If so you no doubt saw my Tweets mentioning University of Montana President Royce Engstrom.
Well, if you weren’t you’ll see it all right here.
Let’s get started.
I decided to go after Engstrom because the man has got to be stopped.
I honestly don’t know how his level of incompetence has managed to hang on so long.
I personally believe that he’s cozy with Bullock, and that’s what’s allowing the man to keep his job.
What else could it be?
I mean, the University of Montana has been driven into the ground under this man.
That’s what I tried to make clear yesterday on Twitter. I did that through very simple images, some facts, and some fun commentary.
Here’s what that looked like
I posted one of those about every hour, though sometimes every 30 minutes.
My goal was to go all day, staying on message and using discipline. I wanted to send out the last Tweet just before people went home at 5 o’clock.
Here are some of the analytics:
I went ahead and captured those screenshots around 10 PM the evening of the campaign. I figured that was about the time most Montana political types would be hitting the hay.
Clearly, some posts did better than others.
The posts that required someone to click to see the full text were the posts that got the most engagement.
There were no favorites or shares, nor did I expect there to be – people are afraid.
Yeah, people are afraid. They know full-well that if they’re not a tenured professor and they speak out against the crook in Main Hall, they’ll lose their job.
I have no doubt about that at all.
I know no one on #mtpol will favorite anything I put out – they might be lowered in the eyes of whomever’s paying their salary.
I have no doubt about that at all.
The only one that’s ever challenged Engstrom is the History Department’s Mehrdad Kia and that was back in 2013.
I took Iranian history from Kia and Central Asian history from his brother. We need more professors that aren’t afraid to speak out against injustice where they see it.
Few others do that, and it’s a shame.
Can you blame ‘em, though? Right now the University of Montana is a tough place to be.
Anyways, those were the analytics.
What I can’t measure are the head nods, the smiles, the laughs, the shaking of heads and all the other things that people do when they’re at their computer alone and no one’s watching.
See, it’s quite the intimate encounter, and that’s how you make the sale, do the convincing, and get the job done.
Sow those seeds.
I did yesterday, and I’ll do so again.
That’s what social media marketing is all about – getting your message out there, and in a better way than your competitors. That means you win.
We’ll see if Royce Engstrom continues to “win.” He’s sure raking in the dough.
The University of Montana continues to suffer as a result.
Does anyone care? No one in Helena does, except GOP legislators. They hold the carrot and the stick and they’ll cut funding to UM.
I see no reason why they shouldn’t.
If we’re going to have corrupt and incompetent “leadership” at UM then there’s simply no reason to fund that institution.
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