If you weren’t sure what the difference between a Democrat and a Republican in the White House is...you do now, or at least your pocketbook does.
This time last year...compared to now:
- Gas was $2.21 a gallon...now it’s $4.69. A 50% increase.
- New cars are up 9%
- Used cars are up 26%
- Rental cars are up 42%
- Heating oil is up 60%
- Eggs are up 12%
- Bacon is up 20%
- Mortgage payments are up 17% and rents are up 3%.
Furniture is up 11%, and appliances 7%...if you can find them.
Have you talked to people trying to buy a new stove or refrigerator? The wait times are typically 8 months to a year out. Those are Soviet-Russia wait times....happening here, in America.
This is what happens when Democrats take power nationally.
And then they laugh at the problem; they laugh at us.
Maybe it is all just transitory...but that doesn’t lessen the hurt we feel now.
The recent 5.9% increase to Social Security payments is completely wiped-out by the 6.2% consumer price index increase we saw last month.
Completely wiped-out and then some. And it’s only going to get worse. Do you think the corporate media will report on the seniors losing their homes because they can’t make the payments? I don’t, not for one second.
We haven’t seen consumer prices go up this much since 1991. Didn’t work out too well for Bush, did it?
A recent ABC poll showed Republicans doing better going into the midterms than at any other point since 1981.
40 years.
As it stands now, Democrats are screwed. The careers of both Schumer and Pelosi will be over, and both will likely announce their plans to ‘not run again’ shortly thereafter. Biden will be relegated to a single term, with his last two years being lame-duck. Kamala will begin kissing the ass of every large corporation in the world, hoping to get on at least one board. Most governorships and state legislatures will go red.
But none of that will stop the price hikes, the supply woes, the Biden recession. I think 2022-2024 will be so bad that Dems won’t get elected again for a generation, much like what happened after Hoover.
Sadly, many in the country actually support the changes we see. Some say they’re beneficial, just...equitable.
And it’s the things that we don’t even think about anymore that get me especially riled.
- Like the 100,000+ that are still flooding across our southern border each month (147,000 unaccompanied kids this year alone...so far). Just because the corporate media decided to stop talking about it...it doesn’t mean it’s not still happening.
- The wave of young, healthy athletes in the prime of their lives that are dropping dead the world over. Could it be the vaccine? Well, you know that topic is taboo everywhere. Who wants to be banned on social media, canceled in the workplace, and shunned by family and friends?
- The ‘everything-bubble’ of excessive stock market gains, soaring housing prices, runaway cryptos...and the lack of any semblance of logic, reason, or decades of basic economic theory as the Fed continues its meddling, printing, and easing.
How the hell is our shaky house-of-cards-of-a-country even still standing?