Today I’d like to talk about some things, specifically political things. I’m sure it’ll offend many of you.
Let’s start with Donald Trump.
Wow, I’m so happy this guy is running! I could have cared less about Trump until he started opening his mouth, then wow, talk about some zingers!
I’ve made it plain on Facebook over the past few days that John McCain was an alcoholic, wife-cheating bigot that only made it through Florida flight school because of his daddy, the U.S. Navy Admiral, whose own daddy just happened to be a U.S. Navy Admiral.
We call this nepotism, which is “the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.”
Now, you can argue that, and I’d love to see you try. The bottom line, however, is that John McCain is a terrible American and a betrayer of his country. He takes legal bribes from corporations, Big Pharma, and tons of lawyers and securities investors so he can stay firmly entrenched in power. When his own wife, Cindy, got hooked on opiates and began stealing to continue her habit, it was all hushed up and taken care off.
He’s a real good example of what failed leadership is. I was excited in 2000 when he was doing the McCain Maverick Express bus tour, but then Bush took all his thunder. After that he became a corporate hack. I’m glad Trump is sowing doubt among the electorate and among the people in Arizona, for that means it’ll be easier to get rid of that bastard in 2016.
Yeah, that’s the whole plan here – have Comcast, who owns NBC, unleash Trump onto an unsuspecting electorate, sowing discord, creating theater, and generally spicing things up in an otherwise slow-ratings season. On top of it, GOP candidates nationwide - even those not running - will get one helluva grilling. They'll be whipped and ready come 2016. Ready or not, here I come!
Wow, no one can do all that better than the Donald!
Why the hell is that? I mean, this rich fat cat could care less about me, will create a terrible jobs environment in America for my son, and will probably drive up the national debt even more.
Because every other fucking candidate is going to do exactly the same thing!
There’s no difference between any of these schmucks, and they’ll all do their corporate overlord’s bidding. Even Trump, who says he’s getting no donations, will do what the international banking class wants, and that’s just a continuation of the same-old same-old. They want more jobs in Asia, more Americans on welfare, and more fear and mistrust so that citizens create an excuse for their own control.
When we can also keep up fear and hysteria in the media, we’ll also keep the nerves of Americans frayed. They’ll keep eating the corporate poison of trans-fats, high-fructose corn syrup and other genetically modified organisms. The corporate healthcare system will have a steady supply of people to treat – we never cure – for years. Corporate bottom lines will swell while American households careen further into a maddening world of debt, depression, and defeat.
Yeah, it’s that bad. Corporations do not care what you say or think. To them, you’re just cattle in a pen, one of those huge feedlots. You’re a product, a source of money for them, something to rip off.
How do you defeat that? Well, you have to turn their weapons against them. Don’t buy anything, don’t buy into that corporate nonsense. Stop watching TV – which is easier because they want you to pay for it now – and read alternate sources of media. Most people don’t vote, and that’s a sure sign how little people think things matter. Unfortunately, this just plays into their hand.
Here in Montana things are bad too. In 2016 the corporate-controlled Democrats will be in full-swing in the state. Bullock’s got some hotshot heading his campaign, and it’s clear the GOP will run both through the ringer on guns. That's just fancy-pants stuff for the pundits, talking heads, and PACs to get excited about, however (PACs love to spend money, especially when contributors can use it as a tax write-off. In that regard, they have to spend money).
The real issue, however, is that Bullock has only raised about $400,000. That’s not much, and someone like Gianforte can cream him. Someone like Daines could even.
The point is, Bullock is nervous and all the Democrats in the state feel this and are defensive and nervous. What will happen in 2016? Will it be good? Can I keep my job?
For many, that’s what it’s all about – keeping their jobs. If the state has to suffer for them to keep their jobs, so be it. I think about this a lot, for on Twitter you always see a bunch of paid political analysts spouting off nonsense to each other. Those donations that you give to nonprofits that want to save the environment? That’s where that money goes – a 20-something playing around on Twitter all day. I’ll be checking some facts soon to see exactly what these folks are paid, and I can’t wait to share it.
Now, let’s turn to the Montana Republicans. They’re in an interesting position. They have some new leadership, and Montana Democrats are attacking the hell out of them right now. Wow, they’re afraid, aren’t they?
Of course, when I say Montana Democrats, I really mean the paid blogs (MT Cowgirl) and the paid Twitter accounts. That’s they’re job – to make you feel that there are problems. Well, problems for them maybe – remember, they don’t want to lose their jobs.
So those folks attack and attack. Notice that websites like MT Cowgirl never mention me – I’m no threat to them, totally inconsequential. It’s only when you begin mentioning someone that you say to everyone, “hey, this person exists.” When something is beneath you, you pay it no mind. When something is above you, you attack the hell out of it. That’s what MT Cowgirl and Montana Democrats are doing right now – attacking the hell out of Republicans. This is not a sign of confidence.
Sometimes you’ll see someone share that Eleanor Roosevelt quote about minds and what they talk about. Small minds like to talk about people but great minds like to talk about ideas, that’s how it goes…I guess. So I have to wonder…why aren’t Montana Democrats talking more about ideas?
I guess it’s because they’re lesser minds. Montanans have recognized that time and time again, for they keep sending Republicans to the legislature in great numbers. Two of our U.S. congressional seats are now filled with Republicans. The PSC is full of them as well.
Wow, things are fucked up, huh? But I guess if you talk about that, it might make you look weak. I personally feel that attacking all the time does that, but then I’m not in any positions of leadership, so what do I know? Probably just best to discount whatever I say. It’s not like Montana is lacking in any meaningful political analysis these days.
So that’s how things are, somewhat. They’ll get a lot worse for everyone here as we move into fall. Stocks are going to get bad, and I’m sure Congress will continue to cut spending instead of raising taxes on the wealthy. So many large corporations aren’t paying any taxes, but we just won’t get into that – it’s a lot easier to cut benefits to poor, disabled, and old people. It’s the American way.