Because we’re talking about hypocrites.
The story comes to us from KXLH and goes into the latest campaign turn…overseas jobs.
Let's be honest - MT Democrats would rather not have had 500 RightNow Technology jobs created in Bozeman.
Sure, those jobs might have put a shit-ton of money into the local economy, but you know what? The jobs were created by a Republican.
In that regard, it’s best that they hadn’t been created at all.
Remember, RightNow had call centers that were outside of America.
Maybe places like India, or the Philippines or some other third-world shithole.
That’s why I fully expect the Democratic Governor’s Association to speak out against:
- Citibank
- Safeway
- Chevron
- Aetna
- Capital One
- JP Morgan Chase
- Wells Fargo
- Bank of America
- Citigroup
- Hewlett Packard
- Skyes Enterprises
- Convergys
- T-Mobile
- Prudential Financial
They all have call centers in places like the Philippines and India and even Chile.
Read some of the stories – they make you sick.
T-Mobile fired 3,300 employees in 2012 so they could ship their seven US call centers to Honduras and the Philippines…and that was after the company took $61 million in state and local subsidies.
Really…are you going to continue to shop with this company?
If so, do you care about America…or just yourself?
Hewlett Packard fired 500 call center workers in Arkansas, and that after taking $43 million in state and local subsidies to open the place. Now they have their call centers in Costa Rica and India.
The government is perfectly fine with this – Hewlett Packard has a $220 million federal contract “to operate call centers for the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service” and another $16 million contract to do the same for the GSA.
Yeah, our immigration service relies on workers in foreign countries.
That’s sad.
It’s sad that we’ve allowed our country to be stolen like this, by rich tycoons that care nothing for America, only themselves.
It’s called greed, and it’s a sin.
Wells Fargo had 500 people working in their India and Chile call centers way back in 2012 and I’m sure that number has only grown.
Jon Tester took $43,000 from Wells Fargo.
So I guess the DSCC is alright with call centers and American companies hiring workers overseas, but the DGA is not.
Well, wait a minute…the DGA took $250,000 from Aetna, a company that uses overseas call centers.
What is going on here?
Either we have a serious mistake being made by the Montana Democrats and their DGA funders, or we just have a serious case of hypocrisy.
In January Aetna announced they’d raise their minimum wage to $16 an hour.
Company execs made a point to say they’d not fund the minimum wage increase “through job eliminations.”
But then a couple days later they turned around and fired a bunch of workers.
We know that 11 workers in Tennessee were fired and that their worker’s comp services jobs would be off-shored to the Philippines.
“Several management staff remain on payroll for now,” the article said, “but their positions are also going to be eliminated after they train their Filipino replacements.”
That’s very kind of Aetna, isn’t it?
The real debate is whether we should be outsourcing jobs at all.
To take it further, should we even be creating the technology that allows outsourcing to call centers to happen in the first place?
Gianforte was creating that technology, as were about 500 other people in Bozeman.
Should we just not have that company and the people it employs because we know that eventually it’ll cause us to lose American jobs?
And which jobs are more important…the ones in Bozeman paying $50 an hour or so, or the ones in Tennessee that paid $16?
These are tough questions for Americans to ponder, yet thankfully for the large corporations, common Americans aren’t invited to the discussion.
We just create the technology and outsource the jobs and that way the bottom line is boosted.
It’s good for the economy…right?
Remember, the Democratic Governor’s Association is the one funding the Good Jobs Montana PAC that is making these claims.
The Democratic Governor's Association gets a lot of its funding from companies that outsource jobs to overseas call centers.
Still, this isn’t really an argument against call centers – Democrats love taking money from companies that have call centers overseas, after all.
Nope, it’s about Gianforte…and Democrats will try any tactic to ensure they can stay in power.
America will never be a great country again if we keep shipping our jobs overseas.
Why do we ship them overseas?
So company executives and shareholders can make a little bit more money and buy a bit more stuff.
That’s the whole reason, and it boils down to greed.