No, I’m not talking about the ads and commercials today…I’m talking about those issues that never seem to go away, you know, the ones you didn’t really think were important in the first place?
Yeah, BS, lots of it. Let’s take a look at 10 of those that often take up too much of your time, or at least try to.
- Guns: For Republicans this is a huge issue, to me as a Democrat, I could care less. Aren’t guns legal? Great – let’s not waste anymore time on it, alright?
- Keystone XL Pipeline: God I’m getting sick of hearing about this. When the hell will Obama do something so I can stop listening to twits talk about this each day like there’s something going on?
- Public Lands: If they’re public, why is it that corporations are profiting from them more than I am? Shouldn’t I get some money, as a Montanan that’s losing some of that majestic public-ness? Otherwise I’d just assume show those companies the door.
- Logging: How many people are employed by logging in this state? I know that agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting make up just 6% of Montana’s GDP, so probably not a whole helluva lot, huh? Why do so many idiots act like this is critical then?
- The Petroleum Industry: Why do I always hear so much about these schlubs in the newspaper each day, or on Twitter, or on the TV? Probably because they’re paying people to talk about them, an advertising expense. Maybe I’m the only one sick of hearing about them and their supposed problems, I don’t know.
- "Congressional Holiday:" I don’t want to hear the news media utter this term again for a really long time. I’d also like to see Congress get paid for the hours they work, not some stupid salary. Do you get paid for 40 hours when you only worked 20? These people make me sick, I won’t apologize for that one.
- Camp David: I’d just like to see this place closed. I feel the Secret Service is stretched to thin and that they don’t have enough resources to protect the president. I don’t know, maybe that’s the idea. Frankly, I’d like to see this place given to charity - $7.9 million a year it costs us? Right now 633,782 people are homeless in America!
- Political Practices: I’m tired of Jonathan Motl being used by the governor to go after Republicans. Most of these issues are pretty trite, and I wonder how much tax money is wasted on it. But then you’d have to wonder how much of the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices’ $55,000 salary is just a waste, too, and maybe you’d rather not think about that.
- Gay People: I really don’t care what anyone does in their home or wherever, so long as it’s not hurting me. Republicans feel the same way, except if you’re gay. They used to feel the same way about black people too, and Hispanics, and they still feel that way about women, it’s just a fact of life.
- Your Budget: I don’t care about your budget, or whatever problems you have because of the constraints it puts upon you. I tell you this because you’ve made it abundantly clear over the years with your policies and procedures that you in no way care about me or whatever family budget I might have.
I’m sure some of these political thoughts made you angry. Good.