The family and I are planning on camping again.
Probably Holland Lake…maybe Swan Lake, or something else up there in the Seeley-Swan area.
I’ll have some images tomorrow or the next day.
And hey...how come we never see the MT Dem propaganda blogs go out to those public lands they love so much, take images, and tell us of their time?
But hey…why don’t we forget about those folks and explore some interesting numbers and put out some thoughts?
What the hell, right?
Americans Spending Money
Let’s take a look at some spending numbers today.
For instance, 95% of American shoppers went to Wal-Mart in 2016.
Just 42% went to Amazon.
Most Americans are going to the ‘more affordable’ places, at least according to this CNBC chart:
Mostly, Americans are looking for deals.
They’re doing this because they don’t have a lot of money. As you know, American workers have seen stagnant wages for a generation now.
So they go where the deals are, like at the Dollar Tree. After that they go out for some cheap food, like at McDonald’s.
9 out of 10 Americans ate at the fast food joint last year.
Now…how many shoppers are there in America anyways?
We know we have 321 million people in this country, and this article says that in 2015 we had 205 million of them shopping online.
So that’s 64% of the country that’s shopping online, though some reports say it’s 79%.
Seventeen years ago we had just 22% of Americans shopping online.
We spent $350 billion shopping online in 2015.
Despite that online shopping, the majority of Americans continue to spend their money on just 3 things:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Food
Those 3 areas make up 62% of what we spend our money on.
I just thought it was kinda interesting.
Tester’s Money
This after he spent time telling us that today’s election environment is the exact same as the Copper King days.
No shit, Jon…you’re now one of those Copper Kings.
I mean…75 fucking million dollars?!?
Imagine what good could be done with that much money.
Instead it’ll all be pissed away on consultants, lawyers, fundraisers, and of course our favorite – TV and radio and social media ads.
Lots of staffers will make bank, too. They always do.
Not much will change in your life, however, besides the $15 extra you had to spend on headache pills just to get through the barrage.
But Jon’s not really concerned about you or what might bother you.
He’s concerned about keeping his seat.
That means winning at all costs, the consequences be damned.
Hey, if he gets in again he’ll be safe until 2022…and the ripe ol’ age of 68.
I don’t think he’ll make it that long.
The man’s morbidly obese and that’ll bring a slew of health problems with it.
So maybe he’ll retire before the 2022 election, handing the reins off to his chosen successor, another Wall Street Democrat that’ll take from the banks and pharmaceutical companies and anyone else that’ll give.
He’ll take your money too, but since it’s only $25 to $100 compared to the thousands he gets from the companies, he doesn’t really give a shit.
Your money is only good for talking points about all the ‘grassroots’ fundraising he's accomplished.
I have no doubt that he rushed off yesterday morning without answering questions so he could get to another of those corporate-sponsored fundraisers.
Boy I hope he loses next year.
Most of us don’t know which political parties Clark and Daly were from back in the Copper King days.
A hundred years from now, no one will remember which parties Tester and Daines were from.
And it won’t matter.
D…R…both of these corrupt organizations take the same corporate money from the same dirty hands.
Open your eyes and use your head.
This country is corrupt and our politicians want to keep it that way.
Nothing benefits them more.