More than that, however, he’s a cancer spreading across this land. He’s contagious as well, for these terrible ideas are catching, and they may have already afflicted the highest levels of leadership…both in the GOP and the Montana Democratic Party.
Ryan Zinke is one of the worst afflictions to hit the state of Montana in some time. Today I’d like to talk about this cancer, the havoc it’s playing on our state, how we can rid ourselves of it, and the leadership qualities necessary to do that.
- First of all, there’s nothing about defense here, and I’d just assume we stop dicking around and call the Defense Department the War Department again. When you spend more overseas than you do at home, it’s not defense, it’s war.
- Next, why are we spending nearly three-quarters of a trillion dollars on the military? I don’t want this, and I really don’t like it that corrupt, bought and paid for idiots like Ryan Zinke think this is a good use of my money – it’s not.
- Finally, why do we continue to prop up the military industrial complex in this country? Why are we funding international arms dealers, and people that give guns to both sides in a conflict, and often our very enemies?
Ryan Zinke supports this because Ryan Zinke is a buffoon. He has no intelligence. He thinks that running up our national debt is a good idea, but then you have to realize, this is what he’s been paid to do.
How this works is…
- The huge national bank loans money to poor countries at exorbitant interest rates so they can buy guns;
- The huge international oil companies can then go into the destabilized regions and get that oil at a bargain;
- The global consulting arm of the bank assesses the situation, kind of like the look-out man at a bank robbery;
- The huge insurance company plays on the fear of the citizens in that country, giving them worthless insurance at inflated rates;
- The legal firm makes sure everyone’s shoes remain shit-less.
Sure, it’s early…but not too early to think about strategy, pinpoint those weaknesses, and start going for the jugular. I mean, this man’s sister just got caught with meth – obliterate the schmuck!
But we’re not, we’re not doing any of that. We’re not attacking this man and we’re not even questioning him. The Montana Democrats did a terrible job during the campaign against him, barely doing better than a woman that ran with a fraction of the time and the money, and in a much higher race.
Yeah, Amanda Curtis knocked the shit out of John Lewis’s performance last year, and instead of looking at this, we turn our heads away in shame.
I’m not surprised – this is the leadership we get from a 63-year old woman. Nancy Keenan has no idea how to win young Montana voters, mainly because she’s not one. Hell, her kids aren’t even young anymore. And remember, because of her more than decade in Washington as a paid lobbyist, she’s both out of touch with your daily concerns and focused more on abortion than the real economic problems you struggle with day to day.
Montana Democrats would rather fail than admit they have problems.
It’s easy to understand why – failure has brought the current crop of leaders to power. The people in charge of the Montana Democratic Party didn’t come to power because they succeeded, they came to power because no one else knew what to do and they fired everyone else. Instead of signaling confidence and success, moves like that signal fear and confusion.
- Fear because there’s a problem and we can’t get rid of it so we lash out;
- Confusion because no matter how smart we are, we can’t win and we have no idea what to do about it.
When you get in a situation like that, it’s time to batten down the hatches and ride out the storm, hoping you come out safe on the other side. “Hope” is the main ingredient for Democratic “success” these days, though what its components are, where you can find an abundant supply, and exactly what it is haven’t been defined.
It’s probably why Montana Democrats can’t win – they rely on national slogans of meaninglessness in a place that would rather turn its back on you than hear another one of those gimmicks. Nationally, however, Democrats don’t know that, and the Montana Democrats have a national ‘leader.’
The current leaders of the Montana Democratic Party are rich, entitled, and old. They don’t know what affects you, and that’s why they have no idea what kind of candidates to run.
- First of all, the kind of candidates that will win on a Democratic ticket in Montana are the kinds of candidates that piss off the current crop of Montana Democratic Party “leaders.” Do you think Amanda Curtis would ever have been allowed in if Keenan was in charge back then? I don’t.
- Next, true Democrats talk about income gaps, earnings for top brass, and corruption in government. Unfortunately, these are all things our current Democratic “leaders” profit off of while in office, or get into office because of. This system works for them, so why change it?
- Finally, the current crop of Democratic “leaders” in Montana know that they’d be done if true Democrats ever came to power, you know, the kind that actually care about poor people more than bankers, think that a dollar is worth more than an extended liability, and believe that work is a greater benefit to people than idleness.
Our current crop of Democratic leaders are idle, that’s clear. They’re idle on brining sustainable industry here that will support your family, figuring out how to move us away from the extraction of the 20th century and to the information of the 21st, and how to get money out of politics.
But then, just like Ryan Zinke, none of those things benefit the current crop of Montana Democratic Party “leaders.”
Like most of society, however, those leaders are old and showing their age. They won’t be around that much longer. Their bodies will give out, if their minds don’t first. Young people will begin to fill the roles of leadership. Montana and the country can begin the healing process. Life can begin again.