It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.
We hear that a lot, and I think it’s true.
Let’s face it - most of the 2020s are going to be terrible.
But perhaps as we approach 2030 things will get better.
I think one of the largest changes will be people all over the world turning away from science and scientists. I think these people will be viewed much like we view child molesters now.
So many around the world know that we’re being lied to, with sham-science held up as the truth.
And then the corporate media pushes these lies. People are getting sick of it. They’re saying, ‘Fuck your science - give me my life back!’
Europeans took to the streets this weekend to say just that, to protest the lockdowns and mask orders. Germany was the hotspot.
The Guardian said that 17,000 marched on Saturday and the BBC said it was 20,000.
For Germany, the New York Times reported that these people were all “Nazis.” I doubt it.
We shouldn’t be surprised by the fake news coming from the large corporations that control the media.
We’ve seen it before.
122 years ago a bunch of New York newspapers printed up a bunch of fake stories about a battleship explosion in Cuba to get us into a war with Spain.
The ultimate goal? Taking over Spain’s colonial possessions so the rich American businessmen could exploit those colonial resources. Many times these businessmen also owned the newspapers.
One of these leading men was Joseph Pulitzer, who published numerous fake stories to get us into war.
Today the top journalistic prize in the nation is named after this man. I think that tells you a lot.
And of course we saw the exact same thing in 2003...lies to get us into Iraq. We’re still in that shithole today.
We can only hope that in the short-term, 2021 is better than this year. That’s going to take a lot of effort from certain groups of people.
I think about this coming New Year’s Eve, and people looking forward.
Many are going to have to come to grips that Trump won a second term. I think many will have to focus on politics less, perhaps coming to realize what many of us have - how little it has to do with our daily lives.
This will of course mean that many will have to turn off social media for at least a few weeks, and probably a few months.
So many lives would improve if they just got rid of social media; just made an effort to put the phone down a little bit more.
One can hope.
Democrats better hope they don’t lose it anymore than they already have. What we see with them is a Party on the ropes, one headed for dissolution.
Joe Biden doesn’t have a chance, and the corporate news even admits it. They don’t want to debate, and are trotting experts out to tell us debates are a bad idea. On top of this, Biden can’t seem to nail-down a VP.
But Biden won’t be able to stay out of the spotlight forever. He’ll have to talk. And when he does...people will see an emperor with no clothes.
Here in Montana, Democrats are hard at work in their Twitter and Facebook bubbles, trying to convince us that Cooney has a chance against Gianforte; that Bullock can beat Daines.
I doubt it, and have said so for months and months.
Emerson College Polling out of Boston seems to agree.
Yesterday they released a poll they conducted over the weekend. It shows Daines was at 50% and Bullock 44%.Just 5% are undecided.
Gianforte came in at 50% and Cooney at 41%, with 7% undecided in that race.
The same poll has Trump at 53% and Biden at 42% here in Montana, with 5% undecided.
30,000 mobile numbers were used in the poll.
I think polls are meaningless. Dems will praise the polls they like while lambasting those they don’t. The GOP does the same.
In 2016, all the polls were wrong.
Cooney and Gianforte...Steve and Steve - all these camps are doing their own private polling right now with their coastal firms, which they give tens of thousands of dollars to each reporting period.
The politicians are paying these firms to tell them what they want to hear, that they’re winning.
If the polling outfits said they were losing, the politicians would pull up stakes and take their money to a firm that tells them what they want to hear...that they’re winning.
No one believes the polls.
No one believes the science.
We’re sick of both, and the people pushing them on us. We hope they all just go away.
It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.