I’m very grateful that you’re reading it as well.
Lately I feel that I’ve been doing well with the articles, getting interesting news and ideas out there.
Perhaps you agree, perhaps you don’t.
Either way, I’ll keep putting up posts that discuss Montana and national politics and the troubles that this country faces.
I’ll also complain a bit.
News Frustrations
That happens a lot but at the moment I’m not happy at something in particular.
That’s the lack of new news.
For the most part, I’m talking about the sites I go to.
For instance, there’s no new post at Reptile Dysfunction today.
I’m not happy about that.
I like to read a new post there each day, damn it!
So far this month the site has gone 9 days without putting up a new post.
I don’t like that.
I don’t like reading the same thing two days in a row.
Up at Flathead Memo it was about 2 days without a post before we got something new.
And I don’t really count that last weekend one as a post as it’s one of the ‘song’ posts.
I don’t like those.
At least there was some commentary with that one, which I did like.
I suppose what I’m getting at is that I’d like more.
More posts about thoughts on Montana, more posts about our country’s problems, and more posts that give me something to read when I’m taking a break from whatever ‘work’ I’m doing.
At Logicosity we haven’t had a post since Sunday.
That site seems to be slipping, putting up more random thought posts that, well…probably don’t appeal to the audience they’ve built up.
Together with their now-spotty posting schedule, well gosh, I can’t help but think we’re nearing the end.
These are the main sites I go to throughout the day:
On those last three I pretty much just read the headlines and try to keep under 10 articles a month.
If there is a headline I like I’ll usually Google the subject and find the story on a free site, or at least one I don’t care about using up 10 articles at.
I like the state TV news sites as they have new stories quite a bit. They’re short, but at least you get an idea of what’s happening.
I also check the TV sites when I see an interesting Missoulian headline. Many times I can save an article click that way, reading it on the TV news site instead.
I only go to the Indy site once a week, though they do update their blog a bit more than that.
Besides that…not much.
I listen to the radio and don’t have TV.
I wish we had more Montana sites putting out views and opinions. It’s hard to stay going, however, and many sites dry up. Many others are afraid to get started.
Sterilize Her?
She was on meth and her 2-year-old son died after some “roughhousing.”
Now she’s going to prison for at least 5 years.
Many don’t think that’s enough time. Others think that this woman should be sterilized.
Well, that’s what someone said in the comments of the article.
I wonder…how many know the history of sterilizations in Montana?
I wrote about it in my book Feds and Farmers and I put a few snippets up in a comment on the site.
Perhaps some will read it and think a bit more about the issue.
Hillary’s Bank Fraud
The Observer had the story today, called Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors.
It seems that one-time donors are getting charged $25 or maybe $20 or $40 after their initial donation.
There are hundreds of people calling Wells Fargo each day requesting refunds, and in some cases reporting fraud.
Bank representatives estimate that they refund $700 to $1,200 a day…and that’s just from people that call in.
Think about how many just let Hillary steal from them, figuring it’ll help her beat Trump.
It’s sad.
When people call the Hillary campaign they get nowhere so they have no choice but to call the bank, which refunds the money.
“It took me at least 40 to 50 phone calls to the campaign office before I finally got ahold of someone,” one person said.
What’s especially bad is that the state’s can only forward these fraud complaints to the FEC, which does nothing.
It’s no surprise, really – that agency, like all government agencies, is staffed and controlled by political cronies.
Most want Hillary to win – they’ll be rewarded and enriched even more.
Hillary pulled these same stunts in 2008, and the campaign refunded $2.8 million in these small $20 here and $40 there donations.
What’s especially sick is that Hillary not only rips off donors but the campaign workers she’s got on staff too.
One woman was overcharged thousands of dollars on her card in 2008 while working on Hillary’s campaign.
Hillary fought tooth and nail to keep that money and even “begging and pleading” did nothing. Finally the worker said she’d contact authorities and the money was returned, though not $400 in overdraft charges.
It’s sad what Hillary will do, but I know if she’s elected more Americans will discover her sins of greed.
When that happens the country can finally start to turn away from the corrupt and despicable two-party system.