Democrats are lucky that Joe Biden is the last name on the soon-to-be-revealed ‘unmasking’ list.
This means they can finally get rid of him...and in a good way.
Personally, I think the unmasking of General Michael Flynn is a much better way to remove Biden from the race than the Tara Reade sexual allegations.
Americans just don’t really understand the former, while they understand the latter way too much.
I mean...what’s worse - a sex scandal or some esoteric Washington/intelligence story that no one really gets anyways?
I’m gonna go with the sex scandal.
But Joe sticking his digits where they don’t belong...that ain’t gonna send him to prison.
This Michael Flynn story might, however.
So Dems will do the right thing, and they’ll throw Sleepy Joe under the bus. I suspect this will happen sooner rather than later, so as to get ahead of whatever VP pick Joe’s staffers were going to foist on the old man.
If you’re a Democrat, I know you don’t want to read this...but here’s a little of what The Hill is saying about this story today:
“Among more than three dozen Obama administration officials asking to “unmask” Flynn from the investigation was former Vice President Joe Biden. This revelation came less than 24 hours after Biden denied any involvement in the investigation of Flynn. It also follows a disclosure that President Obama was following that investigation.
For three years, many in the media have expressed horror at the idea of the Trump campaign colluding with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election. We now know there never was credible evidence of such collusion.
As much of the media blindly pushed the Russian collusion story, a truly alarming story has unfolded in plain view: the use of national security power to investigate an opposing political party and opponents. There is little question that the response by the media to such a story would have been overwhelming if George Bush and his administration had targeted Obama campaign figures with secret surveillance.
Indeed, when candidate Donald Trump claimed the Obama administration was putting his campaign under surveillance, the media universally mocked him. It was later proven to be true.
The FBI even falsified key evidence to continue that surveillance.
The media had portrayed both Obama and Biden as uninvolved in the investigation. Now, however, we know that both actively followed the investigation.
Obama even called upon former FBI Director James Comey to stay back after a January meeting, in order to discuss the Flynn investigation. At the meeting, he discussed using a flagrantly unconstitutional law, the Logan Act, to charge Flynn, even though it has never been used successfully in a prosecution since the founding of the republic.
There was a time when all of this did matter, though. Indeed, there was a time when this would be viewed as the story of the century, including the unmasking of Biden himself in this investigation. But this is not those times.”
Biden is the best they got - the primary process proved this.
Now what are we gonna do...pull one of these losers up that couldn't hack it...someone like Kamala Harris or Liz Warren or Corey Booker?
No one wants them - the primary process proved this.
So Dems are in a bind, and maybe they'll just try to keep Biden. After all, they have the corporate media on their side. If they can make a fake story like Russia meddling stay in the headlines for three years, why can't they make these Tara Reade and Michael Flynn stories go away?
Chances are very good this is what we'll see happen.
But God help them if Joe ever makes it to the debates. Trump'll cream him. Dems know this. So something must be done.
If Joe ever makes it that far, I'll eat my hat.
Got my $763 in weekly unemployment last night.
Since this crisis began, I’ve been paid $3,815 in unemployment from the government.
That’s more than $100 a day.
Comes out to over $19 an hour.
Before this, I was paid the minimum wage of $8.55 an hour plus tips.
Now, that might not sound like a lot, but my most lucrative month this year was January, when I made over $2,800 working at my job...around 25 to 30 hours a week.
So I was actually making more working than I was on unemployment...but that’ll never be true again.
No one in the service industry is going to make even 50% of the tips they used to make. A good restaurant server? They should be able to make over $100 in tips during their shift, which is typically less than 8 they’ll get their minimum wage hourly on the ol’ paycheck.
Those days are gone. Now we have the 25% occupancy rule, which might be bumped up to 50% in the coming weeks.
Even when we get it back up to 100% - and when will that be...if we’re not even going to open up college campuses this fall? - people are not going to make the same amount of money they did before.
At the same time, we know this unemployment mess is unsustainable.
And we have 10 more weeks of it!’s not going to run out until the end of July! By that time, I’ll have made an additional $7,630...all for sitting at home and watching TV and playing video games.
Is this how our economy is supposed to function?
No, my God, no.
But Congress isn’t even talking about ending this charade. Indeed, they’re talking about extending it, and even making a $2,000 a month universal basic income a reality!
I really don’t think this is a good idea. I think it’d be much wiser if we opened up 100% and let all the people that are afraid stay home.
I’m not the only one thinking this way.
70s Rock ‘n Roll legend Ted Nugent seems to know more about a sensible response to this virus than most health departments and governors do.
Here’s the Motor City Madman’s prescription:
“Why do I have to stay home just because you are scared? How about you stay stay in your house indefinitely, you wear a mask, you socially distance yourself from me, you avoid restaurants, you avoid baseball games, you stay off the roads, you avoid malls and beaches and parks, you believe the made up death numbers, you believe the media hype, you get your toxic vaccine while avoiding vitamin C, sunshine and the things God gave us to actually heal.
I'm done playing your dumb game. We are not “all in this together.” I'm not wearing your dumb tin foil hat anymore. I’m no longer going to be a prisoner of your fear. I'm no longer staying in my house or catering to you because you are scared. I'm not wearing a mask and I'm not staying 6 feet away from you anymore because I'm not afraid of you. You are not my enemy and if I get sick, it's not because of you , it's because of me and my system, which not only have I been addressing for quite some time, but I also know how to treat if I get sick.
This virus (or whatever it is) is already circulating. Millions of people have already encountered it, as it's been circulating around the world probably since last September. You WILL have to confront this thing, if you haven’t already. There is no way around it, unless you lock yourself up in your house and it somehow doesn't manage to hop on some mail or some groceries that you ordered online.
Your fear is not an excuse to destroy America. Your fear is not my fear and your fear does not have the right to interfere with my life, my job, my income or my future as a free American citizen. So if you're scared, you can just put your tin foil hat on, or even wrap foil all around your whole body - or around your whole house if you wish - but please keep your fear contained to your little corner of the world and don't contaminate me or my family or my Country.”
I can tell the rest of the world is beginning to go back to work. I know this because people are beginning to teach English again.
For the past 8 years I’ve had a website for ESL teachers to find resources to help teach English in their classes.
I sell lesson plans and simple PowerPoint games to people, usually for $0.99 via PayPal.
I don’t make any money doing this; just $75 last year and $180 the year before that. Mostly it’s to help sell my main ESL book, which has made me about $7,000 in royalties since I published it.
The point is, all this year my sales on the site were way down.
Just $2 in January and another $2 in February, then $1 in March. I made $3 last month and then this month things changed. I’ve already made $12 this month, and we still have half the month to go.
It all tells me that schools and training centers are reopening and people are sending their kids out into the world again.
This is a good sign.
I saw this tweet from Mike Jopek this morning.
36 million Americans lost their jobs in the past two months. Feels highly irresponsible that the #mtsen has no jobs plan. #mtpol
— Mike Jopek (@mikejopek) May 14, 2020
I’m not surprised that this is the strategy Dems will take...blaming the GOP for our lack of jobs, when all the while it was Democrats like Jopek that were running around with their heads cut off, telling us to all be afraid and shut everything down.
Remember, I pointed out Mike’s fear on March 15. That was around the time he began sending out his ‘doom and gloom’ tweets.
He was scared. So much so that he blocked me on Twitter. That’s what opinionated people that like to share their opinions on social media do when they find an opinion they don’t agree with - they block you, because let’s face it - that’s a lot easier debating your ideas, principles and values.
Well, now two months later and here we are. Mike didn’t die. I doubt anyone he knows died, or even got sick.
So now Mike has to change his tune. The problem is no longer all the deaths we’re not going to have. Now it’s the GOP, and their lack of a plan to give people jobs that the Democrats stole from them.
Expect to see more like this in the coming weeks. Expect to see the GOP get the blame for what a bunch of blue states did to themselves.
Isn’t it interesting that we no longer hear about South Dakota in the news? Because the corporate media quickly realized, that story wouldn’t feed into their narrative.
Democrats are realizing that they fucked up big time. Not only was this virus much ado about nothing, we destroyed our economy and the future of our kids because of it.
All because a bunch of old fogeys were scared of dying.
My life was ruined because old people that have led unfulfilling lives are now afraid they’ll die without doing all they’d wanted to do.
I know this might distract from all the time they spend playing around on social media, but I hope these old folks get a life soon and start letting the rest of us live ours.
Over at Montana’s hate blog they’re wondering why Whitney Williams chose a running mate that donated $100 to an AG candidate in 2012 that voted on an abortion bill the way the Democrats didn’t like.
Who gives a fuck?
Montana just threw 55,000 people out of work...and this is what you want me to care about?
Gee whiz!
Mostly, this is Dems airing their internal laundry. This is primary politics. This is the establishment Dem class in the state telling everyone that ‘Never-Heard-of-Mike’ is a lot better than ‘Transplant-Whitney.’
I do suggest you read the comments, however. This one was golden:
Meanwhile, we all know that Gianforte is going to win the governor’s office in about 170 days.
I personally can’t wait until we get a businessman into that office in Helena, someone that knows how payroll works and profits and losses and how to generate revenue without using taxes.
Mike Cooney doesn’t know how to do that, and Whitney Williams has never had a government job in her life.
Most of all, I know Gianforte is going to win because he’s not desperate like the Dems are.
Gianforte doesn’t feel the need to put out social media spam on Twitter and Facebook all day, but Dems do.
Because Dems know they’re in a very disadvantageous position this year, and probably won’t win. They think they can reach Montana’s voting population not by going out to where they actually live, but by playing on social media networks most of these people aren’t using.
If they are using them, they sure aren’t visiting the places where Dems are sharing their message. And if these voters did see the Dem message? I don’t think it’d appeal to them anyways.
I mean...a $100 donation from 8 years ago?
Who gives a fuck.
Finally today, I just want to point out one more post, this one on RD.
Here are two good comments on that one. I love how comments give us such a deeper understanding of a story, and new perspectives on it.
Keep it up.