And for the love of God, couldn’t that sign be put to better use, highlighting the Democratic message, getting our points out, or at least just making the Republicans look stupid? How about a billboard that looks like this?
I don’t really believe that he’s paying for that sign, but then who is paying for this stupidity? And how much does this stupidity cost?
That’s a two-part question, so let’s get to the finance part first.
It has multiple advertising types, but billboards are rare to find. To give you an idea, 4 weeks of a Helena Digital Poster cost you $1,827 and have an average daily impression rate of 24,662.
Helena Posters have a 4 week cost between $1,300 and $2,400.
Maybe it’s being paid for by the Montana Republican Party, and that’s fine. Maybe it’s being paid for by the National Republican Party, and that’s fine.
But don’t call me stupid and tell me that Montanans for Rehberg is paying for this, not more than 2 years after the election. The site is dead so you might as well not click the link. Oh, and here’s what they look like on LinkedIn and when you type them into Google:
Countless drivers driving by for the past 2 years don’t care, and perhaps that’s a testament to the power of billboard advertising in Montana more than anything. I’m not sure it justifies those prices companies like Lamar and others are charging, however.
Yep, this is sketchy stuff, and now we have to begin asking a few more questions:
- If Montana Commissioner of Political Practices Jonathan Motl can’t even investigate something in his backyard, something glaring him in the face and anyone else driving into town over the pass, what can he investigate? It sure isn’t shady political mailers, we know that.
- If Jon Tester and the folks he has working with him and for him can’t even bother to look into a billboard that’s been sitting there for 2 years with an organization that doesn’t exist anymore footing the bill, then what else can’t they do?
- If such a glaring oversight, such a missed opportunity, such a slap in the face to Montana Democrats and national Democrats will just be left to slip by so easily, what else will?
Those are interesting questions, but I’m pretty sure no one’s asking them, just like no one’s asking about this billboard. And maybe that’s the idea. For if it’s not Democratic ineptitude it’s at least Republicans banking on such, and to me, that doesn’t bode well for 2016.
So let’s ask a few more tough questions, the kind we’d rather not ask. Because what if it’s not Denny Rehberg paying for the sign, or even the Republicans? What if the sign hasn’t even been left abandoned?
What if Jon Tester is paying for that sign?
Now we’re getting into some conspiracy here, and I think we should ask a few more questions:
- What if the Democrats threw the 2014 elections, figuring it’d help their chances in 2016? (or her chances)
- What if the Democrats bankrolled those shady political mailers in Montana, the ones that helped Mike Wheat so much?
- What if Jon Tester was paying for that sign so he could create a seemingly ‘negative’ public perception?
See, when people in Montana are attacked, those people often end up garnering a lot of public sympathy, even if they’re guilty. Here in Montana, we don’t like people being drug through the mud or put through the ringer. And perhaps that’ll mean we vote for ‘em.
I’ll admit, all of those ideas are quite farfetched, but I can’t help but think of the first two especially. Maybe that’s because I’m a novelist, or just enjoyed The Parallax View and other conspiracy movies.
We have to ask ourselves these questions because, let’s face it, we’d rather not. So let’s ask one more:
If Jon Tester can’t even take back a billboard, how’s he going to take back America?