I really do – I hate ‘em.
I liken them to that girl you liked in high school, the one that wouldn't give you the time of day. Finally, after a lot of heartache and soul-searching, you decide to give up on her.
I'm giving up on the Montana Democrats.
It's painful and it hurts, but I have to do it.
I hate that they have no plans, that they pander to corporate interests, and that they’re nothing more than Republican-lite.
Because of that I will support the Republicans.
That might strike people as strange, but so what? Why should I care?
I'm tired of pushing, I'm tired of pulling, I'm tired of trying to convince Montana Democrats of the direction they need to take.
So fuck 'em.
I don’t care, that should be obvious from all the posts I put on this site.
So what has pushed me over the edge, why support Gianforte over Bullock?
I’ll give you 4 reasons, though I don’t think you’ll like ‘em.
Frankly, I don’t care.
#1: Poor Performance
- In 2013 we had no infrastructure.
- In 2015 we had no infrastructure.
Those are two big failures and you have to lay the blame at his feet. In the first instance, he vetoed the bill. In the second instance, he refused to negotiate in the final days of the session.
Now, Democrats have all kinds of excuses for this.
Personally, I don’t think voters are buying it, and with a good message campaign this year, Gianforte will make voters think that a lot more.
That’s the thing – it all comes down to packaging your message. We haven’t seen this much yet as big-money advertising dollars haven’t been spent yet, but they will be.
Besides the terrible performance on infrastructure we had a lackluster job on getting early childhood education. Well, we didn’t get it.
Besides that we had the terrible Lt. Gov mess…twice. There was the terrible U.S. Senate appointment. And please, don’t forget all the dark money raising.
Besides this, Montana remains 49th in the country for wages. Instead of seeing to this, Bullock keeps trotting out our low unemployment numbers.
As if having people work two jobs to scrape by is some kind of justification for how well we’re all doing.
Mainly Bullock is clueless, about his job performance and about the state he purports to represent.
People are struggling, though with Bullock always going to the rich man’s house to raise money, it’s no surprise he doesn’t see this.
When was the last time Bullock was on a reservation…the 2014 campaigns?
Mainly, there’s a huge disconnect between Bullock in Helena and the rest of us living in the real world.
A lot of this comes down to the people that Bullock surrounds himself with.
#2: The Helena Cabal
I say Helena cabal as most of Bullock’s cabinet members are from Helena.
Their power runs deep.
Just today it was revealed on Flathead Memo that Bullock’s key advisor, Tracy Stone-Manning, has a step-son named Joshua Manning.
Turns out that Joshua Manning is actually “Secret Squirrel,” a writer on MT Cowgirl.
Well, isn’t that something?
We already know that out-of-state millionaire Eric Stern is the main person behind that site. Now it appears we have another political insider, one that used to be anonymous as well.
I will be supporting Hal Jacobson for Senate District 40, in other words, and you’ll hear that support on this site.
I’m sick of the Helena cabal. I’m sick of Stone-Manning. I’m very sick of MT Cowgirl and their hypocritical, trollish and anonymous attacks.
Montana Cowgirl is one of the main reasons I hate Democrats.
That’s a big reason why I won’t support Bullock – I hate those he associates with.
Since they hate me, why should I care?
#3: No Message
There is no message.
One look at the Bullock 2016 campaign website makes it clear there is no message.
Oh, they’ll take your money, but don’t ask Montana Democrats what their message is, or what they can do for you.
I pressed Don Pogreba at Intelligent Discontent about that yesterday in a post he had up.
As is usually the case with that site, I was ridiculed and put down for voicing my opinion.
That’s a standard approach with Montana Democrats, I find.
- It makes me sick.
- It turns me off.
- It makes me want to see the other guy win.
I think it’s pretty clear that Montana Democrats won’t be having a message that voters care about this year.
They could have, but spamming your email inbox for money all the time was viewed as a better use of their time.
Perhaps it’s because we have Nancy Keenan running operations. She’s been out of state in D.C. so long that she’s clueless.
Other operatives like Jason Pitt and Eric Hyers are out-of-state folks that don’t really know much of anything about Montana, its people, or its politics.
Expect to see them replaced sometime this year as it becomes clear to Bullock that Gianforte is a force to be reckoned with.
Bullock may tell you not to change horses midstream, but he has no problem doing that with his staff.
That’s what happens when you have no message and thus no plan.
#4: I Just Don’t Like the Guy
He’s a lawyer, one from the firm of Steptoe & Johnson. You can put the fanciest suit on an ambulance chaser but they’ll still be an ambulance chaser.
You just can’t trust lawyers. I mean, let’s be honest – lawyers always try to fuck you.
Even when they purport to help, you quickly realize this isn’t the case…just look at the bill!
Anyone that charges $300 an hour cannot be trusted.
I don’t trust Bullock.
We already saw that he can’t be trusted to get infrastructure passed. When he does try to pass it to he ensures his banker cronies will have mountains of debt to make interest off of.
It’s just a real mess and I can’t be part of it. I can’t be part of the flimsy excuses and justifications that Democrats continue to throw out there as reasons for doing things.
The Democrats’ way of doing things makes no sense.
I guess you have to figure that’s the case when you’re desperate, clinging to your urban areas, fighting amongst your members for limited seats, and generally grasping for a vision that never seems to come.
There just aren’t leaders in the Montana Democratic Party anymore, nor do the current people at the top want there to be any.
So the party will continue to flounder and flail about, with regular members hoping against hope that something will change, their leaders constantly looking over their shoulder, hoping it doesn’t.
I would love that.
Clearly I love it, for I do it all the time now for free!
I guess in that regard, why pay me? Why pay me to write about Bullock and his terrible performance when I do that for free now?
So that’s an issue I need to work on.
I see no reason not to take money to write against Bullock as I sure as shit won’t be getting any money to write for him.
That’s the job of MT Cowgirl, MT Streetfighter, and maybe a few other pandering sites that haven’t started up just yet.
No, Bullock needs K-Streeters from D.C. writing his copy, not poor bastards living in Montana.
I can’t wait to see the results, once the shit’s flung and we start seeing campaign ads and social media posts.
I mean…remember that Gianforte fuck-up a few months back when he tweeted a message with an image of a mountain in Wyoming?
That’s the stuff you do when your operation is new, uncoordinated, and a damn mess. He hired Aaron Flint about 10 days later.
I also have to give props to Gianforte for keeping that Tweet – Democrats would have deleted it in shame right away while hoping to hell no one took a childish screenshot of it like they pride themselves on doing all the time.
When Bullock gets his dark money PACs going in March or so, expect to see a lot of these fuck-ups. Pitt and Hyers are too wet behind the ears in the state for there to be anything different.
Maybe Stone-Manning will save him, and her step-son Secret Squirrel.
Perhaps it’ll be Dave Parker over at Main Streets Montana, the program that has gone nowhere and which will likely become an albatross around Bullock’s neck, not the savior he’s counting on it to be.
Oh boy – election season is heating up.
I’m excited.
Something tells me Bullock’s not.