I don’t have much faith in the U.S. Dollar anymore. We’ve printed trillions of new dollars over the past year, most of which hasn’t even gone to Covid.
The latest ‘infrastructure’ bill is a fine example. It’s $2 trillion, yet probably just 25% of that is actually going toward infrastructure. The rest is just pork. For instance, only $115 billion goes to roads and bridges.
And this on the heels of the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill we just passed this month, and the $4 trillion ‘social infrastructure’ bill that’s supposed to come out next week.
Since this mess all started, $12.9 trillion has been allocated for the Covid response, and $7 trillion of it has actually been spent.
My God...when does it end?
I don’t think it will.
The Federal Reserve knows that it can do little more than keep interest rates artificially low while continuing to print truckloads of money. If they stop doing this, the whole house of cards will come crashing down.
The Fed is desperate for the world to keep its investments in the dollar, to keep as many of those dollars as possible in the stock market. To help ensure this happens, interest rates have been kept near zero to force people out of traditional savings accounts, while the price of gold and silver has been kept artificially low to keep people out of those havens.
The only thing the Fed has been unable to stop is cryptocurrencies, specifically Bitcoin. More and more people around the world know the dollar is on a steady and unstoppable decline, and that’s why cryptos are on the rise, big time.
On March 1, Bitcoin was at $48,000 and today it’s at $58,000, a rise of 30%. I figure in a month it’ll probably be at $68,000. This time last year it was selling for $7,000.
Wouldn’t you have liked to hop on back then? Imagine investing $10,000 back then? You’d almost have enough for a down payment on a house by now...almost. Aside from transplanting yourself here from some coastal area...how else are you going to afford one?
I think we’ll see the price of Bitcoin skyrocket in the coming months as inflation turns to stagflation, as the Fed prints more and more, as the Dems raises taxes, and as the world turns to war.
Yesterday I was at the store and saw that a pound of beef was going for over $9. That’s a lot more than the average retail price of $3.95 a pound a year ago.
Of course, the economists that are trotted out on the corporate news will tell you that inflation isn’t really a problem. I think anyone making a weekly trip to the grocery store knows this is false. People on a fixed budget know it most of all.
I think we’ll see the price of beef go up a lot more over the coming weeks and months as a new war in Crimea begins. You didn’t hear it from corporate, but on Wednesday the president of Ukraine signed Decree No. 117/2021 which states that “the strategy for the reintegration of the temporarily Occupied Territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol is approved.”
What’s going on is that the West, at the behest of Turkey and via the globalists in the UN, is going to try to reintegrate Crimea back into Ukraine, which the country lost to Russia in 2014.
The flashpoint will become the Kerch Bridge, a 19-kilometer span that crosses the Bosphorus and is key to taking back the city of Sevastopol, and thus the whole of Crimea. Not to be outdone, Russia is sending lots and lots of tanks to that area to defend what they took and what they view as theirs.
I don’t think for one second that Ukraine is going this alone. They never would have signed that war decree if the Biden Administration hadn’t signed-off on it. The country’s security and defense councils wouldn’t have given the go-head without US support.
We know that the swampy globalists have wanted to go to war with Russia for the past half decade. The only thing keeping them in check was Trump, but no longer. Here is more analysis of the situation that’s brewing.
How worried about this should you be?
Not worried at all, at least according to the corporate media. They haven’t said a word about this, and won’t until such a time they can frame it as pro-American, anti-Russian. In the meantime, they’ll fill you with nonstop nonsense about the George Floyd trial, something that impacts hardly anyone. And of course there’s Covid and mutations and vaccine hesitancy to talk about...and way back on the back-burner, sex scandals on the right and left as well as ‘a few’ migrants crossing the border.
I’m very worried about the future of this country, and honestly, I don’t think it has much of one to look forward to. The young kids growing up sure don’t, just an orgyastic spending spree their parents went on that they’ll have to somehow pay off.
Of course, they never will. That’s the whole idea behind the Great Reset - to get rid of all this debt by getting rid of all property and allowing the lower classes to cater to the richer classes.
Yeah, this is pretty much the system that’s been in place for generations, but now it’s just out in the open and the rich don’t have to pretend anymore.
I don’t know why we put up with this. I think as the year continues, we’ll find that fewer and fewer people the world over will put up with it.
Over the coming years, I think a lot of the people in charge right now will be long gone, ousted via the ballot box or the masses in the streets. Right now it seems like the common people are on the ropes and losing and can never win again. But I think we’re going to see one helluva rope-a-dope here real soon, and it’s gonna catch the elite off-guard something fierce. Hopefully we don’t give them time to regroup. It’ll be interesting to see the new class of leaders that rises up from aspects of life we can’t even yet imagine. It’s coming, thank God!