The first one is just a small thing, a comment on a site and nothing more.
Really, though – it points to a lot…in my humble opinion.
You’ll be getting a lot of that in this post – opinion.
It’s why you come to this site.
The second thing I saw is a post about Trump’s rally in Billings and how Dems can thwart it.
Yeah – good luck with that.
Finally, our third story is about Gianforte and, let’s face it, the numbskull-like moves he’s been making.
Alright, let’s wade into it.
Just Plain Dumb
So that was put up on Wednesday on their Tuesday LGBT post.
For the most part…what the hell?
You’re telling me that the Democratic mouthpiece blog of the state has no idea which offices won’t have any Dems filing in ‘em before filing deadline?
That’s just stupid.
More, it’s incompetent.
We know that in 2014 Dems couldn’t pick up any seats in the Montana Senate, though they did manage to grab two in the House.
Despite that, they’d need to pick up 10 more seats to have that chamber and they’d need to pick up 5 in the Senate to have it.
How’s that going to happen?
It’s a good question and by devising strategies now, identifying likely candidates, and making a real push (doesn’t have to be financial) we could have a chamber in the early 2020s and perhaps both by mid-decade.
Hell, maybe things could go faster than that if Trump really turns out as bad as Dems think.
I’m not confident of that, however.
No, it’ll take hard work and strategizing…two things we could get each week from MT Cowturd.
Alas, we do not.
Why is that?
It’s a fair question, one we need to be asking more.
Chompin’ at the Bit over Trump
Pretty much, they’re suggesting that you buy tickets to Trump’s Billings rally and then don’t show up.
The idea is that there’ll be tons of empty seats and Trump will be talking to no one.
Personally, that sounds a lot like the Bill Clinton rally that we had in Billings just last night, the one that drew 2,500 people less than the Bernie Sanders rally about 10 days before.
I dunno, I guess I just find the idea of trying to silence Trump to be so comical.
People can’t wait to hear what he says next!
Who else can you say that about?
Sure as shit no, my friend...sure as shit no.
Brian Schweitzer, now there was someone you wouldn’t mind hearing from.
But those other four clowns? Please.
When it comes to Trump, however, boy…people love to listen to him!
I expect that there’ll be so many people in line outside the Billings event that any empty seats come show time will be sat down in no matter what.
Of course, I’ve made it quite plain that I’ll be voting for Trump if Bernie doesn’t get the Democratic nod.
Oh, how that angers Montana Democrats.
So how about this anti-Trump post today?
I’d like to use the word childish to describe what it’s suggesting, but what would be the point?
After all, we know full-well that Don Pogreba considers me a Republican anti-semite, as well as many of those commenting on his site.
Oh well…what can you do?
When you speak your mind and say what you want, you have to expect others will take offense.
Many times they’ll attack you, call you names.
God, nothing tells you you’re winning like that.
I mean, why not ignore you?
Hell, most of the time I just ignore people that I find inconsequential and pointless.
Why give them power, attention, or more people that know who the hell they are?
But that’s just me. It’s why you don’t read much about Corey Stapleton on this site, for instance.
I mean…why?
I guess I could attack him and say how bad he is, but…why?
I don’t feel threatened by him, or whatever policies he may try to push on me.
I have the same philosophy with Daines and Zinke and those other GOPers – why even bother talking about them?
Who am I trying to convince…you?
Oh my, I just had a good laugh.
If you’re reading this site chances are pretty good that your mind is made up about Daines and Zinke.
Or did you want to read about how bad they are, perhaps several times a week?
What would that accomplish?
No, here at Big Sky Words we try to look at interesting things, not boring things.
And I found that anti-Trump post today to be quite interesting.
Hope you did too.
Knock, Knock…Anyone Home?
The guy’s knocking on your head to see if you have any brains.
When I see shit-shingle news stories about Greg Gianforte spending $8 million to put his name on a university building, I have to wonder if anyone’s home.
My God – what are you thinking?
Reading those Flathead Beacon comments I see that a lot of red and blue voters are agreeing on this – dumb move Gianforte!
Just a week or so ago we had the knucklehead story about Gianforte’s suing over stream access, and then the Montana GOP gets this shit sandwich to deal with.
Personally, I think it’ll be 60% to 40% this November, Steve Bullock getting his second term.
No manner of money is going to erase stupid, and rich people putting their names on public buildings and rich people suing the state to keep poor people away are both stupid.
Montana Democrats, together with the national PACs and dark money groups they get support from, will not let voters forget these stories.
I’m not sure Gianforte’s propaganda machines are going to be able to fight that.
More, I fully expect we’ll have another knucklehead story fall upon us in another week or two.
Perhaps it’ll even be one like this name on the MSU building story – one that Gianforte doesn’t even recognize as a liability, nay, sees as an asset.
Boy, get him to serve you another couple of those dishes and this election’s in the bag!
I liken Gianforte’s losing streak to the same issue that Roger Stone put forth for why he left Trump’s campaign – you can’t tell the guy what to do.
It’s a common problem with rich people, for they’re always 'right.' In this case, I suspect Gianforte will continue to ignore campaign advice…if his staff is even acknowledging that these knucklehead moves are bad moves.
Personally, I think the name on the university building is a huge fuck-up, but that’s just me.
What do I know?
I think winning an election is all about going around and knocking on doors, meeting voters…not so much about raising money and buying up media.
In that regard, perhaps I’m the funniest Montana news story of them all.