It’s an honest question, and one Democrats need to take a long, hard look at.
Why does this Montana political website only look at half the glass, tie one arm behind its back? Why don’t they go after Democrats?
Sometimes there’s no one that will hurt you more than yourself. Often this is because of our pride. Montana Cowgirl has an immense amount of pride, and we see this in the kinds of issues “she” pushes. Here’s a look at the past month’s posts, and how they break down for subject matter:
- Legislature: 7
- GOP Attacks: 4
- Democratic Spam: 3
- Discrimination: 3
- Economics: 3
- Guns: 3
- Healthcare: 3
- Abortion: 2
- Campaign Finance: 2
- Animals: 1
- Democratic Strategy: 1
- Education: 1
There was a total of 33 posts over the last month, and 12 of those were guest posts. From what I can tell, Montana Cowgirl’s top topics are:
- GOP Attack posts;
- Spam about Democrats;
- Discrimination, usually involving LGBT;
- Guns.
I’m not sure, but if I had to make a guess, I’d say about 10% to 20% of Montanans care about those issues. Well, care enough about them to get their asses to the polls on election day. And don’t forget that half the country isn’t even registered to vote and has no intention of doing so.
I think it’s because sites like Montana Cowgirl put up so much drivel. It’s just your typical, boilerplate Democratic BS…nothing more. Worse for you and me, however, these issues that Democrats are pushing are things that no one cares about, except to hate. Yes, these issues turn off voters!
- First, they constantly harp on the dangers of guns but gun violence affects so few in this state compared to other issues, and has for so long, that everyone knows this is a detractor issue designed to thwart our attention from what really matters. And listen, it’s not my job to prevent someone from killing themselves with a gun – I’d rather look at the underlying societal issues that led to that.
- Next, people don’t care about abortions. So few women get abortions each year, that again, it’s a detractor issue, but without it a lot of the Democratic fundraising capability would go out the window – remember, Democrats don’t have issues that regular, hardworking people care about – just entitled pricks that don’t know what safe sex is or can’t plan.
- Finally, just 3.8% of the population of this country identifies themselves as LGBT, but if you listen to Democrats you’d think this group made up 90%. Folks, why should I care about your problems when I have so many of my own? And what are your problems? We’ve got 2.5 million children living on the street in this country…you want me to believe that not getting certain wedding photos or the right cake business is more important than that?
That’s the thing with Democrats – they fully expect you to park your common sense at the door if you want to join their ‘party.’ What a crock of shit! All that gets you is websites like Montana Cowgirl, that blind one eye and tie one arm behind their back. If the issue could in any way reflect negatively on Democrats, it will not be reported. How does this help you, how does this help the country?
- Why do I give a damn about a woman’s right to choose when my right to work is taken away?
- Why do I care one iota about LGBT people when the forces weighing down on my own family are so great?
- Why do I bother thinking about gun safety when I can barely scrape enough money together to pay the rent?
These issues don’t concern Montana Cowgirl, or Montana Democrats for that matter. Those concerns don’t affect the well-off, rich, entitled and ‘father knows best’ crowd that frequents that site. Don’t think for one second that they don’t want it that way – when we talk about detractor issues, we don’t have to talk about what really affects you.
These are things like:
- Bail Ins and the American banks taking 10% to 20% of your savings or retirement the next time their game of money-poker we call Wall Street crashes again.
- The death of our Democracy as a rising oligarchy cements its power and begins plans for the New America.
- Increasing military actions on American soil as the powers that be prepare to turn to their final solution.
These are serious issue, but since they don’t lead to waves of campaign funding for corrupt candidates that only do what the corporations tell them, Montana Cowgirl wouldn’t be interested in them.
Montana suffers as a result.