It was written by some egghead named Juan Cole, one of those Ivory Tower types that knows exactly what America needs.
Making your living off the student loan crisis, like Moyers' boy does, often gives people like that lofty notions that they have the answers for America's ills.
Let’s go through the article's main points one by one and show why, just like the National and Montana Democratic messages, they’re so hypocritical:
- Donald Trump should have been kicked out of the Republican Party the moment he began talking about violating the Constitution.
This one’s fun. ‘Kicked out of the Party’…how do you do that exactly?
You can’t, simply because there’s no enforcement method. When it comes to violating the constitution, well, how many sites do you want to me to link to on how Obama has done so?
- The first time he hinted about assaulting the journalists covering his rallies, he should have been shown the door.
Well, assault is illegal, so we can’t have that.
Something else we can’t have are six mega-corporations owning 90% of the media in this country. That makes me sick. It makes Trump sick. It makes his supporters sick.
It doesn’t make the Democrats sick, however, because they profit, nay, depend on that media.
- When he openly advocated torture (“worse than waterboarding”), he should have been ushered away.
Ushered away to…where exactly? Oh, I get it – he’s prohibited from running.
In regards to torture…alright. You don’t like torture. I don’t either. Why do we condone it? The media never stopped it under Bush. Why are they in an uproar now?
- When he began speaking of closing houses of worship, he should have been expelled.
Here’s another one saying to, effectively, get rid of the guy. Maybe jail, the gulag, or the camp…I’m not sure.
Personally, I’d like to see the houses of worship remain open in the country, but with a 1% tax on their property. Let’s start there and see how it goes. It’s time.
- He has solemnly pledged to violate the First, Fourth and Eighth Amendments of the Constitution, at the least.
Didn’t Lincoln do this?
I’ll start with the Fourth as we’re talking about searches and seizures. For some reason, this is already happening. If it wasn’t our police departments would crumble due to lack of funding.
For the Eighth he must be talking about cruel and unusual punishment, which I take gets back to the torture argument. I feel this Amendment has been violated for years already. Why the uproar now?
For the First I’m not sure what Moyers' boy is referring to, but I suppose it’s the corporate press again.
After that we get a spiel from Moyers' boy on how it’s not fair, it’s not fair that Trump is held to a different standard. After all, he argues, someone like Moyers would be fired for saying what Trump is saying.
Why can Trump get away with it but Moyers can’t?
Moyers’ boy blames the corporate media for this, and for blocking out Bernie Sanders. Remember, old LBJ-hand Moyers won’t have an unkind word for the Democrats.
When Moyers’ boy brings up the fact that many Trump supporters say “political correctness has gone to far,” he wonders what they mean.
Well, he wonders for a moment, then lays it out:
- He means sexism and racism. So what is really being said is that Trump supporters resent that sexist and racist discourse and policies have been banned from the public sphere.
I like how Moyers’ boy makes these assumptions, they’re cute.
Moyers’ boy really becomes unhinged in the next paragraph:
He is a white nationalist, and his message is that he will stand up for white Christian people against the Chinese, the Mexicans and the Muslims. Just as Adolph Hitler hoped for an alliance with Anglo-Saxon Britain on racial grounds (much preferring it to the less white Italy), the only foreign leader Trump likes is the “white” Vladimir Putin. That he won the evangelical vote again in Nevada is helpful for us in seeing that American evangelicalism itself is in some part a form of white male chauvinist nationalism and only secondarily about religion.
Wow, the 81-year old Moyers is really showing his age on this one, bringing in the young buck to stir things up under the Moyers banner.
I guess Moyers can remember Hitler, considering he was 11-years old when WWII ended.
Much like with Obama, however, I’m not sure mocking religious votes in America is the answer. Sure, they may cling to their guns and religion…but is that so bad?
Why does religion scare Democrats so much?
Well, because they hate it.
Here in Montana a regular mocking point by the Montana Democrats against gubernatorial candidate Greg Gianforte is that he’s a crazy, whacked-out kook, chiefly because of his religion.
I guess when it comes to Democrats, it’s alright to hate a religion, so long as it’s one that's been in America for centuries.
Moyers and many like him love to support the rights of minorities and the beliefs of minorities…so long as those beliefs don’t start conflicting with their own.
The moment they do however, the moment something seems a bit ‘strange’ or ‘odd’ or just ‘out of place,’ they pounce.
Moyers is an old, liberal attack dog that public television has been shuffling around from one soon-to-be-cancelled show after another.
Usually he has some good ideas but by putting up this article he’s just showing his age, his frustration, and his utter inability to do much about the issues he speaks against.
In this case, however, Moyers is letting his fear speak for him.
He’s afraid of Donald Trump, just as the corporate wing of the Montana Democrats are, just as Montana Cowturd has been on Twitter for the past 24 hours.
They’re scared because they know Bullock will lose because of Trump. That will cost most of those corporate Democrats their jobs.
Eric Stern, the real power behind MT Cowgirl, will most certainly lose his job as Lindeen loses her bid for Secretary of State.
I cannot wait.
So that angers Democrats, and makes them afraid. That’s the main thing you have to realize – fear is guiding them.
It’s all in the turnout.
In Nevada, Democrats managed to excite 11,977 people to go to the polls, or 0.4% of the population.
Republicans, on the other hand, got 75,048 people to the polls, which comes out to 2.6% of the population, or more than 5 times what the Democrats managed.
Wow, that’s something.
Even Bernie Sanders cannot excite Americans as much as Trump can.
So…why is that? Why is Trump saying what Americans want to hear but the Democrats aren’t?
More than that, why is Trump capable of following through on his support with votes while Democrats are not?
Again, I’ll point to the fear, the fear Democrats have right now.
Americans can smell fear and we smell it now. Trump has no fear, absolutely none.
Hillary is full of it, looking over her shoulder all the time to see how close it is on her heels.
She’s deathly afraid of having another 2008 on her hands.
Trump isn’t afraid of losing and that’s why he’ll win.
Ultimately, however, Trump has tapped into the emotions of the electorate in a way that no one has done since Huey Long in the 30s.
Long was the only man that could have defeated FDR and FDR knew it. Hillary knows that Trump is the only one that can defeat her.
So she’s afraid. And when Democrats are afraid they lash out.
We see that in Montana with Democrats lashing out constantly. I don’t think this has any effect other than convincing those individuals’ bosses that they’re actually doing some work.
What a waste of money.
That’s all I see from Bullock supporters – Twitter rants and mouthpiece blog posts.
Gianforte is going around the state meeting voters, waging and winning the ground campaign.
Bullock sits in the capitol, biting his nails and looking worried.
He should be. I reported this week about the corruption he was engaged in at the AG’s office, allowing his wife to get a $1 million Obamacare study grant before and after he made decisions on Obamacare.
Democrats don’t want to talk about that, however, much like at the national level they don’t want to talk about emails or the Clinton Foundation’s funding or even Hillary’s love-in with Wall Street.
They want you to forget all that and just listen to the attacks on Trump.
There’s no real need to wage attacks on Bernie anymore as Bernie has taken himself out of the race.
Oh, he’s still in it, but he’s not attacking Hillary, he’s not trying in South Carolina, and he’s letting the corporate media convince us he can’t win.
So we go to Trump.
All of us disaffected Democrats that know there’s a deep rot in this country will go to Trump.
We don’t care about his stance on religion or social issues or torture – we want this economy to start making America great again.
We’re realists – we know the world runs on money.
Because we’re realists and let it be known that we support Trump because he’s getting at those truths that no one else gets at, Democrats attack us.
It’s splitting the party apart. There’s this erroneous idea that all the Bernie supporters will go over to Hillary.
Wow, what Ivory Tower idiot came up with that one?
Nothing could be further from the truth. Oh, some will go over, but I won’t and I know many others feel the same way. We’ll either stay home, go third-party, or vote Trump.
Either way, Hillary loses.
- She loses on the low turnout when we stay home.
- She loses on the third-party as it’ll probably be Bloomberg, though possibly Trump (I feel Libertarian or Green will hurt Hillary this year, not Trump).
- She loses if we vote Trump.
Remember, Democrats are running on fear – their own. Americans can smell that, they can smell the desperation of it.
Maybe someone else will come along still. If Hillary can get off the stage then Democrats might be able to heal.
Right now, however, she’s just tearing the party apart.