the top brass happy – all unelected individuals – is more important than raising money, getting that money to candidates, and doing polling to figure out how those candidates stand with the public.
This was clear to me as far back as a week after the 2014 elections.
Nancy Keenan and her salary are more important than any statewide or local candidate, however.
Follow the money.
Besides Nancy Keenan and her $36,000 salary, MT Dems also paid:
- Colleen Martin $60,475
- Allison Dale-Riddle $30,810
- Kendra Miller $26,320
Lot of money, huh?
What do you think’s more important to those 4 women…making Montana a better place, or keeping their high salaries?
Colleen Martin, for instance, isn’t even from Montana.
All of those high salaries pale in comparison to the $2.4 million they doled out to DNC Services Corp, however, which was their largest 2016 expenditure.
DNC Services Corp is the biggest funder of the Hillary Victory Fund.
In fact, Montana was the 5th highest donor to them last year. Only Rhode Island Democrats are more corrupt than those in Montana.
If the corruption from Tester isn’t enough for you, please remember the $64,100 Hillary gave to the Montana Democrats last year.
Yes, the MT Dems sell themselves cheap.
Worse, they’re corrupt.
That’s corruption, selling your party to a national candidate nearly a year before the primaries start.
Again, Montana Democrats look the other way on this.
To them, the ends justify the means.
Always will too, especially with this crop of “leaders” in charge.
You shouldn’t.
It should make you sick to your stomach.
But you don’t care.
Montana Democrats don’t care that their Party is corrupt and full of shit and playing both sides.
Yes, they are playing both sides – Tester says he cares about seniors and sick people but then votes to keep their drug prices high.
He even has the audacity to pull in an asshole from New Jersey that does the same thing, even though we know Montana Democrats hate people from New Jersey!
Yes, I can smell the stench of hypocrisy coming from Helena Dem brass all the way over here in Missoula.
And guess what? It’ll never change…you don’t want it to!
Remember, I’m the problem with the MT Democratic Party right now, not the corrupt officials and their high-salaried hanger-ons.
Go right ahead and blame me. I’m sure that’ll change a lot…but it will ensure people like Nancy Keenan and her ilk keep their cushy positions.
Perhaps instead of blaming me and calling me a troll or a Republican or a racist or whatever else the Dem bag of tricks might have in it today, why not blame those that created this situation?
Those would be the 'leaders' of the Montana Democratic Party, all those unelected assholes that feed from the trough that you fill with your small $10-here and $20-there donations.
They’ve violated your trust and squandered whatever respect you should have for them.
But you won’t raise a finger to stop them at your precious convention in June; you sure as shit won’t raise your voice to speak out against this corruption.
But I will.
I’m not afraid.
Why should I be?
If no others in this state will stand up and do the right thing, then I will.
I’ll be a leader and call out this corruption when no one else will.
Remember that, and remember the price I paid.
Would I do it again?
You bet your ass I would - every fucking time.