A Quick Note to Readers
Hey, that’s fine – I bet it happens to lots of people.
So let’s run through some quick numbers, stats, and just plain ol’ pronouncements, shall we?
- According to the analytics I use with Weebly (my site editor), I get about 800 to 1,100 unique visitors a day on this site.
- According to Google Analytics I get anywhere from 600 to 800 unique visitors a day directly from their search engine.
- Most of my traffic comes from Missoula, followed by Helena, and then Bozeman. After that it’s Kalispell, Great Falls and Billings.
- I’m really angry with the National Democratic Party because they’re not working hard enough for common workers and property taxpayers, or what we used to call the Middle Class.
- I really dislike the Montana Democratic Party because they don’t focus enough on working class issues, exactly the thing I think they need to do so they can take the legislature again.
- I really hate the Republican Party because they make it so abundantly clear that unless you’re a rich corporatist, you and your family don’t matter.
- I hate the Republican Party even more because their corruption and lack of empathy for workers ensures that the Democratic Party can work a whole lot less on those issues while still claiming to represent that cause.
- I feel that most big-name politicians of both parties are hopelessly corrupt and that they’ll probably burn in Hell for this.
- In my opinion, things are not getting better in this country and in this world, they’re only getting worse.
- In a dark sort of way I kind of want Hillary to be the nominee. That way we can have the true split in the Democratic Party that we really need for true change to come about.
- I don’t expect to ever own a home, get Social Security, have retirement, or that I’ll ever be able to stop working.
- I expect I’ll always be struggling with some form of debt, some kind of healthcare crisis.
- I’ll encourage my son not to go to college, simply because of the costs.
- I don’t think America is the greatest or the richest or the best country in the world, not anymore, and not in a long, long time.
I’m glad we had a chance to run through that. If you’d like to go now, totally understandable.
The Bathroom Debate
Hard look from the teacher.
“May I go to the bathroom?”
Remember when that was about as difficult as it got?
Well, those days are done – now we have transgender rights.
While I know many readers might still be inclined to run those folks out of the bar – I’ve seen it happen in Montana – at this point in time we’re supposed to be politically correct.
That means not only treating transgender people like everyone else, but letting them go to the bathroom as well.
To me, I could give a shit.
To hard-line GOPers, however, this issue is right up there with abortion and gun rights and gay marriage.
That means it’s damn important to them and some people are not happy about that.
I got the following email earlier today from a concerned Montana citizen:
“In my opinion, Obama sure handed Hillary a real plum with the bathroom proclamation and Republicans went for the bait. Now all we will hear for 5 months is the state rights issue and nothing about anything that will hurt Clinton.”
So the GOP and the states will fight over who can go to which bathroom.
Do you still think that corporations aren't inventing a sham dialogue in this country to keep us from talking about the real issues?
Or is transgender people going to the bathroom a real issue?
According to this site, 0.21% of Americans identify themselves as transgender.
That’s 700,000 people.
So instead of talking about the 45 million people living in poverty in America, we’ll talk about who can go to the bathroom.
No wonder this country keeps going to hell.
Here in Montana, Democrats think this is a hot issue.
I've got news - no one cares.
People don’t know how they’ll pay the rent or mortgage next month.
No one cares about this issue of transgender bathrooms and pressing it will just help Gianforte.
Gianforte talks about jobs. For people struggling to pay bills, that’s what they want to hear.
For people living in a paid-for home and with the kids in college, maybe bathrooms is an issue.
Good luck with it.
Veterans Just Don’t Matter
I’ll ruffle some more right now.
Obamacare is being used by poor people 6.6% more but at the same time we know full-well that 22 million veterans can’t get healthcare.
We justify this because of the high rate of suicide, homelessness, incarceration, and unemployment among this group.
Fight in a war for America and we won’t give you access to healthcare. We will serve you cockroaches for dinner, however.
When it comes to the Montana Democratic elite, sadly, they’d rather spend their time decrying South Carolina’s bathroom law than actually trying to help Montana veterans.
Well, it’s political season – you know you don’t matter except as another hand to shake, another name to cross off the list.
And if you’re in the wrong party, well…fuck you.
That’s the attitude you’ll get from the political elite of this state and of this country.
Really, they don’t need you at all. Currently we have Demo elites going around to our reservations to drum up votes.
They are desperate, our Democrats that parade around on a message that no one cares about.
No one cares about it because it doesn’t resonate in their lives.
It’s not supposed to.
The Democratic message today is tailored to the elite, the Ivy League educated, and the select few of the bygone white collar/blue collar world we used to live in.
Those days are gone, but my goodness, we must keep up appearances.
After all, there’s a family of Jones’s somewhere that has to be kept up with. So let’s pretend things are alright and just keep living the charade.
It’s why so many are falling through the cracks in this country and in this state.
Let’s just keep ignoring them, eh?
Is Bullock Illegally Coordinating?
Personally, I found it interesting.
Where the hell was it?
Boy, it sure was a green spot.
Other than that, what about the coordination with the groups?
Are any of them PACs, and if so, is that allowed?
Honestly, why are we asking – we know full-well from February that Bullock has no problems illegally coordinating with New York video trackers.
I guess what I’m getting at is that Montana Conservation Voters – a political action committee – set up that press conference which Bullock spoke at.
Is that legal?
Again, we had the illegal coordination at the bar in Two Dot. To think that Bullock’s campaign wouldn’t do so again is silly.