How convenient is that!
So that’s good timing on the campaign's part (he’s doing an event in Missoula tonight).
Here’s what the thing looks like, front first:
I like flyers that have nice landscape images on them. Right away I feel good, and if I’ve been having a shitty day, I might even feel better.
So right away he’s got that going for him. I mean, look at those clouds – that’s nice.
Now, you have to realize that this is a tri-fold brochure. The first page I see is that part with his name at the top, real big.
Usually I’ll flip it over next to see the back, and that has the “Vote for Mark Sweeney PSC” bit.
At least now I know what this guy is running for.
If I look closely, I can also see that he’s from Philipsburg, or at least that’s where he’s doing all his mailings from.
He even has a website, I see there, which is
There’s really not much to the site except a plea for money. I mean, not even a blog?
C’mon, guys – you can at least put your thoughts and feelings and hopefully ideas down once a week.
Ok, once a month?
Can’t you do that for us? What the hell am I giving you money for, after all, if you can’t show a little get-up and go when it comes to the work?
Anyways, back to the flyer.
When I finally do open it I see that bit with Sweeney and his accomplishments.
When I look at it I get this image here:
Just at a glance, this shows me a lot more.
I can see that this guy is a hunter and he likes dogs.
Or…what the hell is it in that image? I guess it’s another dog there on the left, but is that a dead animal or something else behind them?
Anyways, the guy gets outside.
Besides that, I can see he cares about green energy and 21st-century solutions and a lot of other stuff like that.
He has a windmill up there in the corner, after all.
Now I know this is a Democrat.
Alright, at this point I can figure out if I want to keep looking or just throw this away.
He does have some coal trains, then some dams, and is that Colstrip there? Yep, but then the windmills.
Either you like the idea of going from coal to windmills or you don’t.
I think that might be one of the key takeaways that people have here.
After that they might read through the six paragraphs of text, though I doubt many will.
Most will read the part in bold that reads “It will be my job as a PSC commissioner to make sure utility rates remain as affordable as possible.”
That sounds good…but isn’t everyone running going to say that?
Overall, it seems like this guy has some ideas. This is what people will think:
He’s a 3rd generation Montanan, I see before closing up the brochure, and damn, those fields and hills and sky sure looks good.
Democrat, huh?
Well, I'll think about it.
Who’s the other guy runnin’?
Don’t know, huh? Well, hell – I’ll put this away a bit and think about it.
So that brochure didn’t get thrown away but it did get set next to the pile of old magazines, catalogues, charity calendars, and wide assortment of other detritus that clutters our homes.
Will it remain there to the primary, and on ‘till the general?
It’s hard to say.
Of course, Democrats will vote for him in droves.
They don't really matter, though - it's the independents you need.
Right now it seems that Sweeney has some money. The mailer I got had that brochure in an envelope, as well as a letter telling me of the Missoula event tonight.
Besides that it had a pre-paid postage printed directly on the envelope.
Yep, this guy has his campaign going. He should – he’s been elected a couple times before.
So we’ll see what happens. It’s a long way until November.