I glanced through it earlier this morning, and quite a few comments caught my eye. I decided to read through it more thoroughly, and after doing so I sent a tweet to the author asking a question.
I was accused of being uncivil an hour after asking that question, so you can tell that if you disagree on this issue, it’s obviously because you’re not a good person.
I decided to write up a post about this issue shortly after first reading it today. You might remember that we discussed the Iran issue in an August 1 post called The Iran Nuclear Deal: How Does it Benefit You? Today let’s go through this new post point-by-point to see what we can see.
Exploring the Iran Deal
I will admit, Iran having a nuclear weapon could mean war. I’m not sure who would be at war with Iran, but I’ll go head and speculate that he means Iran and America.
It could be Iran and Saudi Arabia or Iran and Israel or maybe even Iran and the whole Middle East, maybe even Egypt thrown in too. Who knows?
I don’t, and I can only speculate that war is the inevitability if Iran gets a nuclear weapon. After all, Kosted says that “ridding Iran’s ability to obtain a nuclear weapon is essential to preventing war.” Let’s not get into the fact that about 10 other nations have nukes and have not gotten into a war – if Iran gets one we will be having a nuclear war, period.
Wow, those are some bold assertions. I love how it’s “this way or else,” which is the common Democratic tactic under the Obama Administration. This strong-arm stuff is getting rather silly, because we know that Obama’s and Kosted’s assertions are pure fluff – Iran isn’t going to launch a nuke at us if we don’t sign this deal!
After that Kosted goes into some details on the plan, saying the plan “puts in place the most robust inspections ever,” which will be carried out by the “the world’s leading inspectors, the International Atomic Energy Agency.”
Kosted then goes against Daines and Zinke, decrying their lack of support for the deal. “They are irresponsible to dismiss the Iran deal,” he says, “as it ensures that Iran won’t be able to build a nuclear weapon.”
I’m not so sure it “ensures that Iran won’t be able to build a nuclear weapon,” myself. If someone wants something bad enough, they’ll find a way. Just talk to North Korea. Daines is then called an “embarrassment” and compared to the “Donald Trump wing of the Republican party,” which is only capable of “swift, decisive, and ultimately disastrous action.”
Kosted then makes a sensible argument when he says that “Daines is looking to lead America into another unnecessary war,” much as “George W. Bush did in Iraq.”
Wow, now someone’s using their head. I wish Kosted would use it a little more, for it doesn’t matter if it’s Republicans or Democrats, those arms dealers will be getting their war. Either we sign the deal like you say and we don’t have a war, or we don’t sign it and we do. So here we have the GOP arms dealers.
On the other hand, signing the deal will alienate Israel, a nuclear power, which will upset other powers, and increase the already-ongoing nuclear arms race in the region. Ah, the Democratic arms dealers.
Either way, defense contractors, arms dealers and warmongers will be getting their conflict, something that increases their profits. This is why Ike warned us about them.
Kosted then goes on to say that “Senator Daines, you will not have a 2nd term.” That’s a bold statement, but I’m not sure any of us can tell what will happen in five years. Hell, five years ago the president of Egypt was overthrown and everyone thought there’d be improvements. Today nothing has changed.
That’s because people don’t really control things in the world, or make the real decisions. It’s the rich plutocrats, industrialists, and multi-national businessmen with their banker pals. Daines has got their back, and I’m sure they’ll have his come November 2020.
Didn’t we play this game before, for a few decades in fact? This Cold War game that says if you push the button so will I? Why do we live this way? Why do we allow our governments to have us living in fear?
Let’s kick these bums out, all of them, and then let’s encourage the people in other countries to kick their bums out too.
Marie Antoinette said “let them eat cake” in response to the people’s calls for change in 1789 and they killed her and her whole family. Nothing scares the rich fatcat assholes more than that, the idea that they can be dragged from their beds and strung up in the streets, or have their heads cut off.
It’s happened a lot in history, and it happens still. Some of you remember the president of Libya being shot to death on the hood of a car.
That’s what happens to despots, and the unjust. That’s what the American corporations and oligarchs are deathly afraid of, and it’s why we have things like Jade Helm – so Americans know their place.
Folks, this is how our government is supposed to feel – afraid of us. We have the power, and we give it to them. We also give them the money to fund everything. Let me ask you, who has the power in this country?
Unfortunately for the oligarchs, patriotism still reigns in this country. We see it at military recruiting stations, where civil-minded Americans stand watch outside. You know that when Marie Antoinette starts telling you want you can have, those men and women will be ready, and they’ll stand with you to make this country right again.
Nothing scares our current “leaders” more. That’s why you see the media and blogs like MT Cowgirl decry them – they know that if those people ever put this country back on the right path, their plum existence would be gone, the one that has to leech off you for its corrupt existence.
This is one of the main reasons Marco Rubio has increased in the polls. You didn’t honestly think it was the debate, did you?
“A provision inserted into the agreement at the behest of American negotiators” the NPR article says, “stipulates that the deal will not take effect until 90 days after the Security Council formally endorses the accord.”
Congress doesn’t even play into it anymore. They have no power; they’re window dressing.
At the end of Kosted’s article, he pretty much begs and grovels Senator Tester to support the Iran deal, again, because it’s the best chance at keeping that country from going nuclear, which if that happens, will lead to an inevitable war.
Why are we so afraid in this country? What is there to be afraid of? Iran? Please.
When I lived in China the government was deathly afraid of the people, and for good reason – governments there have been overthrown time and time again as leaders become unjust. It goes back thousands of years.
Here in America, however, we’re afraid of the government. It’s time that changes. A good place to start is by telling them to stop shoving this fear down our throats. Iran isn’t a threat to me, nor are that nation’s people. The real threat is the people at the top of both countries.
Cake, anyone?