Perhaps I had a modicum of respect for him earlier this week.
That’s gone now.
The reason is simple – Jon Tester hates Americans.
Why else would you vote to keep their prescription drug prices high?
He could have voted to lower those prices, something that 72% of Americans support.
Bernie Sanders put the bill forward in the U.S. Senate and lots of people voted for it.
Hell, even Ted Cruz voted for it!
But 13 Democrats did not.
I think the reason why is simple to understand – money.
As you can see, Tester likes taking money from Big Pharma.
In exchange for that money, Big Pharma only asks one thing: that Tester throw Americans under the bus.
That’s what a ‘no’ vote on lowering prescription drug prices is – a vote against Americans.
Why’d you do it, Jon?
James Conner at Flathead Memo was asking that yesterday in a post called Why did Jon Tester vote against an amendment to lower drug prices?
“Perhaps the answer lies in their campaign contributions,” Conner suggested about the 13 Democrats that voted against Americans.
While the money is a clear reason why, I feel there are a few more.
For instance, what about this crazy idea from disgruntled Democratic voters that their Democratic representatives now need to block whatever agenda Trump might have?
Yeah, some feel that this Bernie Sanders-sponsored bill was Trump’s idea.
Perhaps Bernie and Trump are in agreement that our prescription drug prices are too high. I bet they think all medical costs in this country are too high, which they are.
Despite them agreeing on an issue, Trump is a Republican. That means some knee-jerk, crazy-in-the-head Democrats feel they have to block whatever he does.
This shouldn’t be surprising – Republicans did about the same thing to Obama for the past 6 or so years.
And that justifies it, spite.
Because Republicans did it, Democrats are going to do it too.
So perhaps that’s a reason that Tester voted against Americans the other day.
Now we have the money and we have the spite for Trump.
Those are two very good reasons.
What I can’t understand is what reason Montana Democratic voters think they have to vote for Tester in 2018.
What is he doing for you?
Sure, he just went on a healthcare listening tour that had him make 8 stops.
"We still have a lot of work to do to make it [Obamacare] more affordable for working families and to hold insurance and drug companies accountable," Tester said of the tour.
I guess Tester's idea of holding drug companies accountable is to allow them to keep their prices high.
Do you think that the Montanans he spoke to on that tour urged him to keep prescription drug prices high?
I doubt it.
But you know, maybe the issue never came up.
Maybe Montana voters never explicitly said to Tester, “our drug prices are too high, please do something.”
And since that was never said, Tester felt he had the green light to keep those prices high even though he could have lowered them.
Not his problem, not what voters told him to do.
Do you really believe that?
I don’t.
I think a senator would jump at the chance to make life easier for his constituents, which lower drug prices would surely do.
But Tester didn’t do that. He did the opposite. He voted to keep prices high.
Why, Jon, why?
It’s corruption, pure and simple.
You’ll remember my September post called How Citizens United Corrupted the Montana Democratic Party.
Tester’s vote the other day is a symptom of that corruption.
So, how do we get rid of this guy?
I’ll be voting for the Republican in 2018 if Tester is the candidate.
I’d much rather vote for a Democrat, but we know the Democrats will destroy anyone that tries to primary Tester.
That’s a shame.
The Montana Democratic Party shouldn’t do that. They should let things happen naturally, which means allowing people to run in a primary without interference.
Interference can mean money donated by the Party or it can mean endorsements it bestows.
Of course, Democrats in Montana will line up to vote for Tester.
They actually think he’s helping them!
I have no idea why.
Tester’s failed our veterans time and time again. Just this week the VA center in Helena was downgraded from a 2-star facility to a 1-star facility.
Don’t worry, when it comes to veterans issues, Jon always has an excuse.
The only Republican that had a chance against Tester was Gianforte and now it sounds like he’s going to be going to the U.S. House.
I dunno, maybe he’ll use that to try and challenge Tester in ’18.
I’d be one of the first ones to signal my support for Gianforte in ’18.
Anyone but Tester.
I don’t give a shit if it’s Art Wittich – he’ll be getting my vote.
Tester’s no good for me, my family, or Montana.
I mean...a vote to keep drug prices high?
How does that benefit Montanans?
And my, what a shame it is that our corporate media in this state doesn’t even report on it. The liberal blogs are silent. And those fools in Dem HQ in Helena won’t utter a word about it either.
They just expect us to ignore this, erase it from our memory, and get in line behind Tester for his 2018 run.
And that’s why I shake my head at Montana Democrats.
Here’s a Party that should care about common Montanans. Instead their most powerful member just voted against Montanans’ best interests.
Jon, you’ve turned into a terrible senator.
He's turned into a horrible human being. Maybe he’s always been like that.
After the news reports of Tester’s nephew beating his underage girlfriend surfaced a week ago, I really have to wonder about his whole family.
Are these good people?
How’d Jon Tester turn out so bad?
Of course, some of us knew what he was like long ago, back when he was serving in the Montana Senate.
I still remember the day I testified before his agricultural committee in 2001 and he got up while I was speaking so he could get a drink of water.
I felt that was rude, and to me, it was a good look into that man’s character.
We got another good look into his character the other night when he voted against Americans.
That’s what a vote to keep drug prices high is.
Sure, it helps Big Pharma, but how does that help you or your family?
It doesn’t.
It helps Jon’s campaign war chest, though. He’ll need it in 2018.
Democrats like me – those with open eyes and common sense – won’t be supporting him.
We’ll be opposing him, and telling that to anyone that’ll listen.
Jon Tester is a horrible senator for Montana.
It’s a shame he represents ‘us.’
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