Here’s a woman that was too busy taking leisure travel to adequately file and report campaign finances.
But my, she won’t stop bitching.
As you can see, I pointed out to her that she could run for office…but entitled individuals like this would never give up the high-life to actually try and make a change in our lives.
And we’re lucky for that. Women like Beck here would never look out for our interests, only their own.
Best thing is for these people to keep complaining, and their Facebook friends to keep enabling those complaints.
That way these people will never run, and our lives won’t get any worse.
I can tell you, the last thing I want is another rich complainer representing me.
Pay for the Rich
The story was in KGVO and it’s called Rosendale Refuses Pay Hike While Governor Bullock Accepted His.
The pay raise was 3.7%.
If Maryland Matt was making the $8.15 minimum wage he’d have seen a pay hike of 30 cents an hour.
But he’s not making minimum wage. He’s making $92,000 a year.
That’s an extra $3,400 a year.
That’s more than many Montanans make in a month, sometimes two months…even three.
So you can understand the media-gesture of refusing that pay raise, especially with thoughts of 2018 and 2020 bouncing around in Matt’s mind.
It’s also easy to refuse that pay hike when you’re a millionaire. I think Matt has $5.4 million, actually.
Boy, how a guy like that can understand a guy like me…well, it’s just beyond me!
And yet here he is, representing me now, and trying to represent me even more in the District of Criminals.
My how I resent it.
But there’s nothing I can do.
Oh, I can go out and vote in June and in November, and that counts as 1.
1 in a state of 1.3 million, with 700,000 of them registered…though with just 383,000 actually voting.
Aside from voting…what can you do? What could you do if you wanted to stop Matt?
I guess you could donate to his opponent, put up a yard sign, knock on doors, write a letter, make some phone calls, talk to your neighbors.
Maybe that’ll turn your 1 into a 10, or even 100. Hell, maybe 1,000.
But would it be enough?
After all, Matt and his ilk are counting on millions upon millions of dollars pouring into the state so that your 1 (and possible 1,000) won’t turn into anything more.
They’ll drown you out.
TV ads, radio ads, Facebook ads, newspaper ads…ads, ads, ads!
And if they don’t get you there, they’ll hit you in the mailbox.
We don’t try to change this awful and corrupt system; we just try to drown it out. We try to ignore it, like a bunny hiding its face from a predator, hoping against hope that it’ll…just…go…away.
And yet it won’t. It never will. Why should it? It knows we abide it, enable it, and – through our indifference – actually encourage it.
Thomas Jefferson told us that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Sadly, we’ve yet to realize that the price for eternal vigilance is indifference.