Beware those telling you things like ‘before pandemic’ and ‘after pandemic’...BP and AP.
This isn’t some dividing line in history, like the death of Jesus or something. But the powers-that-be want do do their darndest to make sure it is.
The country is being destroyed. Our way of life is changing. We’re losing freedom; and unless we start to stand up now, we’ll never get it back.
It’s hard not to be cynical about what’s going on. It’s hard not to look at the conspiracy angle.
For instance, we’re destroying families.
I suspect the divorce rate will go way up when this is through. I suspect this is part of the plan of the deep state and the New World Order and the Illuminati.
These folks want society to be divided. They want families to be torn apart. They want us to be at each other’s throats...because if we’re fighting each other, we’re not fighting them.
One of the big things we’re beginning to hear is that we’ll have another stimulus bill - the fourth.
This bill might include “more direct payments, extended unemployment insurance, health insurance for laid-off workers who lose theirs, and hazard pay for front-line health care workers and other essential employees like grocery store workers, truck drivers, and postal workers.”
One of the main ideas was to get another $250 billion to small businesses right away (which seems strange to me, as the feds haven’t been able to get any of the previous stimulus bill’s money to small businesses yet).
Anyways, that’s now dead as Senate Democrats blocked the idea this morning.
They wanted to up the bill to $500 billion, and wanted stipulations on what the GOP was proposing.
The Dems said the GOP’s $250 billion “would need to be directed to businesses and nonprofits owned by women, minorities, veterans and families. They also called for an additional $100 billion for hospitals, $150 billion for state and local governments and more money for food assistance programs. Their proposal would more than double the Republicans' initial proposal.”
Now it’s all-but-certain that the fourth stimulus bill won’t even come up for debate again until May.
There’s an idea that this fourth stimulus bill will focus on infrastructure.
This is a hot topic now - infrastructure.
We neglected it for years. For instance, 9% of our bridges are structurally deficient. We have 240,000 water main breaks each year. We have 18,000 sites producing toxic waste that takes up 22 million acres of our land. We have 30,000 miles of levees protecting $1.3 tillion worth of property and they need $80 billion in repairs to keep functioning.
Now all of a sudden we realize it’s important. Weird.
I think this is a two-fold scheme. First, we’re going to use this crisis as a way for states and municipalities to pass more bonds, to go more into debt. Second, we’re going to use this infrastructure idea to set up our nationwide 5G network.
What do we need 5G for? and I don’t need it. The telecoms need it to take more of our money while providing even less in the service department.
Let’s not forget, like everything else over the past three weeks, this will also include a huge giveaway to the corporations.
Take satellites.
We know that satellite companies will get upwards of $10 billion in free money from the feds for their 5G business, which will net them around $40 billion in profits.
This is just a huge taxpayer giveaway to corporations that don’t really care about America, won’t pay taxes here, and will likely locate most of their operations overseas.
It’ll be easier to monitor us 24/7 when your located overseas and don’t have all the ‘draconian’ American personal liberty laws getting in your way. This makes it easier to usher in the permanent police state that the deep state wants.
Americans will gladly accept this stealing-away of their civil liberties in the guise of safety. Our ‘leaders’ will promise us that if they can just monitor our every move, we’ll be safe from any future pandemics.
The powers-that-be can unleash their pandemics at the drop of the hat via their corporate media and the near-total mind-control it has over us. We’ll lay down, we won’t question, and we’ll actually be happy for this - it’s so much easier for the state to take care of us than it is for us to do that. Frees up more time for us to stare into our electronic devices.
That’s the thing - Americans were socially isolated for years before this. Anytime you went to a family get-together you saw this quite clearly...every member of the family with their nose stuck into their phone.
The corporations had divided us and isolated us long before this faux-crisis.
It’s so sad that in America, we have neighbors ratting-out neighbors for being outside. We have local governments wasting tax dollars on silly signs telling us how to act when walking.
The thought police.
I’m amazed that we’re not talking about George Orwell’s 1984 more.
For instance, in that book the “proles and animals are free.”
‘Proles’ is of course the proletariat, or lower classes. I often find myself thinking of the proles when anyone references the homeless in the midst of this virus crisis.
Of course, the deep state views us all as proles.
Proles are completely clueless, fat, lazy...though also strong, happy and free in thought. Unlike the citizens that had to speak New Speak, proles were allowed to speak Old Speak and were largely free from the massive surveillance state that plagued regular citizens.
Bernie spent $160 billion running for president this cycle. Most of that money wound up in the corporate media’s hands, either for ads on TV or ads on social media.
Now the parents of college kids around the country can rest easy, knowing the socialists won’t be coming for their money.
It’s yet to be seen how those kids’ll vote this fall, if they vote at all. Many will go to Trump, and Trump is already welcoming this.
I voted for Bernie in the primary in ‘16, then Trump in the general. Many will do the same again this year.
Still, most of the young people in this country are smart enough to know voting doesn’t change anything. I think most will just stay home.
The WTO is telling us that we won’t be recovering from this self-inflicted economic wound this year at all, nor most of next year either.
We won’t recover until the end of 2021, though even that’s “uncertain.”
It’s figured that global trade will drop by 13% to 32%.
So for the next 18 months we’ll be in a recession, and most likely a depression. Things in the US will get bad; in the developing world, they’ll get terrible.
The migrant crisis we saw spilling into Europe from Africa; into America from South and Latin America? Those will seem like cakewalks compared to the mass exodus of people we’ll soon see when food supplies dry up and desperation takes hold.
Which state will be the first to open?
Who would want to be the first, considering the amount of ridicule that’ll come their way from the corporate media? Look how bad those few states that didn’t shut down got it.
It’s sad that we’re allowing multi-billion dollar corporations that pay few taxes to tell us how to feel and think and act via their news divisions.
Remember, the sole function of these news divisions is to entertain us (not inform) between commercial breaks for their junk medicine.
And it is junk. All pharmaceuticals are junk that’ll do you more harm than good. You know this because you’ve been listening to the side effects on the TV ads for years.
These drugs are making us sicker and probably making us more susceptible to the underlying health conditions that allow the virus to take hold. They're not meant to cure us; just treat us endlessly until we die. Cures provide a one-time-payment; treatments give you money every month for life.
I suspect we'll find a Coronavirus treatment, not a cure.
Our corporations need to schlep that junk medicine to us so it’ll boost their bottom line, increase the stock, and allow for more year-end bonuses for the top brass.
This is what America is all about.
It’s sad that we’ve become so weak, we...a country that came about because we challenged a king and broke him.
Now it seems we’re broken...a broken-down people that forgot we could stand up and say - nay, shout! - no, we’re not going to take it anymore.
Now we offer nary a whimper.