We had protests in New Mexico on Tuesday night and then on Wednesday night we had ‘em in California, right in the Disneyland area.
It’s obvious to me that the Trump supporters aren’t starting this nonsense – it’s the Trump protesters.
In California many shouted “Mexico! Mexico!”
Well, I guess they must have pro-Mexico leanings. I bet some could be illegal immigrants, or more likely, the children of illegal immigrants.
Hey, I’d be damn worried about being deported as well if I was illegally here.
We profiled yesterday that Obama is deporting more illegal immigrants than any president in recent history.
And it sure costs a lot, billions of dollars a year.
From the illegal immigrant perspective, yeah, it’s a lot better to be here illegally…and a lot cheaper.
When my wife, who’s a Russian citizen, came over in 2013 we had to do a ton of paperwork before she even got on the plane.
We had to do a lot more to get her green card.
And that’s when she’s married to an American citizen and a mother of another.
I can understand that illegal immigrants don’t want to do that – it’s a lot of work and costs hundreds of dollars.
But it’s also the law.
So when I see people getting upset that Trump is talking tough on immigrants, saying if you’re here illegally, you shouldn’t be…well gosh, I like that.
No shit you shouldn’t be here illegally – it’s the law!
Did we just decide that wasn’t important or something? And if so, my, we have some even bigger problems than Trump, now don’t we?
Trump called the New Mexico protesters “thugs who were flying the Mexican flag.”
That kind of comment will of course play right to Hillary and her supporters, giving them some of that ammo they like.
What is this ammo?
We can see it in tweets from Montana Democrats:
Hardly surprising that @RepRyanZinke endorsed an egotistical, inexperienced, xenophobic sexist for President. #mtpol https://t.co/L1qeWlqqKv
— Don Pogreba (@dpogreba) May 25, 2016
.@BillingsGazette wall on the border, deportation of 11 million aren't casual remarks, they are key features of Trump's platform. #mtpol
— Montana Cowgirl (@TheMT_Cowgirl) May 25, 2016
@RyanZinke " I like people who weren't captured" - Trump talking about a POW. #mtpol #NeverTrump
— Bret Lian (@BretLian) May 25, 2016
Until @RepRyanZinke syas if he supports the border wall & deporting 11M people, & how he'll pay for it he can't be taken seriously #mtpol
— Montana Cowgirl (@TheMT_Cowgirl) May 25, 2016
Does @ryanzinke also believe POWs aren't heroes? #mtpol #nevertrump thttps://t.co/VUlRhRxzT0
— Jorge Quintana (@jorgeinmontana) May 25, 2016
It’s sad that Democrats think their attacks are working.
Like those comments on the wall. To Trump supporters, that’s bread and butter, it’s what they want to hear.
But we know Dems will try the same thing over and over, expecting something new to happen.
When that doesn’t work the ‘knives’ will be brought out (they’re not that sharp, I know, because I’ve had MT Dems turn them against me).
Mostly, we’ll play the race and woman card. If you don’t support Hillary, and you do support Trump, clearly you’re:
- Racist
- Bigoted
- Homophobic
- Ignorant
- Sexist
- Xenophobic
Many Trump supporters simply won’t know what those labels mean.
Many will, but they just won’t care. Sticks and stones, right?
The thing is, Trump supporters just aren’t going to be swayed by the other side shouting at them and calling them names.
It’ll actually just make them stronger.
- Remember when the establishment Montana Democrats called me racist and anti-semitic?
- Remember those fake Twitter accounts they started up to harass me while trying to convince others that I was saying stupid things.
Yeah, that’s the Democratic strategy – bash the shit out of you with un-truths and then when that doesn’t work, create fictitious social media accounts to put words in your mouth.
No wonder they’re going to lose big in November.
Of course, that could all be avoided by having the super delegates switch their year-ago-mind-made-ups over to Bernie at the convention.
Then Trump would lose – the polls all show it.
But you know what, gosh darn, those establishment Democrats would lose their lofty perch.
So it’s better to put Hillary out there, take the lowest low road they can find, and then hope to hell their dark and corporate money can carry them over the massive ocean of voter distaste directed at their candidate.
Way back in December we were told by a New York Times reporter that Trump “holds his greatest strength among registered Democrats who identify as Republican leaners.”
So how about us stupid Montana Democrats?
The establishment types look kinda dumb, I think.
They could have gone to the Bernie rally in Missoula or Billings and got a bit of the limelight.
Instead they held out for Hillary, she didn’t come, her husband did, and no one much cared.
Now establishment Montana Democrats are opening Hillary offices in urban areas of the state, usually with a handful of people showing up to them…though lots of media attention.
I really like that we get nothing on the presidential race from MT Cowturd or Pogreba, the two Dem mouthpieces.
They learned well after that Cowturd post by Secret Squirrel in October that if they push Hillary on us, we’ll rebel.
Please remember that Secret Squirrel is Joshua Manning, step-son of Tracy Stone-Manning, the governor's go-to adviser, and also that Joshua raised $3,500 to run for SD 40 but decided that wasn't good enough and gave up.
That's the establishment Democrats in Montana for you.
So they’ve remained quiet, hoping that Bernie will lose in June, lose at the convention in July, and then they can let their unabashed Hillary-ness overtake them.
It won’t be overtaking the rest of us.
I for one will be voting for Trump and tons of others will be voting for Green Party candidate Jill Stein or they’ll leave that one blank or they won’t vote at all.
Democratic losses in America and in Montana will be immense.
It’s all in the turnout.
We know that Trump supporters are excited, and that’ll be reiterated later today when we get the images and then the numbers from that Billings Trump rally.
For Dems, they’re balls-to-the-wall excited for Bernie.
But to the establishment Dems, Bernie is a job killer. He’ll kill their cushy jobs of taking your money, funneling and shuffling it around a bit to their pals, and then foisting it off to the media.
That’s about all they do. That’s Nancy Keenan’s main job. She’s the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz of Montana, a member of the corupto-squad that has no problem throwing Bernie supporters under the bus to get that Hillary win.
So we Bernie supporters use the only leverage we have – our vote.
We won’t vote for who they want, for those establishment Democrats and their crooked ways and dirty money.
No sir, no way.
And if you don’t like it, we’ll wait.
We’re young, you’re not.
Keenan and her ilk have about 5 more years on the stage and another 5 after that.
Yeah, it’s true that John Melcher is still alive, Pat Williams as well.
No one gives two shits about them, however.
Much like science, Montana politics will be progressing one funeral at a time.
The old ways will go out, the new ways will come in. The policies that benefit the rich and entitled class while ignoring you and your family will be abandoned for policies that help you instead of hurt you.
To the establishment Montana Democrats currently running the show, that’s unthinkable.
It’s why we have so much silence in this race.
But let’s get back to Trump.
It’s pretty clear to me, and has been for some time, that if people would just let Trump supporters go and listen to the man, things would be fine.
Do you remember how 9,000 of us went to listen to Bernie in Caras Park a few weeks back?
There were no incidents.
When people go to listen to Trump, however, we have protests.
Why is that?
Again, it’s because Democrats are being terrible right now.
I figure it’s largely people that won’t vote, followed by Hillary supporters, followed by Bernie supporters.
That’s who the protesters are.
For Hillary, this is great – just more ammo to use saying Trump isn’t qualified to be president.
And when she get get her supporters to cause trouble at a Trump rally, and then get her corporate media to pin the blame on Trump...oh, that's rich.
Isn’t it nice that she has so much ammo lying around, helping us to forget about all her baggage?
Over at RD they’ve been doing a damn good job of keeping up on all of Hillary’s chicanery.
It’s just the establishment Democrats’ playbook, a page right from the top – engage in as much corruption and backstabbing as possible to achieve your ends.
That’s Hillary. That’s why so many people hate her.
Now, Trump has his problems too.
Mainly, Trump reminds me of my grandpa in Helena, Hardie Strandberg.
He was a union carpenter that worked in the Bremerton shipyards during WWII.
He knew quite a few racist jokes, and could be quite chauvinistic.
Really, he could be quite the asshole.
But gosh darn, people liked him.
Born in 1919, one of five kids, high school education, hard worker, active Shriner, and a right ol’ cuss at times.
That’s who a lot of America was and still is today.
It’s what we often referred to as the Silent Majority, and you see a lot of those signs at Trump rallies now.
For the most part, Trump supporters do not care what the other side is going to say.
They expect it, for when you’re winning you know you’ll be attacked.
That’s what Hillary and her corupto-squad of entitled and establishment Dems are doing – attacking and attacking.
Remember, they don’t know what else to do – her policies are far-right and will destroy us (Bill at the helm of the economy again? Please!).
Also by attacking we take the heat off the emails, Bill’s sexual past and pedophelia.
Hey, if you’re taking 26 trips on a convicted billionaire-pedophile’s plane – one that has numerous beds installed – then I just have to use my head a bit, break out some common sense, and figure that we have serious crimes and sins going on.
That’s what Hillary will bring to the White House, that’s what’ll be running our economy.
So I’ll be voting for Trump.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
Democratic super delegates, please do the right thing and vote for Bernie.
I know many of you don’t want to, however.
And so I’ll be voting for Trump and to hell with you.
Nothing you do or say is going to change that.
Good luck.