We don’t have a plan! We don’t have a plan to take the legislature in 2017!
All we’re doing is holding the line right now. Imagine what would happen if we lost Bullock in 2016 and we lost the legislature again too. All these “gains” we’re making in 2015 will be completely wiped out, and that goes for anything “we got” in 2013 as well.
There will be complete rollbacks of government support structures, the very remnants of the New Deal legislation that your grandparents benefited from so much.
We need a plan, we need a strategy, and we need to make inroads into those red areas that “we lost.”
Well, who lost them? I never lost them, I can tell you that…but then I never had them. Hell, I was born in 1981!
Back then it was the union doing the telling, but since we let all those die, I guess the Democrats are all we’ve got. Except…that’s pretty much only if you’re in the cities, because everywhere else the GOP is in control.
How is Nancy Keenan going to change that? I’d love to know, and that’s why I left the following comment on today’s Montana Cowgirl post, Why Keenan’s Selection Matters:
Why this doesn’t matter to anyone else is beyond me. Well, it’s not beyond me, actually – Montana Democrats are in denial. They gird themselves with money and hope that will protect them against the coming onslaught.
Yes, that onslaught will be driven by ungodly sums of money as well, but I’m not sure you can fight fire with fire. Water is what you need in that case, but the Montana Democrats aren’t bringing it.
They’re hoping for some grass roots and for some excitement, but I’m not sure how Keenan is going to bring that. I mean, really, you want me to get excited about someone that served the legislature from Anaconda when I was still in diapers, someone that headed up a state agency when I was going through middle school and high school? Hell, my parents worked at state agencies in the 90s too – it was anything but exciting.
That’s what the Montana Democrats are counting on with Keenan, someone that will bring excitement to the election process, get voters to the polls. Well, didn’t we have that last year in Amanda Curtis? Gosh, she got people damn excited and damn quick! But then she’s not part of the Good ‘Ol Boys Network, the same that got Keenan her plum position after years of “work” and the likes of John Walsh his plum position too. We saw how that turned out.
The head of NARAL before Keenan made $380,000 a year! In my book someone like that would be called clueless, clueless to my problems. And honestly, I’m not sure why they’re being paid that much, not when the salary on NARAL’s own website says $60,000 to $80,000 a year.
I know this post will offend many, and I hope it does. I hope it offends many people into coming up with a concrete strategy. More than likely, however, it’ll just offend them into inaction and passivity.
They’ll ignore voices they don’t like, and liken them to trolls or nutcases. And because of that Montana will have to sit through another offensive legislative session, one controlled by the Montana Republicans.
Both parties are corporate controlled, run through the vast network of Washington puppet strings. Should that come as any surprise? Anyone who’s studied the state’s history knows this to be the case.
So why should I even be upset? I shouldn’t – Nancy Keenan will indeed be that savior the Montana Democrats are looking for. She’ll increase their fundraising capability, enriching the few while giving the many something even better, hope…hope for a better future and a better life. But as Thomas Jefferson once told us, we have the right to pursue certain things in this country, but we don’t have the right to them. I think Nancy Keenan will ensure it stays that way.
For one, she’s tied at the hips with the D.C. crowd so Montana will have to support Hillary. We might as well draw up the primary ballots now – she’s a shoe-in!
And that means I’ll be voting third-party, just as I did in 2000. I’m not sure if we’ll have another Nader, but they’ll be getting my vote. Might as well be Nader, however – it sure as shit looks like Clinton and Bush again.
What went wrong with this country? It’s easy to come up with conspiracy theories of a New World Order or alien control, but maybe the reality is far worse, indifference and ignorance. Both lead to an erosion of our liberty, the erasure of the eternal vigilance we need in order for this country to remain a viable going concern.
Unfortunately, it really does seem that you and I are nothing more than the lowly classes in steerage, staring up through the cracks while those at the top are packing their suitcases for the lifeboats.
Already the big fundraisers for the Democrats are raking in the dough…but my life gets harder than ever. What plans are in place to deal with this is beyond me. Like I said, I don’t think there are plans, and the real plan is probably to keep it the same.
Arnon Gutfeld famously said that Montana was but a colony of the East, and I think we see that still today. Before it was the rich interests on Wall Street. Now it seems to be the rich interests on K Street.
If they’re not lobbying us to death they’re asking us for donations, constantly trying to keep the rickety wheels of their PAC-mobiles on the road. That road leads nowhere for me and you. We’re not allowed to leave that sinking ship, wander off our drought-stricken landscapes, or our escape swelling cities of hate and fear.
What to do, what to do indeed? I don’t have the answers, but I hope someone with more power and authority is listening and can come up with a strategy. It’s not too late...not yet.