For the most part, politics continues to convince us of how stupid it is.
Politicians are a big part of this.
Let’s just dive right into the muck, alright?
Trump’s Decline
Donald Trump is exactly right when he says that the system is rigged.
We know that firsthand here in Montana because our Democratic delegates sold their votes to the Hillary Victory Fund for $64,100.
So the system is rigged.
I can vote for Bernie in June and he could win the most votes in Montana for the Democrats.
Because we sold our votes, however, the state will go to Hillary.
So the system is rigged.
That’s no surprise. We’ve known this for some time. Alas, we’re so busy – working two jobs, both parents working, the kids shuffled off to childcare or sports, and the bills piling up to the ceiling – that we just don’t have time to care.
Trump cares.
He cares so much that he couldn’t convince his son and daughter to register as Republicans in New York before last October when they had to in order to vote in the primary.
Bluster and bluff will only take you so far in a rigged game.
I hope Trump pulls out of his recent funk, but I’m not optimistic.
For Bernie Sanders, this is good.
People like me that would have supported Trump, should he come the nominee, will gravitate back toward Bernie.
Remember, we will never vote for Hillary.
Why is that?
Hillary’s Travails
Hillary is becoming desperate, and with good measure.
We know that a lot of people think Bernie Sanders will do a much better job than Hillary.
She’s lost the last 8 contests and she’s set to lose New York.
I hope she does lose it. I hope she drops out.
It’s well past time she dropped out. America has made it’s opinion known – we’re sick of her style of politics, the pay-offs, the kickbacks, and all the baggage.
She makes me sick. She’s a terrible human being, a sociopath that hates people.
I love the story of her time in the White House when she made it be known that if she was walking down the hallway, any workers were to duck into a doorway so she wouldn’t have to see them. Or the Secret Service agent she "cussed out" for saying good morning.
Let’s hope she’s done after New York. We know from 2008 that she’ll cling to the campaign trail to the bitter end.
I hope she does come to Montana, though it probably won’t be Missoula. That’s good – I’d have to bring a Bernie sign.
It’s still possible for Bernie to win, and Trump’s recent meltdowns are making that clear.
Let’s continue to support Bernie and tell everyone we meet why he’s good and Hillary is bad.
The CIA is Out of Control
Speaking of bad, how about John Brennan at the CIA?
I’d like to see him removed from his position before the day is through.
I guess we could say it’s treason, as he made it quite clear he’s above the president’s commands.
He says “the CIA would not use waterboarding even if a future president ordered the method to be used.”
So the CIA can now decide what orders to follow and what orders to ignore?
That agency is run-amok and it needs to be abolished.
Getting rid of that idiot Brennan is a great place to start, simply move down the ladder from there.
Juneau’s Promise
Closer to home I have to mention the Juneau campaign. I see that today is the day we’ll get all over the women’s pay issue.
Hey, I think it’s terrible that women make just 74 cents for every dollar a man gets.
Hell, I said as much two years ago when Daines was running.
Despite that, we know nothing will be done on this issue.
I went ahead and asked Juneau how “we can do better,” as she suggested today on Twitter.
I got no response nor was I expecting one.
She doesn’t know how we’ll make women’s lives better, unless it’s by keeping abortion.
Personally, I feel more women would like to see their pay boosted.
Again, how is that going to happen?
Hell, why is their pay unequal now?
I’d like more on this, but looking at Juneau’s terrible campaign website – the only platform she really has (do you honestly think anyone gives a shit about Snapchat?) – she’s not hitting it up.
It’s sad how little effort Juneau is putting into this campaign. Really, if she had the hunger, if she had the drive, she’d be going home each night and writing out her feelings about the state of affairs in this country.
She could even do it when she gets up first thing in the morning, so angry is she over how far the common people have fallen.
Does she do this?
I will admit she put up an article today on equal pay, her first post in 15 days.
The proposals she puts forth are laughable:
- Show women how much they’re getting ripped off with the Paycheck Fairness Act;
- Pay more to women working in female-dominated industries with the Fair Pay Act;
- Use the Family Medical Leave Act to give sick leave.
Wow, that’s it, huh?
And here I thought elected representatives actually had power over the corporations. Boy was I stupid!
Again, where’s the hunger within Juneau?
You’re going to make me wait more than two weeks to hear your thoughts on our nation’s problems?
I guess we don’t have that many problems, huh?
I guess things aren’t that bad after all.
What’s the point in changing horses midstream?
And that, my friends, is why Ryan Zinke will be starting his second term in January.
Denise just doesn’t have it in her.
Gianforte’s Idiocy, Bullock’s Incompetence
I profiled last night how Greg Gianforte is using a Delaware company for his TV ads.
He’s using an Indiana company for his web hosting, a Wisconsin firm for his mail.
So…those states are creating jobs with the money that Gianforte is spending.
If creating Montana jobs is so important to Gianforte, why isn’t he spending his campaign cash here?
Oh, and he can spend it in Montana:
- Banik in Great Falls does ads;
- Mercury in Bozeman does ads;
- Flying Horse in Bozeman does ads;
- The Wendt Agency in Great Falls does ads;
- Kinetic in Billings does ads;
- Arrowhead Marketing in Billings does ads;
- Partners Creative in Missoula does ads;
Despite all those Montana companies that do TV ads, Gianforte decided to go with companies out of state.
My, oh, my.
Folks, Gianforte just handed Bullock the election.
We’ll see if Bullock’s hired-hands campaign staff from back East is smart enough to realize this.
Personally, if I was running Bullock’s campaign we’d be hitting this one issue 24/7.
He doesn’t care about Montana jobs, my God, Gianforte does not care about Montana jobs!
- It’s so painfully obvious.
- It’s so easy to make Montanans see this.
- It’s all in the campaign reporting!
But I’m not running any campaigns but my own this year.
That’s why you continue to see the desperation in Bullock’s eyes. I expect we’ll continue to see it for some time.
Chances are good he’ll fuck up again too, just like he did with Walsh, his office staff, his cabinet, and lots of other things.
Bullock is a walking fuck-up and we’ve known that for years now.
That’s why he likely won’t capitalize on Gianforte’s ultimate snafu – spending against message.
Bullock thinks that people care about the social issues more than the economic. On top of it he can’t find his balls and have a hard talk with enviros and unionists…when they’re in the same room.
He’s not a leader. I see that plainly each day.
Why don't you?
Well, plenty.
There’s always plenty to talk about when it comes to the cess-pit we call politics.
I encourage you to bring up any issues, any damn issue you want, in the comments.
I like talking in the comments. Lots of interesting stuff comes out there.
Remember, I’ve written 5 books on Montana history and can pull up obscure information faster than most.
That’ll become especially powerful as I finish up my last two books.
Hey, knowledge is power…we all know that.
Look at the stuff I put together on campaign finances. We always hear people say ‘follow the money’ and you can see why – it’s all there!
We know full-well that this country no longer belongs to us, that the rich have stolen it.
Our lives are terrible, with constant work, a few hours of downtime, and then sleep before starting it all again.
In return for that lifestyle we get a small percentage of the money we make each day for our employers.
We often use that money to buy things we don’t need and many times don’t even want. Our consumer culture likes this, and in the face of the constant propaganda thrown our way, we’re usually powerless to stop it.
None of this makes us happy. I'd argue it makes us depressed.
And then, every two to four years, we get a bunch of yahoos comin’ along telling us that things will get better.
It’s not even a question anymore if they’re bad or not – clearly if they’re gonna get better than things are already quite bad.
So promises are made, grand statements are uttered. In the end, however, nothing changes.
That’s why I write on this site, to point that out.
I like to make you think, I like to make you see things you might not otherwise see.
Remember, no one pays me for this. I don’t have some silly PayPal donation button, either.
Nope, for more than three years I’ve come here each day to write about things happening in our world and I’ve done that because I want to.
I’m able to do this because I’ve created products and services that sell and support my efforts.
I don’t have so ask you for money – I can make it on my own.
I’ll continue to make it, and I’ll make even more.
So if you like reading the ideas here, you’re in luck – they’ll keep comin’, all this year and after this particular election cycle (and all the clowns populating it) are long gone.