It’s clear their tactics and their strategy are failing, failing miserably.
That’s what coming up 20,000 to 30,000 votes short in every single statewide primary race means.
I wish Democrats would change, perhaps start talking up issues people care about…but they won’t.
It’s because the Montana Democratic Party represents a small and entitled elite, not the common workers, downtrodden and misbegotten souls that it should.
It’s clear that other Montana blogs are starting to pick up on the trend we’ve been discussing for the better part of a year now.
What is that trend?
It’s that the Montana Democratic Party is unresponsive to your needs and continues to push a tired message that you don’t care about.
We’re seeing continued blowback against the idiocy of Dems on Flathead Memo.
- “Unless Democrats broaden their coalition and again begin winning majorities at the state and local level,” the Democratic party will not be saved, even if they defeat Trump.
- “My enlightened self-interest requires continuing to vote for Democrats. But the Democratic Party itself has become no party for this man.”
- “I’m…sticking it to Montana’s Democrats for defining youth as the age of a young grandfather.”
- “It’s time, the Democratic establishment apparently has decided, to shove Bernie Sanders into the ditch to spare Hillary Clinton the indignity of having to win the nomination fair and square.”
Alright, so I took that last one out of context, as we’re describing the 5,300 people that did not vote for either Hillary or Bernie.
Why didn’t they vote?
I feel that we’ll have to go to a different site for that answer.
Reptile Dysfunction continues to point out the sheer hypocrisy of Dems in Montana, nationally, and abroad.
- “Here is the uncomfortable reality that most Americans will be reluctant to acknowledge. The enemies of this country and its founding principles—the people who most threaten our families and our community’s safety—are the Democrats and Republicans exploiting this tragedy to fulfill their political agendas, which really only differ in terms of rhetorical window dressing.”
- “Because too many Americans–Democrats and Republicans alike–are blinded by American Exceptionalism and ignorant of this dark history, that small minority of powerful people will continue manufacturing oversimplified stories (read: propaganda) to keep the rest of us killing each other.”
- “So Democrats, before attending the next vigil, consider that in a few months you will be voting for a lying sociopath funded by jihadist child killers who sponsor terrorists like the ones who attacked us on 9/11, yet still are protected from exposure by powerful, treasonous forces within our own government.”
- “It’s broken, the metaphor goes. No, the Democratic party is broken, and now a new generation will know it intimately as the wars get worse and the ticking time-bomb of our economy gets closer to cataclysm.”
- “The only good that could come from all this is the realization among young voters that the Democratic Party does not and will not represent them. From the head to the tail, the fish is rotten, and the only thing to do with a rotting carcass is to throw it in the trash.”
Logicosity had a post up yesterday that really makes you scratch your head and wonder.
In Thinking Caps it’s speculated that top MT Democratic brass is blaming the abysmal turnout in the primary on the fact that college students did not vote.
Logicosity then points out that this college vote would still leave Dems 9,000 votes short in turnout for the governor’s race, and quite a bit more for all the down-ticket races.
Wow, Montana Democratic Party ‘leaders’…talk about having their heads in the sand, huh?
So that’s three of the state’s blogs bashing Dems for the stupidity and four if you count mine.
Cowturd went on vacation for 10 days as we pointed out and the propaganda machines at ID have ramped up for the slow summer.
More and more, people are realizing that the Democratic Party is not helping them.
In Montana we get the same tired public lands issue over and over, but most people are struggling with bills and work and family.
I don’t know who the Montana Democratic Party is talking to, but it certainly isn’t me.
Oh, but they are up at the Fort Peck Indian Reservation trolling for votes.
Yep, the place that has a 53% unemployment rate and a terrible problem with hopelessness.
Montana Democrats hope some of those Indians can help them pull through this election.
Maybe they will, but I’m not counting on it, nor am I counting on the problems of the Indians getting any better.
Perhaps things aren’t supposed to get better for them or for you and I. Perhaps it’s just supposed to get better for those at the top.
That’s why the top of the Montana Democratic Party is scared and nervous and worried.
They might not be at the top for much longer.
Taking a moment to look at foreign affairs, my, how about that Brexit vote that’s scheduled for tomorrow?
I sure the hell hope those Brits leave the EU and get out from under the thumb of the foreign bankers.
It could happen.
Course, that’d be a helluva blow to David Cameron, with some saying he’d be forced out or that he’d have to resign.
I hope so. That’d be a huge blow to Jim Messina, a man I’m not at all happy about. First of all he gave Missoula Dan Kemmis 25 years ago and then he gave us Obama 8 years ago.
Both have been monumental failures for the American working class.
- Kemmis’s policies have led directly to our current $88 million in debt in the Garden City, and our tied-at-the-hip status with the UN and their refugee resettlement plans.
- Obama lied to us about ending the Iraq War and then he tries to steal our nation’s sovereignty with his TPP trade deal.
What a failure he’s been, what a failure.
But going back across the pond, a big reason most older voters in England will be voting to leave the EU is because they don’t want all these immigrants.
I couldn’t agree more. Syrians belong in Syria, the country that they come from and are named after.
They don’t belong in Britain or Germany or Sweden or America.
But that wouldn’t profit nonprofit relocation groups, now would it?
It also wouldn’t create small pockets of discontent in America, both for the people that don’t want the immigrants here and for the immigrants that will feel little more than resentment at how they’re shunned by the general population.
Our social services will be destroyed in Missoula when those immigrants come in. They’ve already been destroyed by all the homeless we’re lured in with the promise of free beds and meals.
When they’re too drunk to sleep in those free beds they head down to the parks, the alleys, and under the bridges…if they’re not cramming-up our jails.
This is not seen as a problem at all in Missoula, nay, it’s seen as a benefit.
It creates the need for more funding, more taxpayer jobs. In Missoula, we love creating more government spending, taking more of your tax dollars.
What is there to show for it?
Please, please…don’t ask.