@gpstberg Did you intentionally switch the pictures for Lake & Koopman or do you really not know who they are?
— Steve (Dogiakos) Dee (@snachodog) April 20, 2015
This is terrible for Montana Democrats, and we really need to come up with a plan to conquer this. I’d start by highlighting how terrible Montana utilities make our lives.
What the hell is net metering? It’s a system that solar panel users can take advantage of to sell their excess power back into the grid. In other words, it helps you and I not at all. I mean…I’m not rich…are you? I don’t have a home and I sure as shit don’t have solar panels to put on my apartment! So this is just a waste of my time…a detractor issue from what’s really important, and that’s time of use.
What if you could run your washing machine at night and cut the cost by 50% or more? I bet you’d do it, huh? That’s time of use…and we’re not even talking about it!
Bob Lake and Roger Koopman love this. When we don’t talk about this, utility companies are happy. When utility companies are happy, they give lots of campaign contributions to people that are running for the PSC in 2016, men like Bob Lake and Roger Koopman.
How does that help you and I? It doesn’t, plain and simple. Both those men want to keep your power bill where it’s at. They could enact policies tomorrow that would pave the way for your power bill to go down by 50% by this time next year, but they don’t want to. Why? Because the Montana utilities pay them not to.
That’s corruption, but we just call it campaign contributions. Montana Democrats need to take that shit and smear it right in the face of these two men, and they need to start doing that now.
Welcome to 2016, gentlemen.