I really don’t see how the Democrat is going to win the PSC race in the western portion of the state, which is PSC #5 this year.
It’s Dem John Repke vs. the GOPer Ann Bukacek.
So far, Repke has raised $32,000 and spent $32,000. He teamed-up with a Missoula firm called Prosperi to pretty much do all the work for him (make campaign signs, do printing, mailing, website, social media).
I always wonder…if you can’t do that stuff yourself, do I really need you to represent me? Because if you can’t figure out what to do in that area…what other areas can’t you figure out?
Probably quite a few.
The Republican has raised $59,000 and spent $61,000. She decided to do all the work herself, teaming-up with several local businesses directly to get her word out. These are places like the Daily Interlake for advertising, Bee Broadcasting for radio ads, and a local graphics shop.
Why is it that one candidate can do all this on their own, but another has to hire someone to do that for them?
Why is that?
And why is it that the Democrat is $27,000 behind in fundraising?
I think it’s pretty obvious who’s gonna win this race - the Republican.
And that’s just following the money. We didn’t even get into the national nightmare of inflation.
Oh, and that’s going to get a lot worse for you and your family. Northwestern Energy wants to raise their rates by 15.9% in October and another 25.6% in January, for an increase of about 42% in the span of three months.
Is your pay going up by 42%?
Yeah, right - don’t make me laugh.
Of course, any business will just pass those costs onto you…if they can. I don’t know how much a locally-owned restaurant can increase the price of its hamburgers before you stop buying them.
But you will pay more to Northwestern Energy, because you have no choice. The idea of the PSC is that you should have a choice in energy supplies. But the PSC doesn’t really help you at all, hasn’t in years.
So, like most things in America today, expect this situation to get a lot worse.