Was born a year after we got into WWII.
First got elected to City Council in 1969, then the U.S. Senate in ‘72.
The man has never worked in the private sector. He’s never made payroll; he’s always made his money from other people’s taxes.
Currently Joe is ahead of Trump by 7 points in the polls, 49% to 42%.
I find this remarkable.
It’s remarkable that a man that doesn’t know who he is, where he’s at, or who he’s talking to actually has the support of most Americans to take over the strongest office in the world.
I mean...the man is losing his mind!
It’s really not funny, either. It’s quite sad, actually. It’s sad that Democrats are trotting this man out there...a man that should be home drinking his meals through a straw while the cartoons he calls reality play through his head.
Think I’m crazy? Here’s just a bit of what we’ve seen from Joe this year:
“In his bid for the nomination, Biden has forgotten Barack Obama’s name repeatedly, proclaimed he was running for Senate, declared that over 150 million people have been killed by gun violence since 2007, confused his wife with his sister, confused Angela Merkel with Margaret Thatcher, and confused Theresa May twice with Margaret Thatcher. He’s issued an endless litany of baffling and embarrassing statements, including, “Tomorrow’s Super Thursday,” “We choose truth over facts,” “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,” “Why, why, why, why, why, why, why?” and “We hold these truths to be self-evident: all men and women created by the, go, you know the, you know the thing.”’
“But this subject needs to be broached right now. Accusations that Hillary Clinton was unwell were treated as a conspiracy theory up until the moment she seemed to collapse at a 9/11 memorial and was pushed into the side of a van like a sack of meat. Though that viral clip surely hurt Clinton, it was a one-day story and she performed reasonably well on the campaign trail afterward. Biden is amassing a series of viral clips that are much worse. He’ll forget the name of former president Barack Obama, or the state he’s in, or stock phrases of American oratory: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women created by . . . you know . . . you know the thing.” He’ll announce to a baffled crowd that “I’m Joe Biden’s husband and I work for Cedric Richmond” (Richmond is a congressman, in case you were wondering.)”
Of course, if you’re a Democrat none of this matters. You’ll vote for Joe no matter what. Hell, if the man dies on the campaign trail...you’ll write him in.
And let’s be honest - the only reason Joe made it this far is because the Party didn’t want Bernie.
So the Party got their lackeys in the media to ignore Bernie while touting Joe and now here we are, with a senile old man as the defacto nominee...a man that doesn’t even know where he is most of the time.
Let’s be honest with ourselves - Joe is in the early stages of dementia.
Here’s what that looks like:
Dementia symptoms vary depending on the cause, but common signs and symptoms include:
Cognitive changes
- Memory loss, which is usually noticed by a spouse or someone else
- Difficulty communicating or finding words
- Difficulty with visual and spatial abilities, such as getting lost while driving
- Difficulty reasoning or problem-solving
- Difficulty handling complex tasks
- Difficulty with planning and organizing
- Difficulty with coordination and motor functions
- Confusion and disorientation
Psychological changes
- Personality changes
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Inappropriate behavior
- Paranoia
- Agitation
- Hallucinations
The best thing that happened to Joe this year so far was the Coronavirus, and how it made us all stay home.
It made Joe stay home, too...and that’s where he needs to be.
It’s the best thing that happened to him, because now he doesn’t have to be in the spotlight, where it’s almost guaranteed he’ll make some kind of gaffe or mistake or fuck-up.
Joe Biden’s campaign handlers know these videos are turning into an albatross around his neck...and they’re not going to allow him on camera anymore - they’ll just let him talk on the phone.
As if that’s going to make things better.
Already the Trump campaign is using Joe’s own videos against him, as they should. When the opposition provides the ammo, you load your gun with it.
“Over the past several weeks the "GOP War Room" YouTube account run by the National Republican Committee has been compiling a database of every verbal flub, gaffe, and potentially embarrassing slip-up made by presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden on the campaign trail.
With titles such as "Biden Says He 'Just Realized' After Over 17 Minute Interview That He Wasn’t Looking At The Camera," "Biden Teases A Three-Point Plan, Only Remembers To Mention Two Points," "Biden Forgets How Many Granddaughters He Has While Holding A Picture Of Them," and "Biden Forgets the Name Of The Defense Production Act," the videos speak for themselves and foreshadow the Trump campaign's line of attack against Biden.”
You’d think Dems would be worried, and although they have a confident, outward face on right now, deep down I think they’re scared as hell.
The greatest hope for Dems this November is to keep Joe Biden off the campaign trail as long as humanly possible.
The good news is that they’ll probably pick their VP soon, so she can go out on the trail all the time and Joe can stay at home in his rec room.
We all know that the VP pick will be running the show, should Biden actually get elected.
At this point in his life, Joe Biden couldn’t run a bingo game at the local senior center.