We’re in the midst of a huge economic crisis, one brought about by scared Democrats.
Here in Missoula, just four Democrats ruined things for thousands of individuals, just four:
Ellen Leahy, Josh Slotnick, Dave Strohmaier, and Juanita Vero.
I don’t know what Leahy makes, but those three county commissioners are pulling in $80,000 a year.
$80,000 a year to ruin the lives of thousands.
It’s to be expected that Democrats will ruin the economy, as this is the only way they can take out Trump.
Cuomo and Newsom...their main goal is not to help the citizens in their states, but to keep this crisis going as long as possible so that Trump is damaged and Biden can win.
Of course, at this point it should be clear to everyone that Cuomo will steal the nomination from Biden.
There’s simply no way the Democratic powers-that-be are going to allow a senile old man to take the nomination. Trump would steamroll him, and Biden’s senility would be no match.
So the Dems will insert Cuomo sometime before the convention, which is in 111 days...July 13.
No exact census has been taken here in Missoula as to how many workers have been laid-off. Just this morning we learned that a bunch of nurses are being laid-off from the Western Montana Clinic - there’s simply so little demand for that service that the business can’t keep going.
The reason there’s so little demand is because four Democrats forced most of the small businesses to close.
To add insult to injury, Democrats in Congress refuse to fund any kind of aid package. They refuse to fund a package that will send out checks to common American workers.
Members of Congress make $175,000 a year, and many of them engage in insider trading as a side hustle.
No Democrats in Montana make that much. Still, we do know that many Democrats in Montana are affected by this shutdown, and they’re not working either.
We see many of them playing around on Twitter all day.
One of my favorites is a man named Ben Lamb.
I have no idea who this man is, but it seems he was the conservation director for the Montana Wildlife Federation for many years until he started his own political outfit, the Lamb Group.
Ben is of course its president.
I can’t find anything on the Lamb Group or what it does. As far as I can tell, the group’s main purpose is to play around on Twitter all day, lambasting the GOP in the expectation that this will stimulate Dem turnout on election day.
I know...you can’t fix stupid.
The GOP is lucky we have people like Ben playing around on Twitter all day. Imagine if these sycophants were actually out there registering people to vote, or knocking on doors.
But they're Democrats, so we know they’ll just stick to their safe zones - social media.
Another one of my favorite foaming-at-the-mouth Dems on Twitter is Saxon Holbrook.
Here’s a guy that’s spent years working for Montana Public Radio as a technical director. In his free time, he lambasts the GOP on Twitter.
I still get a ton of solicitation mail from MTPR. People like Saxon are why I would never consider donating to that organization ever again.
From my personal opinion and perspective, it looks like MTPR actually pays people to play around on Twitter all day, making political attacks.
Keith Allen is another one of my favorites. He’s a “Gen Xer and proud union member,” and last night he had a great tweet:
“Montana US Senator Steve Daines is out after this term. His posts on Twitter and Facebook are regularly opposed and burned down by his own constituents. He’s gone. Bye bye out of stater.”
Well...Daines is done now - Keith said so.
It’s important that we remember how damaging these tweets are to someone like Steve Daines.
Each time a tweet like this is sent out, a stabbing pain goes through Daines’ heart, causing him to collapse to his knees in pain and agony, all while reviewing the ‘terrible’ life choices that brought him to this moment.
Tweets are like farts - perhaps a little loud, maybe a little stinky...but boy, they sure fade fast and no one remembers them after a minute, typically less.
Have you seen this gay woman named SK Rossi? She’s quite the piece of work as well, and her tweets are some of the most amusing I’ve seen in years.
Here’s a question: in the midst of this self-created economic catastrophe, what is most important to you and your family?
Well, prisoners...of course!
I know...I know - you’ve been thrown out of work through no fault of your own, you don’t know how you’re going to pay the mortgage but you do have to homeschool today and tomorrow and for the next eight weeks.
But SK wants you to care about prisoners:
“Still waiting for release of plans from @GovernorBullock and @mtcounties and @MTCorrections to release people and stop the flow of new admissions into detention facilities. Statewide action required. This vulnerable populations barely getting a mention in #mtnews. #mtgov #mtpol”
This is what Democrats want you to care about right now - low-lifes that committed crimes and are serving time.
Sadly, all over this fine country we’re letting prisoners out of jails and prisons.
Sadly, we won’t let workers go back to work. Dems don’t care about people that contribute to the economy; they care about people that require the economy to take care of them.
The welfare state.
For Dems like Rossi, that’s just fine.
Of course, the ultimate is Don Pogreba.
Here’s the man that all the rest of them want to be, someone that always has a zinger ready on social media, someone that’s always ready to attack the GOP.
Montana is incredibly lucky to have Don...a man that’s so shallow and so uncomfortable in his own skin that all he can do is play around on social media all day.
Now that the schools are closed, he can play around even more.
I feel sorry for him.
This man leads an empty life. He can’t even find anyone to take a decent photo of him - all the images he uses on social media are him doing selfies, usually with a sideways glance at the camera lens.
Look how uncertain he is in that photo.
Can you believe this is the man that Dems have chosed as their cheerleader? The GOP is lucky.
And God, it’s a lot better than the photo he used to use of his huge eye.
We have a lot of Dems like Don in this state - sad, middle-aged men that live alone and take out their frustrations on politicians...on social media, of course, where it’s safe to throw shade.
They throw it all day, day after day.
They think this is winning. They think they’re winning.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I mean, just 22% of Americans use Twitter and I’m sure that number is lower in Montana.
Also, I’ve never met a single person that has had their mind changed because of what someone said on social media. It just doesn’t happen. We go to social media to reaffirm our positions; we don’t go to change our minds.
Preaching to the choir, that’s all social media is.
So give these empty-life Dems a break and let them get their jollies off on Twitter all day.
They have nothing else.