That’s what a lot of people must be asking themselves as they read and watch the news.
Do you take me for an idiot?
I think the answer is a resounding, ‘yes!’
Whether it’s ripping off the American taxpayer by billions of dollars, telling the same old lies about helping people, or pretending to give a damn about our dying environment, we’re taken for idiots.
The media takes us for idiots, the rich businessmen do, and you know for a fact that our politicians do.
There is no more accountability for politicians – we just had an election.
That clown Bullock doesn’t have to be accountable to anyone ever again, or at least for another 4 years if he wants to try for another office.
It’s why he’s pushing for sales taxes, medicine taxes, sin taxes, and all at the same time he’s using bonding to prop up even the most basic of state agency spending.
There’s no accountability for Steve Daines either. He’s also not up for 4 years, and Dems have stopped bothering to point out his absurdities.
We can’t count on the media for shit when it comes to accountability.
Did you think they were going to tell us about Air Force One’s staggering cost?
I don’t.
I don’t think so at all.
They were going to let us just bend over and take it.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d snicker and laugh to themselves as we were being fucked.
Why should they care?
Thank God we have someone that cares.
That ‘someone’ is Trump.
Trump’s Tactics
To actually call out a high-balling CEO like that!
Why wasn’t it done before?
I mean, Trump knows the cost of a Boeing 747 because he has one, he’s bought one before.
So it should come as no surprise that he lambasts Boeing for ripping off taxpayers.
Or is that not what’s been going on?
Because to me, when you’re going to pay $4 billion for an airplane it’s clear that you’re getting ripped off.
Usually a Boeing 747 costs $379 million.
That means Boeing is trying to charge the American taxpayer 80% more than they would a regular business buyer.
That company is scum.
Oh, I’m sure the workers there are alright. It’s just that the people at the top are no better than the shit on your shoes.
But then I’m the kind of person that thinks paying $13 billion for these boondoggle battleships is a terrible idea as well.
Corrupt businessmen that want to take advantage of American taxpayers for their own financial benefit do not, however.
That’s why I’m so thankful Trump is going to be president – he’ll call out these assholes for their bullshit.
God, I love it.
Now we have Big Pharma getting nervous too, and all because Trump is saying drugs cost too much.
Hot damn – why hasn’t anyone in a high-level position said this sooner?
Maybe they have, but it sure didn’t have the impact that Trump’s saying it has.
Already Big Pharma is losing money as their stock prices slide.
You and I both know full-well that those leeches in high level positions only understand one thing – money.
When their balance sheets start bleeding red, they’ll pay attention real quick.
More importantly, they’ll become more conducive to change.
Hell, they’ll do anything to get that stock price up and keep their rosy position secure!
Again, this is why I’m happy that Trump gets up early each morning and takes his message to Twitter.
Those rich businessmen need a good tongue-lashing.
I’m glad they’re finally getting it.
Oh Jon, Jon, Jon
The guy’s got one hell of an uphill battle.
Logicosity had good analysis of this recently in a post called Warning Signs Everywhere.
Mainly, he can’t get the job done.
The VA center at Fort Harrison in Helena is being rated as a 2-star facility.
That’s terrible.
For years now we’ve known the VA in Helena is not working.
Hell, if you’re a nurse that reports surgical towels left in a patient after an operation, you’ll be fired.
That’s the VA. It’s broken. It has been for years.
Jon Tester can’t do anything about this.
I feel Lola Zinke will do more to fix the VA’s problems than Tester will.
So that’s why I have no problem with Tester losing in 2018 and Zinke winning.
I won’t vote for Tester.
He’s a failure. He’s failing Montana veterans, not just a little bit, but big time!
I fully expect him to lose.
Won’t make no difference in my life.
I can’t think of one thing Tester’s done for my life now.
And that’s his problem.
If he’s such an important figure in Washington and so important to Montana, why doesn’t he act like it?
He needs to think big and start talking big.
This country’s fucked up and we all know it – it’s why we voted for Trump.
Tester needs to get a new message, one that acknowledges the deep resentment that people feel toward politicians like him.
He needs to acknowledge and offer solutions for the despair that tens of thousands of working Montanans are feeling.
But I think he’ll stick to the same old tired song and dance while raising a bunch of money from big donors.
And I fully expect him to lose because of it.
Those Damn Birds
Didn’t the 10,000 that landed in the Berkeley Pit waters on November 28 know that those waters were heavily contaminated?
One scientist told CNN that the birds “lack the critical reasoning skills to avoid environmental dangers like an old pit mine.”
Is that an excuse?
Do we need one?
Hell, there are no consequences or accountability here and the national media attention on this story has been nearly nonexistent.
So life will go on…just not for those 10,000 birds.
And should we really care about this?
The pit closed in 1982, got labeled a superfund site in 1983, and then for the past 34 years it’s sat there.
“EPA officials are allowing the basin to fill to a critical level before requiring Montana Resources and Atlantic Richfield Co….to begin pumping and treating the water,” the LA Times tells us.
If they don’t eventually treat that water there’s a good chance it’ll get into the groundwater, contaminate what people in Butte drink and then contaminate what people in Missoula drink.
That’s going to happen, it’s just a matter of time.
Again, should we care?
Because honestly, caring means doing something.
Doing something means spending money.
Do you really want the rich businessmen that own ARCO and Montana Resources to have to pay to fix this up?
Hell, they just bought the place…it was a shithole before that!
And do you really want Uncle Sam paying the cleanup costs for this?
We need money to kill people in Iraq and Afghanistan, after all.
Isn’t that more important than your drinking water?
Think long and hard about that, because if you give the wrong answer maybe you don’t really care about our troops.
What the fuck’s wrong with you pal? You think your drinking water is more important than our troops?
What…are you a commy, too?
Get your head on straight – in America we don’t give a damn about people and their drinking water or how contaminated their backyard is.
We care about our corporations and their money.
Your family doesn’t factor into it.
No Joints to Pass
Just because you’re reading about Judge Reynolds’ order to allow Montana medical marijuana shops to open immediately, it doesn’t mean you can get pot.
For the 10,000 or so people that had their cards revoked on August 31, it’ll take a lot longer than ‘immediately.’
I wish the Montana reporters were giving us more news.
So for I’ve found Missoula medical marijuana provider, Flower, to be the most informative.
It seems that people that had their card revoked should contact the last doctor or clinic they got their card from.
You’ll then need to sign-up for a new appointment so you can get the doctor’s prescription that you’ll then send to the state.
So far I see that Alternative Wellness, Caduceus Medical Partners, Cannabis Clinic of Montana, and River City Whole Health are all doing clinics next week.
Some people have already done their doctor’s appointment and have their paperwork ready.
That’ll probably be processed quickly and we’ll see stories in a week or two about people getting access again.
I wonder how Jeff Essman feels about this.
It was his 2011 legislative bill that created this legal mess in the first place.
At least 800 jobs were lost between February and August 31 because of what he did.
Democrats put up a candidate against Essman, but the candidate had their name struck from the ballot after they failed to do the required paperwork.
Essman ran unopposed for his legislative seat.
All I can do when I think about that is take a deep sigh and look out the window at the spruce trees.
I shake my head and take another deep breath and wonder if Democrats will ever get their act together, ever come up with a viable message that voters in Essman-like districts give damn about.
I hope so.
Until then, a lot of time and money was spent undoing what Essman did.
Another Republican that fucked the state over is Fred Thomas.
I’ll spare you my vile and venom and let you read the history of that piece of shit on Logicosity.
In the Cupboard
Ain’t gonna have much impact on my life.
The only one that really caught my eye was 2014 U.S. House candidate John Lewis getting picked for Admin.
Has he ever worked for the state before?
I dunno.
Usually in a department head you want someone that doesn’t know anything about the agency they’re taking over.
That way the current workers can train their boss.
It’s how government ‘works.’
And to be honest, I like John Lewis.
Sure, he lost big time 2 years ago, but no Democrat is going to win that seat – the Dem message is simply too terrible for them to win.
I was glad to see Meg O’Leary is getting the boot.
She turned into one helluva liability for Bullock, didn’t she?
Anyways, I can’t help but think the Bullock Helena bubble is still in place.
Most of these cabinet picks are from the Helena area or big cities.
Democrats once again signal that they don’t care about the rural areas or their problems.
That’ll be a tough one to get over when the 2018 elections come up.
Oh well, we already know that in 2018 the Dems won’t be taking either chamber of the legislature.
Probably won’t in 2020 either.
2022 isn’t looking so hot, now that we’re on the subject.
How about 2024?
That’s 8 years from now.
Think Montana Dems might have figured out a winning formula by then?
I hope so, but I’m not holding my breath.
Remember, we’re not even talking about a new message that resonates with voters.
Mostly Democrats in Montana and around the country continue to wallow in their despair and self-pity while pointing at the popular vote.
Around them the world goes on.
I’m sure the language won’t improve either.
And why not?
There are no real consequences.
Suffer monumental losses in the 2016 election and Democrats remain the same, the Party unchanged.
Get up each day and work hard at a job all your life and still struggle and barely survive.
Stand on the bridge and protest while holding your sign and the issues you care about remain as deadlocked and unsolvable as ever.
What difference does it make?
I guess we did just have a ‘win’ in North Dakota at Standing Rock, but I feel a pipeline will be going over or under a river somewhere and who knows what will happen when Trump gets in.
And let’s not forget the arctic blast of cold weather did more to end that protest than months of police brutality, human rights infringements, lackluster media attention, and the downright, stubborn doggedness of those protesters.
Shit, they stood out there for months and they didn’t move.
They got what they wanted because of it.
I think there’s a lesson in that, and maybe when some of the Montana blogs stop feeling sorry for themselves they’ll look into it.
Until then, stay informed.