I just gotta tell you…I feel extremely confident about our future.
- Yeah, the country’s going straight to hell and has been for some time.
- Yeah, the Democrats are no better than the Republicans no matter how much we lie to ourselves that they are.
- Yeah, jobs are shit and pay is crummy and getting benefits is rarer than seeing a two-horned unicorn.
Despite all that, I feel extremely confident.
Simple – change.
It’s the only constant.
You might remember a post I put up last June that had this image at the end:
I like that quote, because it reminds us that the things we view as weak – water and often ourselves – are quite strong and quite capable of wearing down, destroying, and ultimately changing those things that are strong – rock and the status quo.
Yeah, it takes time.
But it happens. And when you get up each day and work at it and press on no matter the adversities before you, that change becomes inevitable.
So I’m extremely confident about things today, and I’d like to use that confidence to frame some of the foreign policy issues we’ll talk about.
The Trump Arms Deal
Trump is on a 9-day whirlwind tour, one that’s already netted Saudi Arabia $350 billion in arms deals over the next ten years.
This is the country that attacked us on 9/11.
Hey, that's what the courts told us, and that’s why families can sue the Saudis…something they want Trump to stop.
So Saudi Arabia attacked us but the media lied about it and the American sheeple are in the dark.
This is not surprising, nor is it surprising that it’s continued.
The American media sure didn’t tell it to ya, but in 2012 the Smith-Mundt Act was overturned.
This was passed in 1948 to ensure that the American government never used propaganda against its own people, like so many countries in WWII had been doing.
Now it’s perfectly legal for our government and our media to lie to us.
What’s also not surprising is the fact that the shadow government pretty much hijacked the Trump presidency.
- Dick Cheney was lashing out at Russia at the end of March.
- Paul Wolfowitz came out of the woodwork at the end of April to praise the Syrian bombings we conducted.
- Henry Kissinger showed up in the Oval Office in mid-May to “discuss Russia and other matters.”
These people don’t just show up on accident.
It’s all part of the plan, one put forth in the early-90s to radically change the world, keep the petrodollar secure, and ensure American hegemony for another generation or two.
No matter who’s president, the plan will continue – American domination of the Middle East and its resources, the pegging of those resources to our fiat currency, and the threat of war if nations don’t play ball.
Don’t ever forget – the only reason the world hates us so much is because of these policies, policies which have come about through our 30-year occupation of the Middle East via our proxies or our ability to overthrow whomever we want whenever we want, damn the consequences.
But back to the massive arms deal.
It starts with $110 billion right away, and Israel will get the same deal.
The reasons are simple – Iran has to be put in its place.
By selling hundreds of billions in arms to these two genocide-inducing countries, America thinks it’ll keep Iran from getting the bomb.
If I was Iran I’d be doing everything in my power to get the bomb.
Hell, the most dangerous country in the world just sold my neighbors tons of weapons!
So it’ll be interesting to see what happens.
Most of this goes back to the mid-1970s when America and Saudi Arabia colluded to force the rest of the world to use the petrodollar.
For the past 40 years America has used that currency as a blunt weapon to force other nations to do what it wants.
That time is quickly coming to an end, however.
The reason?
Russia and China.
For years now we’ve been seeing the two countries build up their gold stocks as they move away from western banks and to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, or AIIB.
Now we’re seeing the Chinese beginning their gold mining plans in Siberia, which should net them 15 tons of the metal each year.
It’ll be one of the largest gold mines in the world and will only strengthen the AIIB.
I’d say in another year or so neither China nor Russia will have to use the petrodollar.
Yep, they're going back to the gold standard while America desperately clings to its self-created 'oil standard' via the petrodollar.
How many countries will join Russia and China once they make that announcement is unknown, but we do know that 52 nations are members of the bank and 25 more want to join.
America will never recover from this.
For 40 years we’ve told the world what to do, our only leverage being the petrodollar currency we force the world to use.
When the world has a choice all of a sudden, what do you think will happen?
Well, as we see…many countries will switch over. America will do everything in its power to ensure this doesn’t happen, including war and I have no doubt, nuclear war.
Most people simply don’t understand that the petrodollar is America’s only real bludgeon.
When that’s gone, so is everything else.
I think so.
- First of all, the American petrodollar will eventually come to an end, and with it America’s slave-like hold on the rest of the word.
- Next, boosted military spending that has no benefit for common Americans will become so top-heavy that it can do nothing but cave-in on itself.
- Then, America’s military is so weak and so overstretched that we won’t be wasting anymore American blood in possible wars with China or Russia or Iran or North Korea.
- Finally, Americans simply can’t give anymore.
It’s that last one I like the most.
My government can keep asking me for more, but I’ve got nothing to give.
I’m wore out, broke, and busted. It’s clear to me and millions of others that my country doesn’t care about me.
Just look at veterans – 2 a day kill themselves. Their war has never ended.
Most Americans are the same. We’re tired and we don’t want to take it anymore.
Our pay has been stagnant for 30 years and no matter what the government says or does, nothing ever changes.
Jobs are shit and pay is crummy and getting benefits is rarer than, well…you know.
Rock bottom?
I’d say we’re pretty damn close.
Our country continues to fall apart and now we see in Trump’s new $4 trillion budget that even food stamps are being cut by 25% in favor of increased military spending.
How does that benefit you?
It doesn't. Please remember that there is no greater direct, economic stimulus for Montana than food stamps...as we discussed over a year ago.
Personally, I’d rather America spends its money feeding Americans, not selling weapons to a country that bombed two huge towers in New York 16 years ago.
Alas, that’s not part of the plan.
Frustrating, ain’t it?
Well, to me it just makes me confident.
- How long can this charade continue?
- How long will Americans put up with it?
- How long can they put up with it?
I’m sure that are lots of people doing just fine, able to buy our $255,000-average homes here in Missoula, maybe even save for retirement while getting the kids through school.
Most of us can’t do that, however.
So the inevitable will happen – the top-heavy corrupt form of governmental policies that we have now will cave-in on themselves or topple over or just fade away.
No one can come to your house and make you get up in the morning to go to work, and soon America will no longer be able to make its people care about its missteps and dark adventures around the world, and how this supposedly ‘benefits’ them.
Americans are starting to wake up, and our old form of blind patriotism is giving way to a kind of weary and indifferent resentment.
The country wasn’t supposed to be like this, life wasn’t supposed to be like this!
Trump’s whirlwind tour of the Middle East benefits you and your family not at all, but it does benefit the 1% of the 1% that control this country and the world.
Aren’t you sick of them?
I sure am, and most people are just like me.
And that’s why I feel extremely confident.
The pendulum swings, the world turns, the seasons change.
And that river just keeps on flowin’, while the rock it destroys just stands there and takes it.
It’s amazing how unmoving and how unresponsive that rock is, isn’t it?
Don’t worry – it won’t be there forever.