In the post I pointed out Eck’s trip to Australia, one paid for by the federal government.
When I say ‘paid for by the federal government’ what I really mean is that it’s tacked onto that $20 trillion debt that my son’s grandkids will be allowed to chip away at.
What’s especially sad is that when I wrote that article we had just $17.9 trillion in debt.
Boy, this country is screwed up.
Perhaps it’ll get better with women like Jenny Eck running Hillary Clinton’s efforts in Montana.
Eck will be leading a team “dedicated to organizing and engaging Montana voters in conversations about Clinton’s platform.”
Please, save the bullshit.
We know full-well that all Hillary wants to do at this point is stay as quiet as possible until Bernie – hopefully, in her opinion – drops out.
At that point there won’t be anyone to challenge what her platform is…which to be completely honest, I have no idea what it is.
Jenny Eck will be talking about that, however, though if it’s anything like the MT Democratic platform, I bet it’ll be full of everything while telling us nothing.
Eck’s plan for Hillary in Montana is to “open at least three campaign offices across the state and hire field organizers.”
I can’t wait to see what those offices look like. Hell, look at Hillary’s Montana page!
What a joke. I mean, Bernie is coming to two Montana cities tomorrow yet Hillary can’t even get a friggin’ campaign page up.
And sorry – that page was fixed about 5 minutes after I put this image up on Twitter.
If there’s anything that the Hillary camp can’t stand, it’s looking stupid.
Clearly, we want to make them look as stupid as possible as often as possible.
And no, I won’t be going over to Hillary should Bernie lose the nomination.
I’ll vote for Trump and if that bothers you…so what? Do you think my life is going to get worse with him in office?
I don’t own property, I don’t have stocks, I’m not rich. No, I think my life will be perfectly fine. After all, it’s only the 1% and the 5% trying to be just like them that are shaking at the knees.
Hell, Trump even supports taxes on the rich and a $15 minimum wage. Hillary’s corporate handlers won’t allow that.
Anyways, back to Hillary’s site.
We knew what kind of ‘leadership’ we’d be getting from her – probably the same kind that Montana Democrats adhere to…you know, the kind that has them buying their website from a North Carolina firm.
Of course, it takes a lot of money for the MT Dems to hire that North Carolina firm for their website.
Thankfully Jenny Eck knows a lot about raising money.
This year she’s running unopposed for HD 79, but despite that fact, she’s already raised $5,280 (read the comments).
My goodness – what do you need any money for when it’s guaranteed you’ll win simply by filing the paperwork and paying the $15 fee?
That’s why Jenny Eck and others like her are so shady to me – they’re raising money so they can have lots of money while in office.
That way they can feel more important than other legislators, and perhaps buy their way into positions of authority.
It’s corruption, but considering Eck will be guiding the same organization that convinced Democrats to whore themselves out to the Victory for Hillary fund for $64,100, this really shouldn’t come as a surprise.
It’s important to remember that Eck served in the Bullock AG Office, where we know rampant corruption was going on.
In that regard, Eck is the best choice for Hillary. After all, we know how corrupt Hillary is. I have to assume that’s the career path that Eck wants to follow as well.
It’s sad, quite sad that so many are duped by Hillary. It’s not so much that they’re duped – Eck is smart enough to read about Hillary and learn the truth, I’m assuming she just doesn’t want to – it’s that they know Hillary is their best shot to the top.
For Eck, joining forces with Hillary ensures she’ll advance a lot faster out of the MT House and into, oh I dunno…something a bit cushier, with more pay, and better chances for advancement.
You see, Eck is an up-and-comer. Like many transplants, she came to Montana and quickly realized some of that East Coast savvy could be used to her advantage.
So now we have her pushing Hillary on us.
Well, good luck with that – I don’t think most of Montana gives a shit about Hillary.
If they did…wouldn’t she be coming here?
I just don’t read a lot about Hillary rallies going on, but there have been several Bernie rallies.
And that’s when the candidate isn’t even here!
No, Hillary is for the establishment types like Eck. Bernie is for you and I – the people.
I wish Eck well in her efforts, and with her continued political career. I’m sure she’ll advance, I’m sure she’ll attain her goals.
I’m not sure that’ll be best for Montana, however.