By took over a year.
For my ‘Defend the Police’ bumper sticker to become defaced.
At work last weekend, someone took a Sharpie to it...crossing out the ‘defend’ portion and writing in ‘fuck’ over it.
‘Fuck the police’ was that person’s message...on my car.
Thankfully, Trump anticipated this.
It’s why his campaign sent me two of each bumper sticker when I ordered them from him back in the summer of 2020.
So I got home from work that night, went into my garage, rummaged around, and found the replacement.
Now my car says ‘Defend the Police’ again.
But I have to be honest...I’m getting kind of tired of that.
I’m seriously thinking of replacing that sticker next week. I have a ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ bumper sticker coming in the mail.
Something tells me I’d be better putting that on my front bumper. I’s a real love it or hate it kind of sticker.
It’s the kind of sticker that doesn’t get gets your tail light broken out.
Such are the times we live in.
We hate each other, with a passion. People that disagreed used to be able to at least civilly discuss other matters. Alas, those times are long gone.
I don’t know when the civil war is gonna start. I’m actually not sure anymore that it will. I think the mass die-offs we’ll see next year might preclude it. Or it could be the cause.
Once again, I’ll sign-off by encouraging you to stock up on canned food. Maybe buy a generator if you can. Perhaps stockpile a few extra cans of gasoline in your garage if you can. Get sweaters and blankets. If nothing else, you can layer-up against the cold. It just might save your life.
The Biden winter is coming. Get ready for it.