First, about Tim Crowe.
You’ll remember the story about him working for both Bullock and the National Guard.
Shortly after that went up I got an email from someone saying:
“Crowe left the gov's office to take a Human Resources position with the National Guard.
I had heard he left the gov's office after word of some possible illegal hunting activities surfaced.”
That was sent to me anonymously.
We know something with Crowe is off. The knee-jerk comments I got after putting up that post tell me that.
Hopefully some ‘real reporters’ will look into this. Since we live in Montana, however, I’m not counting on this.
Another story I’d like to update you on is the one about those damn 2018 races.
You’ll remember I mentioned John Hennan and his ‘botched’ campaign rollout.
This weekend I got a text message from someone giving me more info. Thanks for sending that - I didn’t reply as my phone is totally out of money.
Here’s the jist of what they said:
The Heenan rollout didn’t go as the campaign had planned. Not only are they not responding to bloggers like me, but they’re doing a total radio news block-out as well.
Supposedly this person was trying to contact them for 4 days, but no replies.
Another story gets us back to July 11, when I went to the Missoula Democratic Forum and spoke my mind.
That forum was recorded, with the promise that it’d eventually air on our local public TV station, MCAT.
Now more than a month later, that still hasn’t been done.
I continue to search for that video, and I’ll get it posted here as soon as it’s available.
Personally, if I was the establishment Dems in this town I wouldn’t want that video to come out. If I was serious about keeping our not-benefiting-you Dems still in charge, I wouldn’t want people to see me talk.
Hell, if people heard me talk they might get worried: Damn, here’s a Dem that could actually win in places outside the city!
We know from the way they spend money and the campaigns they run that Dems do not want to win outside of the cities, however.
Oh yeah, I’ll keep looking for that video. Hopefully it’ll be up soon.
Our final update is about the Amanda Curtis story I put up yesterday.
It was a good story...until Kevin Curtis emailed me and told me to remove his comments from my post.
Folks, if I email you asking a question, it’s because I’m working on a story. If you answer me, I’m gonna write it up.
Mostly, I’d encourage Kevin to not make midnight comments if he doesn’t want people to dig into them.
Perhaps when I get some more money on my phone I’ll call Amanda up. Honestly, though, I don’t think I’ll bother.
We already know the answer to this one.
And that’s it for story updates.
What else is going on?
Not much.
I guess the big story that you’re supposed to care about is a bunch of fuck-heads having white nationalist rallies and a bunch of fuck-heads rallying against them.
If one group had just stayed home, we never would have heard about this crap.
But they didn’t. As usual, instead of just ignoring the fuck-heads, people become fuck-heads themselves and stir up shit.
Folks, you need to ignore these people. Alas, you can’t seem to do that.
I remember when Whitefish white nationalist, Spencer, was getting a lot of news earlier this year.
All I could do was shake my head, knowing that this is exactly what that man wanted.
Same with the weekend events. These groups wanted attention, and boy did they get it. The media and the anti-white-nationalists played right into their hand and they didn’t even know it.
Personally, I do not care.
I don’t care that white fuck-heads rallied, I don’t care that anti-white-fuck-heads rallied, and I don’t care that someone died and that others were injured.
Does that make me a bad person?
No, it just means I have a that doesn’t revolve around what fuck-heads 2,300 miles away from me are doing.
I mean, I worked about 20 hours this weekend. I sure as shit didn’t have time to follow this story, nor did I really want to.
To me, it’s not a story.
I know a lot of people don’t want to hear that, but these are probably the same folks that like to call me anti-semitic because of a post I wrote 2 years ago.
Here’s why the Montana Democrats label me as a Jew-hater, because of this one paragraph:
“Many believe the Talmud is the opposite of the Torah. While the Torah worships God, the Talmud worships Satan, they claim. Rothschild used a twisted form of the Jewish Talmud to create satanic teachings that formed the basis of his secret organization, the Illuminati.”
Here’s what Cowgirl had to say about that...6 months after I put up the post, and a few days after I began talking about Bullock fucking his staff:
“(And I posit that the “Big Sky Words” blog, which indeed I don’t include on the blogroll here because it’s author openly posts bigotry against people of the Jewish faith including, I kid you not, anti-semitic nonsense of the “Jewish banking conspiracy” variety among its “most popular posts“. [screenshots if this gets taken down – yes, there are more]) Readers here want bigotry to be called out, not promoted.”
That was nearly 2 years ago that Cowgirl tried to trash me. Since then they've changed writers and seen their audience plummet.
I don't want to say that no one cares about what that site says, but it's just that it's such a small minority of the state's population that it doesn't really have an effect on much of anything.
Voting in Montana reflects that fact.
I mean, you know how much I write against the Jews on this site. All the fucking time, right?
Same for blacks, catholics, gays, and whatever other group you want.
Mostly, I just don’t care about these groups. I don’t much care about Lutherans or Mexicans or Seventh Day Adventists, either.
Hell, I don’t much care about white people. I just don’t focus on that. Mostly I focus on what’s common between all those groups, and that’s the money in their pocket, or as is often the case, the lack thereof.
Economic issues are the issues that bind us all together, and those are the issues that the elite, powers-that-be do not want us to talk about.
If we talked about what binds us together instead of what separates us, then we’d have more power, a clearer path forward, and a more concrete goal.
That would challenge the ruling power structure, and possibly create some real changes, not the cosmetic shit we get all the time.
So I fully expect we’ll see a lot more on race and religion and sexual orientation.
If the media can keep us talking about those, then we’ll always be distracted from the real problems in our lives.
After all, look how much ink we just wasted on these straw mans.