We discussed Donald Trump the other day, and I’d like to continue to do so. He excites me! Why is that? Well, he says what he thinks. No Democrats have been doing that. Hell, Trump even stole the thunder right out from under Bernie Sanders, and mighty quick too. Bernie’s in the doldrums this week, in case you haven’t noticed.
Someone else in the doldrums is American labor, but that’s nothing new.
I was disappointed to see the AFL-CIO pull out of the Trump event at the border today. That union doesn’t really have any power, however, as we discovered in last month’s post, Can the Montana AFL-CIO Convention Help You at All? The organization has 11.6 million members, or 7.3% of our June 2015 labor force of 157 million.
So I’m not really concerned what the AFL-CIO thinks. In a few more years when the international bankers have shipped the last of our manufacturing jobs overseas, the AFL-CIO will be a shell of its former self, a husk ready to blow away in the wind. Their insistence upon inflated administrative pay coupled with their reticence to expand beyond their historical base of manufacturing has ensured they’ll be relegated to the dustbin of history.
On top of this, we know that 92 million Americans didn’t even participate in the workforce in December 2014, a pathetic number. It just goes to show that we are indeed moving toward a welfare state, a permanent austerity environment where you wait until the beginning of each month for that government check to come in, hoping it tides you over until next time.
That buys you freedom, the freedom to say what you want, and to say it however the hell you want. The Donald is doing that, magnificently so.
- Oh, the media hates him – they’re corporate-controlled and this was not on the monthly talking points memo.
- Congress hates him – he’s talking about real veterans issues, not the fluff that McCain might push.
- Yellow Dogs of both parties hate him, because someone is saying what they want to hear, but it’s not their guy or gal.
Not everyone hates him. Corporations love him, for he’s totally taking the attention off Jeb and Hillary, allowing our Bush/Clinton Dynasty to continue growing it’s war chest behind the scenes, while also allowing both candidates to take an August break from any serious media scrutiny, if such even exists anymore.
Yes, the Donald is loved. Big Business and Big Oil love him, for he’ll keep our current business climate the same, while no doubt enriching a lot of the plutocrats at the top. Greed is the motivator that gets the Donald out of bed in the morning, a heaping plate of it, two servings in fact.
But no one loves the Donald more than America. This guy proves you can still nab the American dream, even if you need a lot of help from daddy to do it. In that regard, he’s no different from McCain – both had to bootstrap their way up the old man’s back to get to their particular starting lines.
Americans don’t much care about that, however – it’s a common tale. No, they’re much more interested in the tenacity, the veracity, and the sheer gall of his words. He’s speaking the truth, damn it, and people have been waiting for that for some time.
God it sounds good, doesn’t it, the truth just rolling off a rich man’s tongue like that? These are not supposed to be the people saying that? Well, Montana’s Senator James Murray was the same way – he was damn rich (inheritance from a Butte uncle) but used that to gain a position so he could help the people…and get his name in the history books. Montana knows this formula damn well, for we had more millionaires than anyone a century ago, and boy, did they love to buy their way into politics. They sure spoke from the hip as well.
The Donald speaks from the hip, and this is what he talks about:
- John McCain: Much of the current Trump rise in the polls can be attributed to the terrible leadership of John McCain. The media chastised Trump over his remarks about McCain being a POW, but that didn’t work. Instead, Trump kept at it, essentially telling the media to ‘go fuck itself.’ Americans loved it, and when he began discussing the real veterans issues, Veterans for a Strong America issued a statement supporting Trump and opposing McCain.
- Missing POWs: What is the real veterans issue? It’s the one John McCain has been dodging for years – missing POWs. The media isn’t coming completely clean, however, and what we’re really getting at are the documents telling us where possibly hundreds of living POWs were at as late as 1991 (there were supposedly 1,205 POWs at the Hanoi Hilton in 1973 that would not be returned at war’s end).
- Hotline: Trump has started a hotline so veterans and their families can tell their stories about the VA. I imagine a lot of outpouring of grief and truth will come from this, the last thing the feds want. Thank you Donald!
- Lindsey Graham: Few men are as unpopular as the eternally effeminate Lindsey Graham from South Carolina. Whiny little school boy that never got chosen for anything doesn’t begin to describe the man that Trump called a “jackass” on July 21. Graham has been in the Senate since 1995, and many of us would like to see him head for K Street already.
- The Border: One of the main issues that people love is Trump talking about the border. “What border?” he says, and he’s exactly right. There is no border, and anyone living there knows it. That’s what’s so funny – it’s McCain’s backyard and he totally ignores the glaring problem there. What a hack.
Talk about the real problems, damn it, like veterans killing themselves in record numbers, our massive nationwide addiction to prescription drugs, the glaring lack of jobs, military incursions into America under a program called Jade Helm, and the untold number of corporations that have simply stopped paying taxes. Tell us something that matters, not this fluff that masquerades as ‘news’ all the time!
When the Washington Post writes that Trump has the GOP establishment’s number, they’re exactly right.
- First, he’s got their phone numbers because he’s donated heavily to their campaigns. Lindsey Graham gave Trump his phone number back in 2012, and Trump still had the original scrap of paper it’d been scribbled upon.
- Next, he’s making it clear their number is up, for Americans are not going to go back to the Jeb Bush runaround after this – they want answers as to why this country has turned to shit.
- Finally, Trump has been around a lot longer than any of the assholes currently on the GOP stage. None of these clowns has been around since the 80s, and Trump was a name before then too, at least in New York (thanks dad).
The point is, the Donald doesn’t buy into that bullshit. More than anything, however, it’s the tone, the rhetoric, the ‘I don’t give a damn’ attitude that Trump displays. That’s what draws Americans to him more than anything. They’re drawn to him, but don’t forget, if he drops out early or does not go through with this, America is gone to him – he’ll never have the trust of the country again.
That’s America today, and it’s sickening. People are sick of the corporate vomit express, the meaningless propaganda shoved down their throats. They want someone to tell it to them how it is, even if they’re insulted in the process. They’re used to it – America has been insulting them for years. The country is an insult, to our sensibilities, or sense of duty, of what’s right, and the very moral fiber of our beings.
This country’s got problems, and the only one talking about them is Donald Trump. I can’t wait to see what he says next.