At the same time Hitler was invading Poland, Japan was expanding further in China and around the Pacific. As a result, The US cancelled the commercial treaty that had been in place with Japan since 1911.
That meant FDR had made the decision to stop selling Japan any more steel scrap or oil. The Japanese couldn’t get the supplies they needed for their war machine, which meant they’d have to seize even more land to make up for that loss.
Japan was dependent upon those materials, for it needed them for its war against China and expansion in the Pacific. While cutting off those supplies was perfectly justified, it also was a clear sign to Japan that America was no longer willing to help them.
To the Asian country, if you weren’t its friend, you were its enemy. While saying that FDR’s decision caused the attack on Pearl Harbor is a bit much, its likely Japan never would have attacked us had we’d still been supplying them with materials.
In August 1941 all the Japanese and Chinese assets in America were frozen by FDR. That’s a severe provocation and a sign war isn’t far off.
FDR’s decision to stop supplies and seize private assets, and at a time when he was seriously considering entering the war in Europe, ensured that America would be doomed to fight a two-front war. The number of Americans that died needlessly because of this simply cannot be measured.
Warnings of the Attack
It was at that point that he came up with the Stimson Doctrine, which made it clear America would oppose any expansion by the Japanese into Asia.
Stimson wanted war with Germany, but war with Japan may have come as a surprise to him.
On November 25, 1941, a full two weeks before Japan carried out its attack on Pearl Harbor, Stimson wrote in his diary that he’d met with FDR and the rest of the cabinet that morning and that it was clear FDR wanted to go to war with Japan but he “did not want it to appear that the United States fired the first shot.”
There were many warnings about Pearl Harbor. Admiral James Richardson objected to the Pacific Fleet being moved to such a vulnerable post. U.S. Chief of Staff George Marshall had sent a message to Pearl Harbor on November 27 that said “hostile action possible at any moment.”
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover warned of the possibility of attack as did the ambassador to Japan and members of the British intelligence service. FDR knew on December 6 that that “Japanese carriers were 400 miles NW of Hawaii.”
One also has to wonder why the Navy would conduct exercises “simulating the destruction of the Pacific Fleet” in both 1932 and 1938 that were “in the presence of Japanese military attaches.”
One also has to wonder why only battleships and destroyers were in port when the Japanese attacked, and why the aircraft carriers had been moved out days before. Also, why were the ships in port but 500 yards apart?
Here’s where we deceived the enemy and our own green troops.
We had all our experienced sailors out to sea or in subs. The ships that were lined up like sitting ducks for the Japanese were old WWI hulks that stood no chance in a new war.
Attack and Effects
Manning those WWI hulks were new recruits. A total of 2,300 servicemen were killed in the Japanese attacks that morning, and another 68 civilians.
A total of 12 battleships were sunk and 188 airplanes were destroyed. The average age of death for the Pearl Harbor victims was 23.
Many sailors were trapped in the ships. Some lived for as many as 16 days before dying.
Now America could get into the war, although we technically were already in it, though illegally. Our Flying Tigers were illegal mercenaries by both domestic and international law.
We also decided to become dependent upon the Middle East at this time, again, thanks to FDR.
Roosevelt was doing just about all he could to start a war. All the oil at that time was coming from the US. We used 7 billion barrels of oil in that conflict, about 75% of our proven reserves.
We needed that Middle Eastern oil and that’s why the battleship meeting with the Saud family came toward the end of the war. This was also when the US dollar was pegged to the outflow of Saudi oil. We lost a lot of sovereignty with that meeting between Saud and FDR.
One rumor is that the prince of Saud brought a flock of sheep onto the USS Quincy for the American sailors so they wouldn’t defile the Muslim women. Of course, the official reason was that the Sauds wanted to eat their own food.
Elmer H. Davis with the Office of War Information was in charge of all American propaganda during this time so few heard about this.
We didn’t just lose national sovereignty with WWII either, we lost personal sovereignty. Don’t forget that it was Democrat FDR that interred American citizens in camps until the war ended.
Because of those internment camps, the government can seize your property and hold you against your will today. That’s when those rules started. None of those San Joaquin Valley Japanese ever got their land back after they’d had their rights taken away.
Why were warnings ignored, and why are there so many questions around Pearl Harbor? Many claim it’s because FDR was a 33rd Degree Freemason, the highest you could go, and one that was intent upon looking after Europe’s welfare, even if it hurt America’s.
It was in May 1941 that the bankers broke with Hitler, largely after he started cracking down against both Freemasons and Templars.
Frederic Delano, FDR’s uncle, was a member of the very first Federal Reserve Board, a body that would have stood to profit handsomely from American and European war debt.
Montana's Senator Wheeler believed that America’s decision to get into the war in Europe was “spawned and powered by Wall Street and industrial giants,” John Morrison says in his book Mavericks: The Lives and Battles of Montana’s Political Legends.
Wheeler would know – he was one of the most powerful men in the Senate and had been the first to publicly endorse FDR in 1930. It wasn’t just the president that was pulling the strings, however.
FDR’s son-in-law, Curtis Dall, said that much of what FDR thought was “carefully manufactured for him by the Council on Foreign Relations-One World Money group.”
The Council on Foreign Relations
The CFR prints a publication called Foreign Affairs that heavily influences the State Department. “CFR members have dominated every Administration since FDR,” Henderson writes, “and most Presidential candidates come from its ranks.”
The CFR is the main force that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) serves, as the CFR represents the businessmen whose overseas assets the CIA is tasked with protecting.
The CIA came from the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the American intelligence service created expressly for WWII.
Whether it’s by coup or propping up dictators, the CIA does the CFR’s bidding, ensuring that a few elite members of society can continue seeing the profits their families illegally started receiving decades and sometimes even centuries ago.
“Adlai Stevenson, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, George McGovern, Walter Mondale, Jimmy Carter, George Bush Sr. and Al Gore are all CFR alumni…David Rockefeller served as CFR Chairman for some time…every CIA Director since Allen Dulles has been a CFR member…the Nixon Administration had 115 CFR members…the Clinton Admin. included over 100 CFR alumni.”
I.G. Farben
By 1925 it was decided those three large firms would join with three other smaller firms to form the company I.G. Farben. German chemist Carl Bosch was the man behind this.
Dutch Prince Bernard was a member of the Hitler Youth Movement and later a member of the Nazi SS. He married Queen Juliana of the Dutch House of Orange in 1937, who for many years was the richest woman in the world until her death in 2004. Prince Bernard was employed by I.G. Farben, and he was also the same person that got oil from the American oil companies for Nazi Germany.
In 1941 Congress investigated John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Co. and determined that there had been some improprieties, largely with pricing and marketing agreements. DuPont had also been a part of it, but due to the increasing focus on war, the investigation stopped. Despite this, many oil company executives stepped down.
Following the war, Prince Bernard expanded his reach, starting the Bilderberg meetings in 1954. They may have been going on long before that, but that was the first known meeting, which took place at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland.
The Bilderbergs are “international bankers and industrialists” that meet yearly and have massive pull. It was rumored that in 1989 they were fed up with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s resistance to the European Union and had her removed.
I.G. Farben was also the manufacturer of the poison gas used at Auschwitz, Zyklon B. Their American subsidiary was I.G. Chemical, which would go on to import many important German war criminals to its board. Some of the men that served short prison sentences for gassing millions of Jews to death later went on to head large international corporations.
These included a head of Berlin’s Deutsche Bank, head of Bayer AG, head of Zug, and the head of BASF. Federal Reserve member and 1919 Wall Street Crash architect Charles Mitchell also sat on the board of I.G. Farben. He was the president of Bank of Manhattan at that time, before he died in 1955. The director of Warburg Bank – later to become Chase Manhattan – was also on the Nazi supplier’s board.
Ford built the vehicles that the Nazis used and a subsidiary of GM called Opel also pitched in. Henry Ford was awarded with the Grand Cross of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle, the country’s highest honor.
Exxon supplied the Nazis with tetraethyl lead, “an important component of aviation fuel.” They gave it to the Japanese too.
Money was more valuable than Americans.
It was clear that there was corruption with I.G. Farben and its American counterpart, and in 1942 the Justice Department filed an anti-trust suit against them, claiming “they had literally carved up the world markets, with oil and chemical monopolies established all over the map.”
The main contention was their monopolization of “magnesium alloys and products. More than that, however, they were colluding with Standard Oil, DuPont General Electric, and Alcoa to set “patent and cartel agreements with foreign companies.” For the next several years Congress and the Justice Department would look into this, but with the nation’s focus more on war, nothing much came from it.
Well, that’s not quite true. One clear thing came from this time – the inability of common Americans to determine what their government is really doing.
We’ve been living under that tyranny for 70 long years now.
Read more and expand your knowledge.
Freedman, Benjamin H. The Hidden Tyranny. Liberty Bell Publications: Reedy, 1961. p 21.
Freyer, Tony A. Antitrust and Global Capitalism, 1930-2004. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2005. p 37.
Henderson, Dean. Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network. Bridger House Publishers: Carson City, 2007. p 62-4, 180, 295-6, 359-62.
Higham, Charles. Trading With the Enemy. Delacorte Press: New York, 1983. p 32-60.
Morrison, John and Morrison, Catherine Wright. Mavericks: The Lives and Battles of Montana’s Political Legends. University of Idaho Press: Moscow, 1997. p 189.