Let’s cut right through it.
The Trump Rally
The other day, NBC Montana said it cost Montana taxpayers $75,000 to host both Trump and Pence in both Great Falls and Billings this year, respectively.
That might be low, as the GF Trib reported back in July that the cost for Trump alone was $57,000…if you subtract the $21,000 in revenue that the visit created.
So that’s nearly $100,000 so far so that these two can campaign for Rosendale.
I think that’s a misuse of taxpayer money.
There used to be a time when Republicans were concerned about money and where it was spent and what the budget looked like.
Those days are long gone.
Our Terrible Choices
I’m just disappointed in all of it.
I can’t imagine voting for Tester. This guy doesn’t know a thing about my life or my problems. He’ll do anything to keep his job.
I can’t imagine voting for Rosendale, either. This man doesn’t care about me…never will. The idea that he’ll do anything during his 6 years in Washington to help me is laughable.
One is so morbidly obese that I don’t see him finishing a second term, and the other has an accent so thick that I can barely understand what he’s saying.
You’d think that the highly-paid staffers of Tester would make him lose weight, and you’d think the staffers for Rosendale would get him some speech classes.
But you can’t tell these high-class pricks what to do. Oh, you can make suggestions, but they’re so far above us that most of the time they just laugh.
Tester and Rosendale – two world class losers that’ve been shoved down our throats.
I’m reminded of the 2016 Election, when we also had two terrible choices.
This year I don’t plan on voting for either of those two terrible choices.
I should say four – I don’t see any reason to vote for Williams or Gianforte, either.
Neither of those two cares about me or my problems. Both will pretend they do until November, and after that they’ll stop.
So for both of Montana’s two top-tier races, I don’t plan on voting. There’s simply no reason to.
Nothing in my life will change regardless.
That Mess in Syria
I guess Syria is in the news.
Here’s a country that hasn’t had one ounce of an impact on my life…aside from how many tax dollars my loser-representatives are throwing at it.
In fact, those losers in Washington actually funded a disparate group of Saudi ‘freedom fighters,’ which eventually became ISIS.
Now those same Washington/Saudi-funded ‘freedom fighters’ have their ass in a corner in some shithole called Iblid.
I suspect our corporate media will shove a bunch of videos of Syrian kids getting gassed or killed down our throats.
Please…don’t waste your time.
I don’t care about Syria. I don’t care about kids in Syria, and I don’t care if said kids are dying.
I don’t care that 500,000 people have died there over the past 7 years, and I don’t care that more will die.
I have my own problems.
99% of Americans feel just like I do.
Oh, most of us will pretend we give a shit, but talk to us a couple days later when we’re stressed about work and the kids and getting to soccer practice, and we won’t even remember.
Most of us can’t even point to Syria on a map.
Despite that, the liberal diehards in this country made it their mission over the past few years to pull as many of these Syrian refugees into this country as they possibly could.
Never forget that it was refugees that brought down the European Union, brought about Brexit.
Your tax dollars at work.
Could have fixed roads with those tax dollars, or maybe built a few schools.
Oh…that’s right – we only do that in Middle Eastern countries.
While Iraq has seen more US school construction than taxpaying neighborhoods in the US, this in no way has helped America.
We’ll never get out of Iraq, same as we’ll never get out of Afghanistan.
There’s been a lot of nostalgia this past week for George W. Bush, especially with the McCain funeral.
My, how short our memories are.
Here’s a man that got us into a war in Afghanistan so we could secure Big Pharma’s opium crop, all under the pretenses of fighting terrorism.
Then six months later he lies about yellow cake and WMD’s in Iraq and has his staffers lie about it too.
Now we’ve been in a war in that country for over 15 years, all so we can protect the oil supplies of the rich Americans and the rich Saudis.
America’s blood and treasure right down the drain so we can continue to prop up the 1%.
Our Shitty Supreme Court
When I think about Bush I think about the two terrible Supreme Court picks he gave us – Roberts and Alito.
Do you actually think those two men care about you?
Obama gave us a couple other entitled folks, and now we have Trump giving us a few more.
Currently the nonsense surrounds Kavanaugh.
This man doesn’t care about you or your family or your problems. He doesn’t even understand them.
He’ll easily be confirmed, and Democrats will make a fuss.
My goodness, have they looked silly this week. What do we have…Corey Booker and Kamala Harris and a few of the other losers that make $175,000 a year while pretending to care about us?
The confirmation hearing this week was nothing more than a trial run for who might be able to challenge Trump in 2020.
And my did Democrats come up short.
Right now, Trump will easily win a second term. Democrats are powerless to stop this. They just don’t have candidates that people care about.
The 2019 Legislature
Wow, what a cluster fuck this’ll be.
If Democrats in Montana had any sense, they’d pull Steve Bullock’s ass out of Iowa and New Hampshire and get him back to Montana.
How in the hell do Democrats plan to get anything out of the legislature next session… a session that starts in 4 months?
I have a gut feeling that there are a lot of Montana Democrats that want Steve Bullock to pull back on the reins and get back to Montana.
They want him to come up with a sensible budget, and they want him to come up with legislative priorities.
I dunno, maybe even some of them want him to talk to Republicans so they can work together to make this state better.
But none of those things will happen.
Bullock is too busy chasing the skirt of his presidential ambitions. All of Montana loses because of this.
I tried to tell you yesterday about the massive budget shortfall we’ll have, one that is coming about because the federal payouts to the states for Obamacare are ending.
But no one cared.
I mean…Trump was in town, and then we had that Supreme Court hearing, and on top of it, most of us have to go out and work each day so we can pay the bills.
Why should we give a fuck that our state will be short around $50 million in a few months? We didn't create this mess. But we'll pay for it.
Finally, I have to mention that anonymous letter to the New York Times this week about Trump’s tenure.
The way I see it, we have a taxpayer-funded government employee trying to undermine who he works for.
Imagine if I did that with one of my private sector jobs…tried to undermine my boss or the business, mainly in an attempt to lose them money or see them fail.
Should anyone find out, I’d be fired.
What I find so troubling about this situation is that the anonymous person even admitted to keeping papers away from the president, while hinting that other top officials – some of them in the military – did not follow orders.
Usually during times of war, you’d be shot for that.
All I’ve heard from our liberal, corporate-owned media, however, is that this anonymous writer is some kind of hero.
A hero because they want to protect the decades-long status-quo.
People forget that we have record-low unemployment, and that for the first time in decades, minorities are actually out working for money instead of begging taxpayers for it.
We forget that relations with North Korea have been better than at any point since 1950.
And while a reporter that hasn’t broken a story in over 40 years might be getting all the spotlight right now, here are some other things that Trump has actually managed to do in his 600 days in office:
- 4 million jobs created
- Highest level of median household income ever
- Highest level of employment ever
- Lowest levels of unemployment in 49 years
- Nearly 4 million Americans off food stamps
- Lowest small business tax rate in 80 years
- A drop of 16% in high-dose opioid prescriptions
- Coal exports up 60%
- NATO allies spending $69 billion more on defense
Look – Stormy Daniels couldn’t do it, and Omarosa and her book couldn’t do it.
This week Democrats are trying the Bob Woodward approach, but that ain’t gonna work either.
There might be a few more straws for Dems to grasp at before the election, but the election will be their main push.
And my how they’ll be disappointed when the rest of America doesn’t go along with their urban, educated, and well-off blue wave.
I expect the red tide will come in as it always does, and then it’ll be back to the drawing board for Dems.
Meanwhile, you and I will continue to get up each day and do the true work that keeps this country running, despite all the bullshit we have to cut through each day.
Broxton, Deion. “Officials prepare for President Trump’s Billings rally.” NBC Montana. 5 September 2018. https://nbcmontana.com/news/local/officials-prepping-for-president-trumps-billings-rally
Larson, Seaborn. “Presidential visit expenses near $80,000 for local and state agencies.” Great Falls Tribune. 18 July 2018. https://www.greatfallstribune.com/story/news/crime/2018/07/18/trump-rally-expenses-near-80-000-city-county-and-state-agencies-president-great-falls-donald/797195002/