Are we in the End Times?
I’m sure the thought’s crossed your mind over the past few months. It’s crossed the mind of many Americans; indeed...many around the world.
The weather doesn’t help.
Today we have raging wildfires on the west coast; a massive body of water and wind approaching the east.
This week we saw the worst October weather we’ve ever seen hit the upper-midwest…just a few days after Colorado saw their worst wildfires.
Yeah, seems like End Times indeed.
If that kind of outlook appeals to you, then I highly suggest you check out this book called Lost Prophecies of the Future of America.
I bought a copy last month and finished it pretty quickly. It’s a very tough read, with chapters on economic collapse, famine, civil unrest, martial law, New Madrid earthquake, west coast earthquake, east coast tsunami, World War III, and Christian persecution.
It’s a tough read...and one that’s certainly not for everyone.
Voting for Biden?
This book probably isn’t for you.
And speaking of ‘bout them Philadelphia protests?
Hm...Philly....that’s in the state of Pennsylvania, isn’t it?
A real important state, too, I hear.
How do we know?
Because Biden has visited Pennsylvania ten times over the past two months, while Trump visited five times alone in September and he’s done so a couple more times in October, including yesterday.
So we know this state is’s just that the protesters/rioters do not.
I mean...don’t they know that their ‘efforts’ are hurting Biden and helping Trump? After all, most of us figure that’s exactly why the protests/riots stopped for the latter half of the summer and into fall, before starting up again this past week.
Playing right into Trump’s hands, those protesters are.
But then, they don’t really care who wins.
While a Trump win would be ideal as it allows them to continue to riot and loot with a viable reason (?), a Biden win certainly isn’t going to stop the rioting.
These are the disenfranchised, the downtrodden and the forgotten. No matter who’s in Washington, these people’s lives aren’t going to change.
The proletariat.
The big fear is that these proles are going to upset the apple cart something fierce starting next week.
There’s already signs that there’ll be widespread voter intimidation in several areas of the country. Examples include threats to burn down homes in New Hampshire, Trump vehicles rallies yelling at polling places, and a trailer park landlord telling tenants that rent will double if Biden is elected.
And it’s not even election day yet.
There’s already a group called ShutDown D.C. that’s going to flood into the nation’s capital on election night to ensure that Trump leaves...even though he doesn’t have to leave until January 20, and then only if he loses (78 days).
Notice that all this chaos is happening in the cities. The ‘heartland’ of America doesn’t have much to worry about. They have the food, they have the guns.
The cities?
Boy...what’s gonna happen when we have weeks-on-end of protests and riots, so much so that businesses grind to a halt (if they’re even still open with the second wave of lockdowns).
How are the trucks going to deliver to the supermarkets?
Here’s an image of a store shelf in Philadelphia last night:
We’ve seen large transport trucks stopped by mass protests on the interstate before. How long before the truckers decide to just stop delivering to those out-of-control, on-fire cities?
At that point the ‘peaceful protesters’ won’t be breaking into the fancy brand name stores to steal bags and coats; they’ll be breaking into whatever stores still have food on the shelves. After a week or two of no trucks, there won’t be many.
That’s when the food riots will start, with the strong subjugating the weak. Rape and murder and torture will be the order of the day. Mobs will form, with merciless leaders, and those mobs will begin moving toward the heartland, and their stores of food.
Of course, I could be wrong...and I hope I am.
I hope some semblance of law and order returns to those cities after they erupt next week.
The only certainty is that we don’t know what’s going to happen. There’s still time to prepare.