Mainly I’m just frustrated at being ignored.
- I’m ignored on social media, for no one ever shares or favorites or likes what I post there;
- I’m ignored on this website because no one ever comments;
- I’m ignored when I go to City Council meetings or write letters or try to get people elected.
It’s frustrating, but what can you do? Give up, I guess, and maybe you’d like to see me do that. I feel that the Montana Democrats would like to see that very much, in fact. They only want those who will fall lock-step in line, following blindly whatever course has been set for them.
I’m sorry, but I’m not that person. So I suffer the consequences, which is being ignored.
James Conner over at the Flathead Memo was nice enough to put me on his blog roll. I’m not on any others in the state that I know of, even sites like 4&20 and its new spinoff, sites that typically get angry when they’re not on blog rolls.
It’s a political blog tier-system, with some sites sitting at comfortable positions.
- Montana Cowgirl is Tier 1, the accepted mouthpiece of the Montana Democratic Party and a site that won’t tolerate comments from ‘unapproved’ sources.
- Sites like 4&20 and Flathead Memo are Tier 2 Montana political sites, for they’re not quite following the party line. Indeed, they often fight against it. They’re not accepted so much as tolerated, for they keep up that dualism needed for a ‘healthy’ debate.
- Tier 3 sites are sites like mine, the ones that are completely ignored. We might have gotten some recognition from the first two tiers at some point, but now they usually withhold that as if their lives depended on it.
- I would like to add that there is a soft tier between Tiers 1 and 2, and I’d like to call this Tier 1.5. This is where I’ll put Intelligent Discontent, as I feel they’re striving mightily to reach that top position, though I believe they never will.
I’m only going to mention those sites, as they’re the main ones that put up new content several times a week. There are other sites out there, and if you look at the blog rolls of those sites, you’ll see them. Sadly, they can’t stick to a posting schedule to save their life. It also makes me wonder if these are really “sites we read,” as it’d get mighty boring reading all that old content over and over. 4&20’s is probably the worst, with so much dead wood it’s a wonder the whole site hasn’t gone up and blown away by now.
It’s best not to wonder when it comes to Montana Democrats. The best thing is to shut up, get in place, and march to the orders that you’ve been given. After all, when you’re a party with no ideas and no clear plan to take the 2017 Montana Legislature, the best thing to do is batten down the hatches and stifle all conversation, deeming it dissent.
Quite the tactic for the “all-inclusive party,” huh?
I don’t know what to do about these things. When the blowup at 4&20 first happened I figured it was all nonsense, stupid talk. But then I quickly remembered the recent media blackout I’ve been experiencing. I started to think, ‘hey, maybe there is something to this after all.’
Hillary has begun to go on the defensive as well, and just this past Sunday her dogs were out on the morning talk shows. Jim Messina is also free, now that his jaunt across the pond has come to an end. I mean…an old Montana blogger that moved to Minnesota years ago suddenly coming to reclaim his space? That’s weird, and I have to wonder…are there people on strings, and are those strings being pulled?
I’m not the only one thinking this, and with 2016 Senate races set to heat up, there’s a good bet Tester is in on this as well. Remember, he heads up Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), which is responsible for stocking the Senate with the ‘yes’ votes the next president will need. On the state level, Bullock is heading up the Democratic Governor’s Association (DGA) which has the goal of giving the next president as many veto pens as possible for his/her first two years in office, maybe more. After that the mid-term comes, and it’ll be hell to pay…always is.
So I’m worried that the Montana Democrats are stifling all dissent and conversation that’s not their own, but I’m not really that surprised by it. As you saw in the post earlier this week, Miles Romney was excommunicated from the Montana Democratic Party after he challenged the Montana Democrat’s corporate overlords back in the 1910s. This was one of the men responsible for giving us Workmen’s Comp and the Direct Primary and Citizen Initiative.
It’s clear going back decades that the Montana Democratic Party will stifle justice and ‘what’s right’ so that their leaders and moneymen can stay in charge. It’s a real shame, but you can’t expect it to change, because the party likes it this way.
I don’t know what to do, but I feel the pain of those folks at 4&20 this past week when they were really letting it out in the comments. They have a good sense of what’s up, and it’s because they don’t stick to the main media sources or party talking points.
The problem with Democrats, however, or the left in general, is that we constantly fight with ourselves. While this can benefit us, much like a football team doing skirmishes all week, it can wear us down before the big game, and cause us to lose key players as well. How many good Democrats have already given up because of the way their party has acted? We all know the U.S. Senate primary process was a sham last go-round, and that’s still never been adequately explained, the idea that tradition can be bucked and sides can be chosen. It’s wrong.
But that doesn’t concern Democrats in Montana much anymore, what’s right or wrong. They’ve been without a legislature for so long that they’ll do just about anything to get it back. To them, the ends totally justify the means, and that’s a real shame, for any ‘solutions’ they come up with will just be disguised problems that someone else will have to solve down the road.
Republicans are of course worse, as I made clear in my comment on the Missoulian article about Greg Gianforte and the old retirees protesting against him:
But gosh, Republicans are worse.
- They hate women, paying them less when they work in their businesses and insisting that men know better about a woman’s sexual organs and what they can or can’t do.
- They hate minorities, whether it’s those born here or those born overseas that just want to come here and work their asses off to make money and pay taxes.
- They hate gay people and anyone that doesn’t follow their sexual mores, which they of course violate all the time by sleeping with other women and sometimes even boys.
- They hate poor people like you’d hate some shit on your shoe, kicking it away lest it contaminate the rest of you.
- They hate children, forcing them to go hungry at school and then cutting the quality of their schooling…if they even fund it at all.
So Republicans are a terrible political party, though to many people they look good. One of the chief reasons for this is not that people are crazy, but because they hate corruption and money in politics. Yeah, Republicans have this big time, but so do Democrats. Remember, the ends justify the means for these folks, and they also don’t have the ‘faith’ of Republicans, so they look at things more cynically.
All of that turns voters away, and it’s why we see huge numbers of people not voting. More people in this country and state don’t vote than do much of the time.
But let’s not talk about this, alright? You could get in trouble.
I can talk about this, because you know I’m on the lowest Montana blogging tier that there is. I’ll go head and take one for the team and discuss this stuff, because it’s clear my future is already ruined. After all, I had the gall to challenge and question.
And that, my friends, is just not allowed in Montana.
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