Well, the backcountry to be more precise.
She’ll/He’ll/It’ll/They’ll be gone until next Wednesday.
You can see quite clearly that MT Cowturd threw in the towel for two weeks, their last post being June 8 and their next one not expected until June 22.
- The primaries were harder on Democrats than they’d like you to believe.
- Could also be that the terrorist attack by self-radicalized terrorists obliterated whatever message Hillary was set to launch this week.
- And it just might be that now, with the convention over, there’s really no point in pandering for your support anymore.
Oh, the $5-here and $10-there fundraising emails won’t stop – don’t be stupid.
But your desire for news about Montana sure will be.
Honestly, you’re telling me that none of the following people could have put a post up over the next 10 days?
- Jessica Karjala
- Tom Woods
- Sam Hunthausen
- Mark Snider
- Didi Peccia
- Morgan Pett
- Justin Robbins
- Bill LaCroix
- Mary Sheehy Moe
So those are all the guest posters going back to mid-April.
Most have appeared since the end of May, five of them in fact.
Besides that, the site just doesn’t seem to be putting up much content:
- 7 posts in June
- 25 posts in May
- 23 posts in April
So…what’s going on?
I feel that our constant pummeling of Cowturd is beginning to pay dividends.
You just can’t have an anonymous shit rag continuously attacking people in the state and expect things to get better.
Hey, there’s no problem attacking people if you’re using your real name, but to do so from the shadows, fearful of coming out?
My god, that’s weak sauce.
But that’s Montana Democrats for you, and MT Cowturd is their unofficial mouthpiece.
So now they’ll go 14 days without any kind of substantive post?
Hell, Justin Robins had 3 posts between April and May and we always hear from at least one of the chosen favorites of the female legislative pool – you can’t drag them out of the woodwork for one or two posts?
What about Secret Squirrel…or was his legislative loss too much to take and now it’s just sticking to 140 characters on Twitter?
Folks, the Montana Democratic Party does not have it in them to get any kind of message that you care about out to you.
What’s really sad is that we got not a word about the convention from MT Cowturd.
- Nothing at all about the convention run-up to it this week, including the block-party Dems had.
- Nothing at all about the planks conventions to nail down what Democrats in Montana stand for.
- Nothing at all on the 21 delegates chosen for the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in about six weeks.
It’s just a damn shame.
I’d like to take a moment to point out a few of the Montana Democratic delegates that I’m especially proud of.
- Steve Wells was instrumental in getting the Bernie Sanders movement in Montana up and running with his help way back way back in July of last year.
- Bill Geer is an older Democrat, one that ran for the legislature from Lolo in 2014 but lost. He’s very adamant that we have problems in this country and he’s happy Bernie is addressing them.
- Anita Green is a member of the transgender community in Missoula and it’s unique and minority voices like hers that will help us identify and address some of the serious problems we have in this country.
We won’t be hearing about any of those serious problems on MT Cowturd for a while, however.
That’s sad.
It’ll be especially sad if the site comes back from the hills early to put up a post, or drags a guest poster up from the lake to do one.
It’s summer, for God’s sake – you mean the rich and entitled are supposed to do work?
I guess that must be the mantra this summer at MT Cowturd.
Certainly the reason for the vacation is not the utter shellacking Dems got in the primaries last week, and it’s certainly not the terrorist attack yesterday.
Nope, just time for a break…so all you regular folks in Montana just fend for yourselves for a bit, don’t worry as the world around you falls apart.
Well, you’ll get none of that vacation nonsense over here at Big Sky Words.
I’ll continue to pound the key and keep the presses running.
There’s news happening, damn it, and I’m certain you want to know about it.
So let’s talk about that news…which will be dominated by talk about Muslims and guns and gays and presidential politics.
Let’s tackle that first one today.
In December 2015 a study by Pew Research told us that just 0.9% of Americans identify as Muslim.
That would come out to 2.8 million people based on our population of 318.9 million, though in 2011 Pew pegged it at 2.75 million, with 1.8 million being adults.
Something I find interesting is that by 2050 Muslims in America will comprise 2.1% of the population, outnumbering Jews.
Another interesting tidbit is that in 1992 Muslim immigrants made up 5% of total immigrants to the US but by 2012 that’d doubled to 10%.
The main thing to be concerned about with this is how many of those Muslims adhere to the hard-line Sharia Law that dominates places like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and most of northern Africa.
Sharia Law tells Muslims to kill all non-believers, and it does so in Chapter 4, Verse 89 of the Koran.
We know that between 2009 and 2013 we issued 83,000 Green Cards to people in Iraq, a country where 91% of the population supports Sharia Law.
That means we’ve had 75,000 people walking around in America that don’t believe they have to follow our laws, just the laws of the Sharia form of Islam.
We know that the 2000 U.S. Census had 53,709 Americans that claimed Afghan descent, and if they follow their country’s trend of 99% supporting Sharia Law, that means more than 50,000 of them could be potential terrorist, ticking time-bombs waiting to happen.
It bothers you, doesn’t it…but maybe for different reasons.
- Perhaps you agree with me and feel we should be concerned about Muslims in America that believe in Sharia Law.
- Perhaps you find this reprehensible, that we’re even talking about this in America, a place that claims to have religious tolerance.
Most Democrats won’t want to talk about it.
The Party somehow thinks that if we continue to coddle Islam and refugees, things will just work out.
If not, just get rid of guns and assault rifles.
Seems the AR-15 assault rifle is the big culprit for Dems – get rid of those and things like this will never happen again.
But what if it does? What if someone has one illegally, or just uses handguns, or even hunting rifles?
Then what?
I guess we’d just have to get rid of all guns, and that’s why Hillary will be in a corner this week, it’s one of the reasons Cowturd’s in the hills.
Anyway you slice it, this debate heads right to that one talking point – will you take our guns?
I don’t even own a gun, but I feel we need them so we can fight off an overbearing government when the time comes…as our Founding Fathers warned us it would.
I’m not convinced this is the right conversation to have, one about guns, and many Republicans aren’t either.
Why don’t we talk about mental health?
Hell, this killer was beating his wife a short time ago and she left him for it.
He didn’t give a shit about his child, for people who do give a shit typically don’t kill others before killing themselves.
So he had serious mental problems, and perhaps religion didn’t even play into it.
For Democrats, and for Hillary, it’ll be about guns.
As I said yesterday, that kind of talk drives up gun sales, and that’s what the $235 billion arms industry wants.
Remember, guns don't kill that many of us.
But we have these mass shootings, 372 of them in 2015, and they’re damn traumatic.
It’s like a plane crash – if one goes down somewhere then we start thinking the next plane we’re on will go down too.
Despite the massive number of mass shootings, just 475 people have died in them, with another 1,870 wounded.
To put that into perspective…
- 614,000 of us die from heart disease each year
- 591,000 of us die from cancer each year
- 147,000 of us die from chronic lower respiratory diseases
- 133,000 of us die from strokes
- 93,000 of us die from Alzheimer’s
- 76,000 of us die from Diabetes
- 55,000 of us die from the flu
- 48,000 of us die from Nephritis
Excluding suicides, 21,680 people were killed in America by a gun in 2013, and that includes the 505 deaths due to accidental discharge.
I just don’t think that guns are the real problem in America.
I feel our healthcare system is a big one, our food supply as well, and our marketing firms.
We’re eating ourselves to death more than anything, that’s what heart disease, cancer, and strokes are coming from.
Smoking is a big one too, with about 480,000 deaths directly related to that each year, and 41,000 coming from secondhand smoke.
We figure that 68% of Americans are overweight or obese, and 17% of our kids are.
We could talk about our terrible diets but remember, unlike talk about gun control, that doesn’t drive up sales for terrible food, it just drives it down.
Oh, I’m sure there are New Yorkers that stockpiled their large sugary drinks after Bloomberg went on the rampage, but not as much as they do when guns come up.
Yeah, talking about guns is damn good for business and we’ll see that this week.
Talking about what really kills us in America is not, and we’ll keep that hidden away under the rug.
Or maybe just up in the hills.
So, from down here in the trenches, here’s wishing you a restful and enjoyable vacation, Cowturd.