The Brexit
Across the pond voters in Britain said fuck you to the foreign bankers that control them and left the EU.
They will now have their sovereignty back, they will now have their freedom.
No longer will bankers in Luxembourg and Belgium and Switzerland tell them how much to pay in interest.
The vote scared the hell out of the banking class, with financial indexes in Germany going down 10% and Japan’s dropping by 8%.
So what.
We know that in America just half of the population plays in the Wall Street casino and I bet it’s similar over there.
If you're in the 'poor bastard' category like me, well...just 21% of us invest in the Wall Street casino.
Far more people are living in poverty than pissing their money away in the markets, far more people are struggling in the dying middle class to give a fuck about the bankers and their scare tactics.
And my goodness, those scare tactics were loud.
They didn’t work.
Scream and moan and bitch and wail…they did not work.
It’ll be the same in November with Hillary and her scare tactics, saying how bad Trump will be.
So what?
I don’t own stocks, I don’t own a home, I don’t have a pension, I don’t have retirement savings, I don’t have money in the bank for the kid’s college.
So please save your scare tactics and go cry wolf to someone else.
Or did our state propaganda blogs of the Dems not shut down for the better part of this week?
My, they are failures, and their message is a failure.
Let’s not forget that Gianforte is set to steamroll Bullock in November, and when Bullock’s sex scandal hits, he’s done.
I can’t wait.
And it's not like this has to happen, but in Bullock's case in particular, he's a chicken-shit.
Why not go on "Voices of America" radio show like Schweitzer used to do, or even KGVO News Talk here in Missoula?
Oh, yeah...those are Republican stations. So we'll kiss away those Reagan Democrats, the ones that will be voting for Trump in droves but might have voted for Bullock too...if he bothered to talk to them.
Perhaps some of those Columbia Falls mill workers - sorry, former mill workers - might vote for him too. Bullock won't go up there, however.
Bullock should also be blasting corporate America but he's tied at the hip with Hillary.
Sorry, Hillary's money.
So I'm looking forward to Bullock losing this year and I'm looking forward to primarying Tester in 2018.
My God, isn’t it an exciting time to be alive!
Finally, after decades of being controlled by foreign banking powers through the financial systems they foisted upon us, we’re done.
We’ve severed the ties – at least Britain has – and when Trump gets in in November we’ll do so in America to.
Just think, after 113 years we’ll get rid of the third Bank of the United States, that vile and un-audited Federal Reserve.
How much of our money do you think they stole from us and shipped overseas?
To put it another way…how much gold do we even have in America anymore?
But don’t worry about that – what do you need real money for when you can trust the bankers and their blips and splotches on the ol’ computer screen?
Yep, digital currency…what could go wrong?
I hope we see more countries leave the EU, like those southern countries that have shit economies.
The ultimate would be to see Germany’s economy plummet, perhaps their Syrian refugees rebel.
That shithole convinced every European country but themselves to ship their manufacturing away, and now everything that’s made in Europe is made there.
Germany is the one to be wary of, and I think we saw that back in 1914 and in 1936 as well. Most of Europe learned it again in 2016 with the German calls to flood their towns and cities with unemployed foreigners with no skills and no language abilities.
Yes, Germany is a big problem and I hope they suffer.
One country that won’t be suffering is Britain. Sure, stocks are down 8% but so what?
Most of those voting don’t own stocks. Remember, just 1% of the world’s population plays in that Wall Street casino – most just suffer its wrath.
But that’s coming to an end now, nationalism is rising and globalism is on the run.
That’s great for America as it means we might start giving a shit about our borders again. Right now we just let people cross anywhere they like.
Anyways, let’s move on to presidential politics.
Bernie or Bust
I think it’s clear that Bernie is done.
That was on the Washington Post site this morning.
I think it should be obvious to you by now that I was never going to vote for Hillary.
I looked into Jill Stein a bit, but I’m not really looking to throw my vote away like I did in 2000.
Nope, this year it’ll be the GOP, because frankly, the GOP under Trump is doing a helluva better talking up Democratic issues than the Democrats under Hillary are.
Hillary is a joke, tied at the hip with foreign and corporate bankers. We mentioned yesterday all the “blood money” she’s taken from large PACs and corporations.
Do you honestly think your family is more important to her than those big money donors?
I don’t.
Now, does Trump care about me?
I don’t think so.
But hot damn, Trump is saying what I like to hear!
- Bring back American jobs
- Start making stuff again
- Protect our borders
- Get out of debt
- Pay a living wage
- Healthcare that’s affordable
- A shovel-ready wall with Mexico
- Better trade deals with China
- Making the VA work again
- Making the rich pay taxes
- Leaving gun laws alone
You can find most of those on the positions page of Trump’s website.
I can’t find Hillary’s positions anywhere, just the tired generic Democrat talking points that have been kicked around for years.
To be honest, you’ll be hearing me talk up Trump for the next 4.5 months now.
If you don’t like that, please, just go.
Go read Cowturd and ID, the state’s two Democratic mouthpiece blogs.
They haven’t put up a new post in 3 to 4 days, and I figure it’s because they have the twin failures of Tester and Bullock to justify.
I mean, one of them is voting against the very gun proposals you they talk up all the time, while the other one is cheating on his wife and firing people to cover it up so he can stay in power.
I just don’t need that in my life.
For Tester, the man’s got a huge belly but he’s got no fire in it. His gun vote has many wondering if he’s a Democrat.
Oh, I guess he’s a Montana Democrat, meaning he can vote however the hell he wants because he’s in a tough state.
Fuck that.
If Montana Democrats are mad at Tester and tons of people like me are mad at him, then for God’s sake, let’s primary his ass in 2018!
There was a damn good post on this on RD this week, one showing how blinded-by-loyalty Democrats like Ellie Hill will just vote for Tester regardless of what he does.
Because, my God, he’s a Democrat and I’m a Democrat and if I do enough brown-nosing, kissing ass and licking feet then I can be part of the club too.
Good luck with that.
You might get a higher position but you’ve shown everyone you have no spine.
I’m not sure which Montana Democrats have spines these days. I certainly do, as I’ll go right up to you and look you in the eye and ask how you’re helping my life and then ask you to justify why you’re not.
It’s why I’m blocked on social media, never have my calls returned from state workers during state hours, and why Democrats in the state call me a Republican, anti-semitic, or whatever else they think might shut me the hell up.
Alas, I’m still here.
Bernie’s not here, as he’s given up. So much for going all the way to the convention, huh?
So I can’t wait to vote for Trump in the fall and if that bothers you, I can live with it.
Going Bonkers
‘Bonkers’ means going mad or crazy.
Lots of people think that voting for Trump is bonkers.
For instance, how about all the talk this week that Trump’s policies will ruin the American economy?
I’m sorry…wasn’t the American economy ruined in 2008?
For me, it’s still in ruins.
Oh, that’s right – we only want the economy to fail when the rich profit off that failure, as they did in 2008.
When Hillary puts hubby Bill in charge of the economy again, we know that’s what will happen – Hillary and her ilk will profit while you and your family experience another lost decade.
Moody’s was the big one trotting out the doom and gloom this week.
By their reckoning, the US will lose 3.5 million jobs by 2020 if Trump is elected.
Considering that we lost 5 million manufacturing jobs in this country since the year 2000, maybe that’s an improvement.
Used to be 25% of Americans that were in a manufacturing job, now it’s 10%.
Something else that Moody’s is saying is that we’ll lose tons of “international trade, immigration and direct foreign investment” because of the isolationism that Trump will give us.
I think that’s great, as it’ll force us to start making things here again. Wow, just think off all the reduced transportation costs!
Hell, it’s pricey buyin’ all the oil to run those tankers of cheap plastic shit from China to our shores.
Why don’t we just stop doing that? Ain’t gonna hurt me none, and hell, if I can get a job making some cheap plastic shit here, even better.
But that wouldn’t profit the globalists and investors and moneyed class like the 1% that Hillary represents, that Democrats now represent.
Yeah, Trump took all the working class issues away from the Democrats this year…and Democrats didn’t even care.
Not one hoot or whistle out of ‘em, not one.
I’ve been saying for years that the best move in the political playbook is to take your opponent’s issues and make them your own.
Trump did that, and it’s why he has the blue-collars and the poor and the uneducated, voters that would typically go with the Dems if the Dems still cared about them.
Now Dems browbeat those folks.
No, Dems don’t care about the downtrodden and working class anymore, they only care about those throwing their money at the Wall Street casino.
That’s not the Democratic Party I know, and most of those walking around calling themselves Democrats today I have to shake my head at.
We’re told that under Trump “savings will shrink, influenced, partially, by declining stock prices and real estate value.”
Again, I have no savings I have no stocks and I don’t own real estate.
So I won't get hurt. To me, Trump scaring the hell out of the ruling class is a huge reason to vote for him!
Again, how is Trump going to hurt me?
He’s not.
He’s going to hurt those that have their thumb over me, those that are holding me down.
I like that, I like the idea of them getting hurt, I like it a lot.
If you like it too then you’ll love reading this site for the next few months.
Hell, you love it now.
So keep coming back and I’ll keep writing.