Several weeks ago I told you my ‘Defend the Police’ bumper sticker was defaced.
I replaced it. Then about a week or so ago, it was defaced again. This time the ‘Defend’ portion was simply crossed-out.
I don’t have another replacement, so it’ll just have to stay as it is. I think most police officers that happen to drive behind me will understand.
And, earlier this week…after over a month of waiting, my ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ bumper sticker arrived.
I was really on the fence with this one. I mean, it’s almost like putting a MAGA sticker on.
For a long time, I figured I’d put it on the front bumper. It just seemed the safe option.
But today I put it on the back.
I think it’s important to let others know that now is the time to stand up and say, ‘You know what? I’ve had enough of this shit.’
I cannot begin to put into words how frustrated I am!
- This country is going completely down the toilet.
- Our $30 trillion national debt is unsustainable, unmanageable, and will be our undoing.
- The Federal Reserve has shot itself in the foot and has absolutely no idea how to help itself, let alone us.
- Nearly every major city has become a hotbed of looting and murder.
- Big Pharma seems unstoppable.
It’s very, very frustrating. These are troubling times. Sadly, I think it’s only going to get worse.
2022 is shaping up to be a lot like 2020, too.
I think the economy is going to get worse, mainly with inflation getting even more out of control than it is now.
I already feel this in my household, and soon I’ll have to dip into some of the cash savings I have in the drawer, putting it in the bank so I can cover my monthly bills.
That sucks.
I am thankful I have silver and gold. Not much, but some. I’m also buoyed by the fact that I have quite a bit invested in crypto.
Invested, or gambled? And really, at this point…how are the two any different, especially when it comes to the stock market?
This time last year the Dow was at 30,000 and today it’s getting close to 36,000.
- Bitcoin was going for $22,000 a year ago; today it’s $49,000.
- Etherium was $565; today it’s $4,000.
- Loopring was 14 cents; today it’s $2.25.
I’ve made a bit on that last one. If you would have invested $140 to get 1,000 loopring coins a year ago, you’d have over $2,000 today, an increase of 1,557%.
Compare that to the Dow, which is up 19% over the year.
Speculative? Yeah…but I can’t help but think these are the new Amazon and Netflix stocks.
We all know that inflation is only going to get worse next year, and likely into 2023 as well. This will erode the US dollar, wiping out much of its purchasing power.
The official government figures tell us that we’ve lost around 7 cents on the dollar over the past year, but most serious economists figure it’s double that, perhaps even closer to 20 cents.
- That’s what 20% inflation is - your dollar is now worth 80 cents.
- That $10,000 in savings is now worth $8,000.
- That $7.25 federal minimum wage that started in 2009? Well, it’s still the same today, but it sure buys a lot less!
I truly do believe we’ll see a serious decline in consumer spending starting after the holiday season. People will still buy food and gas and other essentials, but that’s about it. Perhaps stagflation will follow.
No, it doesn’t seem like there’s too much to get excited about as we head into this new year.
But anything can happen, and it’s always easier to just shut off the news and focus on your own personal life and making that better.
I don’t think there’s much you can do to affect things nationally, and here in Montana things will be rather sleepy until the legislature starts in 2023.
Probably best to tighten the belt, save, and prepare for what’ll likely be a turbulent year.