When you dig deeper you see that the problems aren’t really about what the media is reporting, however.
In our first story we see that deaths could be eliminated with a simple law change.
In our second story we see that learning isn’t determined by environment, but by attitude.
Both of these require mind-set changes.
Prohibition Deaths in Montana Are Rising
I say ‘lives’ because the two that lived will be dealing with this for years.
I’m getting at the wonderful reporting done by David Sherman of MTN News about the death of an 18-year-old woman in Great Falls last week.
Looks like a marijuana deal gone bad…though when I was in High School our marijuana deals never went like this.
I guess things at Great Falls High School are different. The victim was a senior there, and the person that killed her was about the same age. The person driving the car was a homeless 16-year-old.
So you see many problems here, most pointing to the continued decay of our society.
Kids living on the street…kids with no hope…kids doing drugs – it’s always the same.
These are the people that fall through the cracks.
We don’t give a shit about them at all.
That might distract us from worrying about our own lives, and what new shiny thing we can buy at the mall.
Thankfully the lawyers will make a lot of money off this, as will the jails. Just moving your tax money to those that feed off it.
We could legalize marijuana and create millions of dollars in much-needed revenue for Montana each year.
But that could bother a few of the Bible-thumpers.
So we keep it illegal. That way young women can die in the street.
We like it this way.
HHS Sucks (Like Always)
You’ll remember the nepotism that secured him his superintendent of Helena schools job in May.
Now this week we see that students are in an environment that’s not conducive to learning.
The story is called Alleged over-crowding at Helena High School could jeopardize accreditation.
They have 1,674 students.
Looking back on previous Helena High School enrollment data we see that:
- In 2000 they had 1,805 students.
- In 2003 they had 1,678 students
- In 2005 they had 1,623 students
- In 2009 they had 1,642 students
- In 2012 they had 1,603 students
I'm sorry...but what the hell has changed? Gosh, when I graduated in 2000 the school was as overcrowded as ever!
So bad is the situation now, however, that we don’t even get a text write-up from MTN, just a video.
It’s easier to keep it quiet that way.
They have too many students in each class. Now they have to come up with a plan to fix that.
Despite this, the district looked at their data and couldn’t find any deficiencies.
Now they’ll wait until November to have a meeting about this.
What a bunch of dunderheads.
It’s been reported there’s a problem but the school district says they have no idea about a problem (though they still schedule a meeting).
On top of this students have to suffer in overcrowded conditions for another month…and likely the rest of the year and into the next one.
Remember, my grandpa went to Helena High School in box cars after the school was virtually destroyed in the ’35 earthquake.
We know from reports that Jim Darcy and many other Helena schools rely on trailers and mobile homes to teach students, so lacking in space are they.
We also know that Helena voters don’t really want to vote for more bonds, whether it’s schools or jails or whatever.
Oh well.
We all know that if you want to get ahead in this world, you educate yourself.
Idiots and fools rely on the public school system to do that for them.
It’s why only 61% of HHS students are proficient in math and 23% are ready for college.
Just 84% of HHS students graduate.
In 2005 the rate was 82%.
Hey, I went to Helena High School for 4 years – I know this.
Many of those Trump/Hillary supporters that you can’t stand went there too.
Max Baucus went there and graduated in 1959. Steve Bullock graduated from there in 1984.
Do you think Max just sat in class and didn’t go to the library to educate himself?
I doubt it.
That’s why I laugh when I see the public vs. private school debate – both options will leave you dumb.
It doesn’t matter what the homework is or how much of it there is…if you’re not educating yourself about things you find interesting, you’ll just be another brainwashed automaton walking around.
Many more will be coming out of Helena, though perhaps the number will slow as one of their high schools struggles with overcrowding.
We’ll see what those students will do.
The dumb ones will complain and act out and say ‘screw this, I ain’t learnin’ shit!’
The smart ones will roll their eyes, go through the motions of the testing system in a yes-man routine, and then get their ass to the library or internet in the evenings to educate themselves.
That’s what leaders do. We’ll see how many Helena continues to produce.
Remember, with nepotism it’s not what you know but who you know.