- Saturday, February 20: South Carolina Primary
- Tuesday, February 23: Nevada Primary
- March 1: Super Tuesday. Twelve states have a primary or a caucus, including the critical swing states of Colorado, Virginia, and Tennessee.
- March 5: Kansas and Louisiana have primaries.
- March 8: Mississippi and Michigan have primaries.
- March 15: Mini-Super Tuesday: Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio have primaries.
If the election isn’t wrapped up by then, I’ll be surprised.
Already this week we lost two idiots:
- Fat-ass and loud-mouth Chris Christie, who’s political ambitions were more important than drivers using a bridge to get to work.
- The business dunce Carly Fiorina, who drove her company’s workers into the ground and wanted to do the same for America’s.
We’re blessed those idiots have left us.
Still, we have a lot of others.
For the GOP the most humorous is Bush, rolling out his mother to try and help him.
Did you see that footage of her with the walker going into the New Hampshire diner in the blowing snow?
God, he’s desperate.
Now Jeb’s trying to spin an 11%, 4th place finish as a mounting comeback.
What a poor, delusional man he is.
Of course the establishment has their next go-to puppet, and that’s Rubio.
Boy, he’s about as plastic as you can get, huh?
I didn’t see the debate performance where he repeated the same thing 4 times, but I heard a lot about it later.
Now he’s trying to go with a brokered convention. Clearly, he knows he has no chances unless the 1% pulls the strings for him.
Cruz is one to watch. Ever notice how not a single Senator endorsed him?
If the people that work with the guy hate him, how is anything going to get done?
How Cruz ever elevated himself beyond a Texas tire shop is beyond me.
Overall, we just see the media (all owned by huge corporations, all expecting that campaign cash that’s been earmarked for them in the form of TV advertising) ignoring Trump.
It’s clear to me that Trump is the one people want.
Boy, that scares the hell out of those people in cushy offices, the ones that got there on the back of your decades-long misery.
When it comes to Clinton it’s clear she’s got some problems.
Mainly, millions of ‘em and they’re called millennials.
These are young voters, the kind everyone knows they need, everyone tries to get, and the kind that leaves everyone wondering…why didn’t they vote?
It comes down to message and what resonates based on what’s important in your life.
For young people, that’s Wall Street.
Bernie Sanders has made it clear he’s trying to fight Wall Street, and make the playing field in America a bit more level in the process.
Hillary, however, is taking as much money from Wall Street as she can in the form of speaking fees (bribes).
She’s now backtracking, saying she’ll stand up to and even fight Wall Street.
What you’re seeing here is a classic dictating of your message by your opponent.
Hillary has no message – she’s trying to steal the bits and crumbs of the message that’s working for Sanders.
Overwhelmingly, that’s pandering to the youth vote, which means talking tough on Wall Street.
She’s got problems, the flip-floppety variety.
The good thing for Hillary is that we’re heading into Clinton country, which is the south.
Don’t let that silly Harlem photo-op yesterday fool you. Despite what Al Sharpton might say, black voters will go to Hillary.
In the south that’s doubly true, though I think those in Harlem will as well.
Hell, Hillary represented them in the Senate and Bill set up his office in their neighborhood.
The Big 2016 Race in Montana
Gianforte is making Bullock’s message. This is happening for a variety of reasons:
- First, Bullock has no ground campaign. Gianforte, on the other hand, is going around to places in the state each and every day.
- Next, Gianforte’s jobs message is unrelenting and Bullock has to copy it. We saw this most recently with the Medicaid jobs training plan.
- Then, Bullock is so far relying on a message of recriminations and ridicule, mainly going after Gianforte on his anti-LGBT views and his religious beliefs. Gianforte ignores this, staying on message about jobs. When the first polls come out we’ll see which has been more effective.
- Finally, Gianforte is staying in the rural areas, taking pot-shots at the governor from the safety of a place that supports him. Bullock is hesitant to head to those areas, for he has little support and knows he probably won’t get any. Meanwhile, Gianforte stays away from the cities, effectively pushing the same rural, GOP-centered message that Bullock would rather not talk about.
How would Bullock overcome these challenges?
That’s hard to say. Currently his campaign is run by two East Coast young men that, like Bullock, will always feel more comfortable in the urban areas.
The problem is that those areas are likely going to go for Bullock already.
The question is, will they be enough?
Again, we get back to the presidential race, as that’s what’s going to drive turnout.
The GOPers in Montana will be excited to get out and get rid of Bullock. Democrats like me and Independents, however, will not.
So it comes down to who’s on the presidential ticket in November. If it’s Sanders, wow, Democratic turnout will be through the roof.
If it’s Hillary, expect a lot of Dems to stay home and the Independents to go for Trump (if he’s the nominee, which I believe he will be).
That’s why I’m baffled the Montana Democratic Party brass is supporting Hillary.
Their chances of seeing Bullock reelected, and thus their chances of keeping their own jobs, go way down should Hillary be the nominee.
The thing is…maybe they don’t care. Maybe they’ll make more money via campaign donations and off-cycle donations if a Republican gets in the White House.
It could also be that they think Hillary has the best chances. Remember, the Montana Democratic Party is run by very old people, the typical Hillary supporter.
As Gianforte tells us everyday too, those millennials that might have supported Montana Democrats have been leaving the state in droves.
So the Democrats have problems.
Myself, I fully expect the MT Senate and House to go to the GOP, I expect the Executive Director of the Montana Democratic Party to change again, and I expect we’ll see another MDLCC director come and go as well.
The fundamental problems that Montana Democrats have will remain, however. Those include:
- A message that doesn’t resonate with the majority of the state;
- People not understanding how the Democrats benefit them;
- A lack of ideas on any kind of meaningful change in my life.
Those are just a few that I see, that trickle down from one election cycle to another.
I’m angry that Democrats can’t do better because I know Republicans don’t give a shit about me.
Alas, Dems have realized they can suck off the same corrupt, corporate trough as the GOP and pay no consequences.
Where am I going to go, right?
Either vote for the Democrats or see your life get worse…that’s the main argument I see from the party.
You know, the more I think about it, maybe I’ll just stay home this year and not vote.