You know this.
You know it well.
You know that every day you wake up, your political leaders will continue to work as hard as they can for themselves while making your life as difficult as possible.
That’s how we do it in America – make you lots of big promises that are never delivered upon.
Your life will continue to get worse, those at the top will continue to say it’s getting better.
Every time they open their mouth you know the lies are coming.
Except with Donald Trump.
He speaks the truth.
It might be a hard, bitter, and ugly truth, but by God, it’s the truth.
- You know this.
- Americans know this.
- America knows this.
You can sure as shit see that the Republican establishment knows this.
Today they trotted out 2-time loser Mitt Romney. That imbecile is nothing like his Montana Democratic grandfather was.
We could use a Miles Romney right about now, we could use one bad.
But we won’t get it. Instead we have Trump. I’m mighty thankful for that.
Finally, someone so scary that the CIA is already saying they’ll have to kill him.
Yes, the CIA is afraid of Trump.
My God, where do I vote for this man? Hell, maybe I’ll even skip the primary I’m running in to vote on the GOP ticket just so I can vote for Trump.
You know full well how evil the CIA is from my last book and you’ll get a lot more in my next book.
The point is, Trump is saying what the rich assholes that made this country terrible, that made it un-whole, don't want to hear. Now they're scurrying around scared to death.
- The 2008 financial meltdown could not do that.
- Occupy Wall Street could not do that.
- Bernie Sanders could not do that.
But Donald Trump can. My God he can!
I love it. I can’t wait to vote for him and support him in Montana. Hell, I’d love to work in his campaign office!
I say that because we know that, despite raising about $40 million last month, Bernie Sanders will not be the nominee.
Even with Hillary’s email server installation guy saying he’ll cooperate with the FBI in exchange for immunity, Bernie will not be the nominee.
Hillary’s ego will not allow that.
For Hillary, letting the country continue to live under the dictatorship of the rich and corrupt is much more preferable to the people’s will taking hold.
Every ounce of strength the corporate media has will be brought to bear to make you understand this.
Instead, why not wake up?
There’s no reason for us to die from things like cancer, for instance, except that it’s profitable for the drug companies for us to do that.
We’ll never find a cure for anything as long as their bottom line is more important than our souls.
That’s what it comes down to for the rich – the bottom line.
Now they have one of their own calling them out, saying the emperor has no clothes.
To many, Trump is betraying his class. Another great man did that, Franklin Roosevelt.
Of course, we shouldn’t say that. That might lose Hillary even more votes than she already has.
Oh, we haven’t discussed turnout yet, have we?
The Terrible Democratic Turnout Problem
You can see that the GOP has won more states and has turned-out 3 million more voters than Democrats.
No one excites ‘em like Trump.
Actually, I think Democrats are voting, just for Trump.
Just like I said I can’t wait to vote for Trump, many Democrats are feeling the same, if not saying it.
- We know this country is broken.
- We know the regular Ds and Rs aren’t going to fix this.
- We know that Trump used the Republican Party to launch himself, the consequences be damned.
- We know he’s our best shot at getting this country back, and to hell with the critics.
The critics want Hillary or one of the kooks on the GOP stage.
We’re not havin’ any of that.
And please, don’t forget that the critics are often media-types that rely on corporate advertising for their paychecks.
It’s those same corporations that are giving us identical D and R policies each year, to hell with America in the process.
God, it makes you sick, doesn’t it, just how easy it was for them to hoodwink us for so long?
Now the time has finally come to tell them to go jump in the lake.
That’s what a vote for Trump is – a real ‘fuck you’ to the establishment.
Please tell them ‘fuck you’ for me.
Tell them loudly.
Montana Political Idiocy
The latest news is that the Montana Democrats have hired a North Carolina firm to make their website.
Simply scroll to the bottom of the Democrats’ website and see who it’s by. The link will take you to the North Carolina company.
For the Montana Republican Party, they don’t bother with going out-of-state – they go out-of-country.
Yeah, the Montana Republican Party actually hired a company headquartered in Germany to make their website.
Can you get any stupider?
I mean, this at a time when your gubernatorial candidate is going around saying we need to create more high-paying, high-tech jobs in Montana.
Then you go ahead and hire a firm in Germany.
Democrats are equally guilty on this, though since they stayed on this side of the pond why don’t we just give them the tar and hold the feathers?
Boy, I hope I find out the name of the individuals who came up with this idea.
Besides making the party brass look incredibly stupid (something they excel at on a regular day anyways), it completely obliterates a large portion of the Democratic message.
Wasn’t a big talking point for Dems that Gianforte was hiring all these out-of-state firms for his website marketing and design?
Well, you can kiss that argument goodbye – it went right down the tube of hypocrisy.
I bet Dems will still trot it out, however.
It’s because they’re stupid. Remember their argument awhile back about Gianforte’s H-1 visa employees that he brought into the state?
Well, Democrats have two in-sourced workers running Bullock’s campaign. The blame for this lies with Nancy Keenan and her gaggle of D.C. stooges.
They know nothing of the state and will be out of here after November…if not earlier.
It’s just idiocy, plain and simple.
I called the Republican Party in Montana to get a comment on this. I got their machine and left a message. I don’t expect a response.
I called the Montana Democratic Party and got Jason Pitt’s answering machine and left a message. He’s one of those in-sourced workers the Dems brought in. I don’t expect a response.
Missoula Idiocy
The latest round of mind-boggling tomfoolery comes from the Missoulian, which reports that Engen wants $21 million for a new event center downtown, one that’s going to lose money each and every year.
We could take that $21 million in bonding – we have no real money to buy things – and use it for the water company lawsuit.
But that would be looking out for Missoula, not just Engen's crony banker and developer friends.
Oh well. Nothing much I can do but write about it. I do know that Engen will just do himself in.
Remember, every single incumbent on the Missoula City Council refused to run last time.
They know they’re losers.
Simply remind them from time to time.